1. greetings

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Third Person POV:

"I said I don't need a bodyguard!" 

Haerin believes shes fine on her own, but her parents say otherwise. 

Haerin, a 17 y/o has been the only child her parents had. She'd be lying if she were to say she didn't feel lonely throughout her 17 years of living. She really only had her 4 friends to cater her social needs, and even then she required something more since she didn't want to constantly bother them. 

"Haerin we're going to be gone for a good 4 months, we need this for our jobs and I need someone reliable to care of you and the house"

Her parents argue back in a soft tone.

"I'll be just fine- are you saying I'm too irresponsible to take care of the house?!" she exclaims

"Yup!" her mom replies, she scoffs

"Go get yourself prepared, you'll be meeting him in an hour or so" her dad sends Haerin to her room


Haerin is EXTREMELY lonely, usually her parents are only gone for a couple days every month, but 4 months is just absurd. What are they even doing anyways? They say it's for business, hence why they're so rich and successful, but can they at least give me the same attention that they give for their jobs?

Haerin POV:


"oh, seems like hes here." 

I try to make myself look presentable, but I end up putting on a grey sweater and sweatpants and call it a day. I make my way downstairs.

"Haerin-ah! Come meet your bodyguard" my dad yells out

I make my way to the dinner table and- oh? he looks kind of young, my age?

"Haerin, meet Y/N, Y/N, meet Haerin" my mom says


Of course I'm dragged into this mess, I mean I could use the money, but a 24/7 bodyguard job? Give me a break. 


"you're kicked out of our Taekwondo team Y/N"


"Yes we can. Not only do we use our skills as an art of self defense, we use our skills and techniques to help and protect others, not hurt one another. As of today, you're cut off the team for extreme violence towards your classmates and others outside this dojo."

End of Flashback

Aish, just as I got my 4th degree black belt, this has to happen. And of course it so happens that these parents were desperate for a martial arts student to be bodyguard, I was practically forced into this job!

"Haerin, meet Y/N, Y/N, meet Haerin" her mother says

"Hey" Haerin reaches out her hand 

I won't lie, she's kind of pretty. KIND OF. nothing else. I really don't want to be here, but I need to be respectful for the time being.

"Hi." I shake her hand

"I'll give you guys some time to introduce yourselves, we'll go pack our stuff." Her dad says as he leaves with her mom.

"My parents said they want someone that can take care of both me and the house, but you seem kind of young to be that responsible no? I mean what if you burn the house down." Haerin exclaims

"Rude much?"

"What year are you" Haerin asks




"I'm a 2 months older! How am I supposed to trust someone who's younger than me??" Haerin yells out.

"By 2 months! Relax I'm more responsible than you think..." I argue back

"Tch whatever, follow me I'll show you your room." She makes her way upstairs

I follow her and enter my room

"This is kinda big.."

THIS ROOM IS FUCKING HUGE? Why is this room so extremely luxurious..

"My parents are rich, don't worry about it. If you need anything then my room is just next door, bye bye."

"u-uh yeah, same goes for you."

Haerin leaves and goes to her room

Haerin POV:

just off first looks he already looks rude, why would my parents hire such a boy? I need to vent to someone, I decide to dial someone.

Ring Ring Ring

The call is answered

"Haerin! wassup" Hanni yells into her phone microphone

"Ow, you really need to stop yelling my name like that whenever I call."

"Sorryyyy, I'm just happy whenever you call first, it's like a once in a blue moon occurrence."

"Well I need to let this out, I just got a bodyguard since my parents are leaving for 4 months and I don't really like the vibe I get from him"

"Is he cute?" 

out of all the questions Hanni


"That's all that matters then!"

"Yeah yeah whatever, and worse he's younger than me! by 2 months."

"a bodyguard who's younger huh, he must be really special if your parents hired him"

Yeah a younger bodyguard, why would my parents hire someone that probably has an education to attend to while trying to guard me 24/7?

"Haerin, try to get to know him! Who knows maybe he's a lot different then what you presume, and who knows, maybe you guys will be interested in each othe-"

"Stop talking, I'll let you know what happens"

"Okayyyyyyy, bye Haerin!"

"bye bye"

I hang up the call. I sigh

"man, what a first greeting."

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