11. love

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Haerin POV 2022:

"Why do you guys keep leaving" I ask in curiosity

"We'll be back in a couple days okay Haerin? Don't worry" My dad says as he exits with my mom.

I breakdown.

"why does everyone keep leaving me..."

Haerin POV Present:

I wake up. I didn't like that dream.

Whenever I go through these kinds of emotions, I don't know how to let them out. I just hug myself until I feel better and continue with my day.

I let it out, I cry. I just wanted some love from my own parents, why is that so hard?

I get a sudden thought, Y/N. I walk over to his room and knock. The door opens to reveal a boy who looks like they woke up 10 seconds ago.

"Haerin? Wassup" I don't say anything, I just engulf him into a hug. As soon as I do so, he immediately understands that I need his comfort.

"Take your time Haerin" He says as he rubs my head.

Y/N has been my cuddle buddy ever since my mom passed, I couldn't be more grateful.

But what if he leaves too.

At the end of the day, he's my bodyguard, this job won't last forever.

I tighten my hug to that thought, I can't lose anyone else.

"Y/N" I managed to whisper out


"Please don't leave me"

"Who says I'll leave you?"

I look up to him and stare into his eyes for a good couple seconds, what is this feeling...

"Can you promise me you won't?" I ask

"Of course Haerin, I'll always be here" he smiles

I'm finally beginning to understand everything.

I think I like Y/N.

I always long for his touch, and words of affection, his presence, just the way he looks at me. I want that constantly everyday.



"Can you make one last promise?"

"what is it-" just before he finishes his sentence, I cut him off with a kiss.

I kissed him.

I think I'm on cloud 9.

The kiss lasts for a couple seconds before we part away.

"Can you continue to love me from here on out?" I stare deeply into his eyes

"H-Haerin.." I notice him hesitating, I mean who could blame him? I feel overwhelmed as well, but I feel the need to do this.

"I like you Y/N" I've never felt so nervous in my life.

I expected a verbal response, up until I felt him pull me closer. We're insanely close, our noses basically touching.

Just after what felt like centuries, he kisses me back.


How does one even describe this feeling. It's like nothing I've ever went through before. Is this what it feels like to be loved?

"I like you too Haerin" He follows up after we part away.

"I like you too Haerin" I quietly repeat. I smile widely as I finally understood. All I could do was tighten my hug.

sacrifice | Haerin x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now