7. closure

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Haerin POV:

"So what's going on here?"

huh? who's there.

I slowly open my eyes and rub them to get a better view. As I open them, I get a view of Hanni judging us

"H-Hanni? How'd you get inside?"

"You may or may not have to buy yourself a new front door?"


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" I yell out, waking Y/N up in the process

"Yah I messaged you so many times alongside many missed calls, we were waiting for you outside!" Hanni yells back

oh right, they wanted to go for a walk at the park before going to school

"a-ah okay, I'll go get ready"

I get up and go to the washroom


"You guys better not have done something funny"


I did NOT want to wake up to Hanni lecturing me, and yet here we are now.

The girls got bored waiting outside so they barged in as well. The truth was Hanni had a spare key and lied to scare Haerin.

"By the way is something wrong with Haerin? She had very puffy eyes when she went to the washroom" Danielle asks in curiosity

right. her mom passed away

"I think it's best Haerin tells you guys that. Just know she really needs comfort right now."

"I'm ready, let's go?" Haerin enters her room

"Yup! Let's head out, bye Y/N!" Minji yells out


A couple weeks go by and Haerin seems to be recovering well, although I would catch her crying every once in a while, of course I'd comfort her whenever that occurred. 

Her friends would occasionally stop by everyday after school to check up on Haerin and bother me for a good 5 minutes.

I'm also noticing more change regarding Haerin.

She's EXTREMELY clingy.

You can't go around the house without her sticking to you.

Another thing I found out, she's unique? I don't know, you'd just catch her doing the most random things.


I just finished doing the laundry and now I'm in the process of drying the clothes outside on a laundry wire. 


I go out to see Haerin hanging her hair on the laundry wire.

"I'm drying"

"oh... okay?"


It's nearing the time we go to bed, so Haerin wanted to lay down in the backyard and stargaze.



"how'd you deal with your parents passing?"

"hmm, because it was at a young age it was incredibly hard. I basically relied on them all the time." I sigh

"I didn't deal with it properly, I'd take out my emotions on the kids at my Taekwondo, just recently did I take it too far and here we are now."

"so you were a nice kid before?" 

"I guess you could say that? I'm sorry for giving off the rude vibe if that's what your first thought of me was"

"bingo" we both chuckle

"I didn't want to do this job originally"

"hm? what you mean" she turns to her side and looks at me

"your dad, he's something for sure. There were many people willing to take this job, but he saw me and instantly kept bugging me, as if he knew me."

"well I'm glad he did that, I got to know you" she smiles

"I could say the same, you're better than I thought"

"what do you mean!?"

"I thought you were another spoiled rich kid who has trust issues. I mean come on why would I burn the house down!" 

"you never know" she smirks

"mhm" I pause before letting some stuff off my chest

"thank you Haerin"

"hm? where's this coming from?" she asks confused

"I was unknowingly opening up, I was such an angry kid before, and that's all thanks to you and your friends"

"me and my friends?" she quietly repeats

"yup" she smiles widely 



"are we friends or are you just a bodyguard?"

I won't lie, I was stunned for a good 5 seconds when she asked this. What was I? I turn to my side as well and look at her

"we're friends, and I'll continue to protect you no matter what."

I get up and help her up, it's pretty much time to sleep. As I attempt to go back into her house, she engulfs me into hug.

"You promise?" she asks

"I promise" she reaches out her hand and we lock pinkies

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