Chapter 12 - Final

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When Leo pulls back, you look down at your shirt. 

You just realize how many buttons you have, and you begin undoing them a bit hurriedly. Leo is forever grateful that he's the only one who gets to see this side of you.

Because your personality is usually so laid back and collected. Much like him. Maybe that's why you work so well. Why you're both awkward messes when it comes to an environment you can't control. He takes your hand slowly, sliding the condoms from your palm as he places them on a desk nearby. His gaze moves back to you, and he just smiles. You've gotten through most of the buttons. Leo works on the remainder. You keep your eyes focused on him as he casually slips the last one out. Your shirt falls open.

"We have all night, so let's just enjoy this. You don't have to worry about anything. Neither of us have any experience, but I think it'll be great." His calming tone is doing wonders. He takes in the azure shade of your bra.

"Blue, my favorite color."

His statement alone drives you mad. Your needy expression must be obvious, because he pulls you in for a desperate kiss that you return. Your fingers glide down his chest, and he caresses your body.

He's walking you backwards, and he lifts you, electing a soft gasp. His tongue slides in and you memorize that taste as he lowers you to the bed. Leo slides your pants off easily. The heat between your legs is throbbing to the point that it's almost painful. You practically rip your bra off. When you're free of the garment, you buck into Leo's body. He groans at the friction. He's still in his pants and it makes you impatient.

"P-Please hurry.."

You beg.

Your words are like fuel.

Leo nods between your exchange of kisses as he frees himself. It takes a few moments, but to you it feels like an eternity. He's bare, and you kick off your underwear, ready and waiting. You just want him to take you, but he pulls away.

"W-Wait..t-the condoms.." He says breathlessly.

His eyes move to the desk, but you shake your head.

"It's okay, I've got the pill. "

The thought of being inside you with no barrier to separate is enticing. Leo's pupils are fully blown, and you nod at him.

"I want this."

You feel like you need him to know. Just in case he's unsure.

"I want you." He counters with a grin.

His hands part your legs gently, and you look down nervously. He's so close. Leo exhales. You're both breathing a bit unsteadily. His hips inch closer, and when his tip brushes against your entrance, your head drops against the pillow. Leo eases himself in, and you appreciate it. The fact that he's significantly bigger than the normal size would take some getting used to. Tears prickle at the corner of your eyes, and he sees them, freezing.

"A-Am I hurting you?"

He sounds concerned, and you can tell he's about to retreat.

"I-It's supposed to hurt. It's my first time p-please just..keep going.."

Leo is hesitant.

"But I don't want to hurt you.." His palm caresses your cheek, and you shake your head.

"You could never hurt me Leo." You reassure.

Leo kisses your cheek, and he doesn't move immediately.


You smile, pulling him in for a kiss. He returns it, slowly thrusting his hips forward. You both are fighting to hold in your sounds from all that you feel. Neither of you move. Leo is almost holding his breath. Your stomach coils. He's so deep inside you that it feels a bit unreal. Your body is slowly adjusting and it's beginning to feel incredible.

Leonardo (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) 2014-2016.Where stories live. Discover now