Chapter 5

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Leo's heavy breath echoed in the night air as he jumped from building to building. His eyes caught the familiar light in your room and he moved briskly. 

The second he was by your window, he wasn't even shocked that it was slightly ajar. He pulled it open upon landing and when he climbed in, he was greeted by a sight of you laying flat on the ground.

He raced to your side and when he moved to help you up, you were already rising on your own. He was confused.

"I..I saw were.."

"I was." 

You admitted. 

Hand placed on your forehead you tried to regain your breath. Leo knew there was something wrong.

"What did you do?"

"I transferred some of my energy into you."

"What does that mean!"

He needs answers, but you know he understands.

"I used up some of my time."

That's what he was afraid of. His shoulders slumped.

"How much.."

You shook your head.

"It doesn't matter."

Leo grabbed your shoulders.

"It matters! How much time!"

You wouldn't truly look at him.

" were dying Leo. I-I didn't have a choice.." 

The more you spoke the more he felt like that answer would break him.

"I..have a month left.." You finally stated. His hands dropped, heart sinking.


This wasn't supposed to happen. He was meant to show you everything, explain to you the treasures of life. Share with you many more months before you..

His head lowered, and you did your best to fight back your own tears. When you attempted it, you weren't even sure it would truly work. You were so ready to risk everything to save him.

"I don't regret it."

It was your choice. For the first time in your entire existence you'd done something that benefited someone else. Something that mattered.

It was the right thing to do. 

Regardless of the outcome.

For the days that follow, his heart feels heavy.

There's a bit of longing in his stare whenever he looks at you. Every time he comes through the window, he searches for you as if one day he'll show up and you won't be there. You know he's scared.

It's one of your nightly adventures where you're both seated on a random building, watching the fireworks. There was some kind of parade going on. The second Leo heard about it he knew he needed to ensure you saw it.

"You're doing it again."

Leo blinks.

He'd been caught.

"Stop staring at me, it's weird." You shift and he rubs the back of his neck.

"I'm sorry."

So he turns, and this time you're the one who looks at him. It's stupid to try and deny that so much has changed. From the minute you met Leo nothing has been the same. You've never cared enough about anyone other than your parents in any of the lives you've lived. You were always careful to keep a safe distance away. Even from them you stayed at arms length. But now that's changed.

Your parents, Peter, Leo. They've all changed the perspective you've held on to for who knows how many centuries. How do you just erase all of it now?


He turns almost instantly, ready to hear whatever you have to say.

"I think..I might have gained feelings for you.."

That's what you'd like to say, but as you look at him, it hurts. If you say that, then you'll have to deal with the fact that you'll never be together. He'll have a hole in his chest. One that you put there. The one person that you promised yourself you would never hurt is Leo.

"Thank you for bringing me here."

He smiles so kindly.

"Of course, you're welcome."

You both direct your eyes back to the many colors that stretch across the sky.

For now, this will have to be enough. 

Leonardo (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) 2014-2016.Where stories live. Discover now