Chapter 6

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This is the first time that you've actually counted down the days.

"Everything okay? You're a little more quiet than usual."

Peter is walking you home, and you nod.

"Everything is fine."

That's far from the case, but it's not like you can tell him anything. 

Even if he believed you, there's nothing he can do.

You stop right at your door, pulling him into a hug. He looks a bit confused, and you notice the light flush that takes his cheeks when he pulls back.

"What was that for?"

"For being my friend." You respond.

He smiles.

"Then I should have been the one to hug first. You're awesome. Even if you look scary sometimes."

 You can't help but laugh at that. You're gonna miss his dorky personality.

"Goodbye Peter."

You send him one last smile as you head to the door. He gives a wave.


He doesn't know why, but he doesn't like the feeling that follows.

Once you're inside, you look at your watch.

"I still have a few hours."

You'd already planned out your day. 

After a nice little movie night with your family, you kiss both your parents on the top of their heads, slipping out from the space in between them on the couch. 

You slide the blanket over their shoulders as you head to the door, taking off into the night.

Leo is about to be done with his shift. You know exactly where to meet him. It's a nice little spot not too far into the city. It takes you a moment to get up on the fire escape of the building. You plant yourself comfortably there just waiting.

You can't stop your mind from drifting to that time he'd basically kidnapped you to get answers. It makes you smile.

You hear the shuffling in the background, and you fully expect it to be Leo. But there are three other beings on the roof with you. You rise slowly, clearly surprised. Leo is the last to land. When he does, the three of them bow.

"Thank you."

They say in unison.

"F-For what?"

"For Leo, he told us everything. You risked your life for him. You saved our brother." Donnie says. You can tell from their expressions that they are all conveying the same. Leo grins.

This is not what you had expected at all.

Leo holds his hand out for you.

"Let's go." 

His expression is so warm.

"Where are we going?"

"To our secret hideout, where else!" Mikey shouts in excitement. He flips right over the building and they all follow.

"One last adventure?"

It's a beautiful sentiment. You try not to let yourself get too emotional.

"One last adventure." You agree, taking his hand.

It's not so much the trip, but being close to him has always felt amazing. This time, maybe you're a little more grateful for it. You make it back to their home in record time. Splinter greets you at the entrance, and Mikey gives a grand introduction. You find yourself laughing at every word that comes out of the quirky male's mouth. After a few games and an unnatural amount of pizzas, Leo is leading you away.

It's certainly a day well spent.

"Did I surprise you?"

He really did.


Leo smiles, nudging your shoulder as you step into his room.

Your eyes drifted over his room. It was similar to what you would expect from any teenage boy. Except everything was so tidy. Books packed neatly. Bed made. A cute little bonsai tree laying so delicately trimmed at the side.

"I'm starting to think you're a serial killer, Leo." He laughed out loud, and you couldn't help but do the same.

"Just because I prefer order doesn't make me a killer. I'm sure if you saw Raph's room you'd be grateful you can see the floor of mine."

Well that was probably the truth.

You moved to his bed, laying down slowly as you stared at the ceiling. Leo's eyes moved to the clock.


He hadn't realized just how late it was. He understood now that you had very little time left.

The smile that once adorned your face changed.

"I can take you back."

It was a whisper from Leo. You rolled over in the bed, and when your helpless gaze fell on him, his heart clenched. You shook your head.

"I-I don't want them to find me like that. I already gave my goodbyes. Could you...c-could you stay with me..?"

You were pleading, and Leo slowly discarded his weapons, placing them at the side as he moved over climbing into the bed with you. He didn't reach for you, not immediately. He wanted you to be the one to tell him what you were comfortable with. When you rolled into his arms, he knew, wrapping them around you.

Your shoulders shook as you cried, and Leo did his best not to shed a tear, because he knew if he broke down, then that would be it. You needed his strength, and that was what he'd provide. One last time.

One last wish.

"I don't want to die."

The very last thought that seemed to run through your mind before you began to drift off.

There's a soft golden glow that your body is starting to give off. 

Leo just held on tighter. 

Leonardo (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) 2014-2016.Where stories live. Discover now