6. i'm here

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Haerin POV:

"We'll be leaving now! Bye Haerin and Y/N!" Hyein yells out as she leaves with the others

"Get home safe!" Y/N replies

The second they leave, I attempt to go upstairs and collapse on my bed until I got a notification on my phone.


I open up the message to see the words

"We need to talk."

I go to my room before doing anything. I call him and he answers in milliseconds

"Dad? What's wrong"

All I could hear are sobs and sniffling 


"Dad?! What's the matter!!?"

"Haerin-ah... Your mom she's.."

"What happened to mom?" I've never been so nervous in my life

"She d-died in an accident.." He breaks down after letting out those words


I don't know what to say, why? Why did this happen?

"I was driving until a drunk driver crashed into us, only I made it out Haerin-ah.. I'm so sorry"

why.. WHY

"I'll call you back later dad"

"I understand honey, take your time"

I hang up and instantly break down.

Y/N Pov:

Man I'm tired, I dunno what to do. I ultimately decide to scroll on my phone until I sleep.

Just a couple minutes in watching Youtube, I hear sobs on the other side of my room, is Haerin okay?

I decide to walk over and knock on her door, I'm a little worried 

"Haerin?" as I knock, the door slowly opens from the contact of my hand. I could see Haerin breaking down through the small opening the door made

"Haerin! are you okay" I usher over and she looks up

"Y-Y/N..." she immediately pulls me into a tight hug and cries even harder.

 "M-my mom s-she." She can't seem to finish her sentence

"Haerin it's okay, let it all out." I gently rub her head 

"My m-mom died Y/N, what do I do...." I tighten the hug

"I'm here okay? We'll get through this together." I lift her head up and give her a reassuring smile

"We'll get through this together" She quietly repeats, following up with a small smile

This sight alone is heartbreaking, Haerin doesn't deserve this.

Just a few seconds after, she faints. She must have been extremely overwhelmed with emotions.

"Aish, poor girl" I pick her up and lay her down on her bed

I decide to stay by her side for the time being, I sit down on the floor and lay my neck on the edge of her bed.

Just a couple hours after dozing off, I feel slight movement on the bed

"Hm?" I notice Haerin getting up into a sitting position while rubbing her eyes

"Haerin! I'll get you some water" she as I get up to leave, I feel a tight grip on my arm




"Okay okay, I'll stay" I smile

She gets up and engulfs me into a hug

"I'm sorry for this" she quietly says

"Don't apologize Haerin, this reaction is very much normal. Losing someone that important isn't easy." I hug her back

Just from this moment alone makes me want to protect Haerin even more. I can't stand to see her get hurt any further. At the end of the day I resonate with her, it took awhile to finally let my sad feelings go when my parents passed, although the result was an extremely rude boy.

"Y/N what time is it" I check my phone

"it's 6:30am, you have a good hour before getting ready for school" As I finish my sentence, she pulls me into her bed and cuddles me


"a small nap wouldn't hurt, right?" she says afterwards

I'd normally dash out the room and question everything, but I'm sure she just needs comfort right now

"sure, I'll wake you up in an hour"



"Thank you"

"of course Haerin, take a good nap okay? remember to go to me whenever you wanna let out something"

"mhm" she instantly dozes off

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