12. i loved you

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It's been a couple days, and yet still no sign of Haerin.

I haven't lost hope yet, although I can  feel myself slowly losing it. I could break any moment now.

I miss her touch, I miss her small smile when she's shy, I miss her repeating a sentence to ensure she understands, I miss everything about her.

The girls decided to spend the night over since it's the weekend.

I really have to give it to the girls for helping me through this. I'm sure they're feeling the same way, yet they're making sure I'm okay. It should be the other way around.

"yo dumbass, how are you" Hyein takes a seat beside me on the couch

"I should be asking you the same thing, but I'm feeling alright I guess"

"Any updates?" 

"No. I tried to track down her phone but it's not giving me a location."

We fall into complete silence. Haerin was the member that kept all of us from going insane, besides from Minji.

"How's your leg?" I ask Hyein

"Still kinda fucked up, they didn't hold back that's for sure haha" Hyein laughs it off, but I can tell she's hurt inside

"Of course they target your strongest asset, it's as if they know our weaknesses" As I say this, something kicks in. As if they know our weaknesses?

"Hyein, can I ask you something."


"Does Haerin have any other friends besides you? Or any enemies of some sort?"

"As far as I'm aware nope, and she isn't the type to make enemies so no to that as well. If anything, the only people she ever introduced us to were her parents."

Her parents? Could it be-

No... I think I'm just overthinking it.

"O-okay, thank you."

"Why? Anything cross your mind?"

"Nah it's okay, I'm just overthinking it."


someone at the door?

I get up and open the door to see a mailman.

"Letter for... Y/N?"

"Yeah thats me"

"Here you go sir!" I take the letter

"Thank you, have a nice day" I tell the mailman as he leaves

"You too!"

I read the note and my heart drops, I instantly get ready.

"Girls!" I shout, everyone coming down from Haerin's room while Hyein remains at the couch due to her leg.

"I'll be back in a bit, protect the house yeah?"

"Okay! Don't do anything silly Y/N" Hanni says, following up with a small hug, same goes for the others.

"Bye!" They yell out

"bye bye"


Haerin POV:

I slowly begin to open my eyes, how long was I out cold...

"It's about time you woke up."

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