4. meet & greet

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It's the end of the school day, I'm waiting for Haerin and her friends to come to the school gate. I don't know why but I suddenly feel the need to be around Haerin all the time now, I mean shit it's part of the job 24/7, but something about those bullies make me feel uneasy.


"Hi Haerin, where are your friends?"

"They have something to attend to, but they wanna visit later, is that okay?"

"Yeah, sure"

"Cool! Lets go"

We make our way home, I'm noticing some change regarding Haerin. She's a lot more expressive. How can one be so comfortable after a day? 

"By the way Haerin, I think I'm going to have to walk with you whenever you go out."

"Whatt, don't you think I deserve some privacy" Haerin exclaims

"Yeah but just for safety measure, once you get kidnapped it's over"

I hear her mumble the words "for safety measure?" I guess repeating stuff helps her understand a lot more

"Hmph, fine, but you didn't need to say that as if I'm bound to get kidnapped any second!"

"You never know"

We arrive home and Haerin collapses on the couch.

"At least get changed before you pass out" I shout out

"Finee, oh Y/N did you clean? The house looks neater." 

"It was part of the schedule"


"Oh right the schedule"

I read it and I appalled

"Clean the entire house every other day? Do mine and Haerin's laundry?! Can't she do it herself?!"

So I'm a maid now?


"By the way I am NOT doing your laundry, do it yourself"


oh my lord


"cause I'm lazy"

it's always that one reason

"You're going to be the death of me, I'm younger yet it's like I'm caring for a grandma!"


Oh? Is that Haerin's friends? I open the door and there they are.

"Hi Y/N! I heard some stuff about you."


"Hanni! Name's Hanni, and this is Minji, Danielle and Hyein!"

"Oh Hyein-ah!"

I was shocked to see Hyein! I didn't see the girls properly back then because of the bullies, but I'm happy to see Hyein. She used to be a student at the Taekwondo I used to go to, but she left to focus on her studies.

"Y/N! How's Taekwondo?"

"I may or may have gotten kicked out" I say as I lead all of them inside

"Kicked out? What'd you do?" Minji asks concerned

"Extreme violence. Don't worry I'm not the same person as before, I know my faults."

"Yah I told you to watch your anger issues!-"

I flick Hyein's forehead

"Yah? I'm older!

"Yeah with the brain of a 10 y/o!" Hyein fights back as we all laugh

"Where's Haerin?" Danielle asks

"She should be in her room getting changed, you guys hungry?"

"Yeah!" The 4 collectively yell out

"Alright, get yourselves comfy"

I guess being a bodyguard isn't so bad? Although I feel more like a maid now


Unknown POV:

"Cool, did you finish off her mom?"

"Yup, the body is long gone now"

After all these years, still going as smooth as ever

"Ha, that dumbass of a bodyguard will never know how his parents die, how sad" I chuckle

"But sir, how will we deliver the news to Haerin? Or do we stay quiet?"

"Ah don't worry about that, it's all planned out."

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