3. danger

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Haerin POV:


There goes my alarm clock, I do NOT miss the feeling of waking up early, this sucks. I get ready and head downstairs. As I get my breakfast ready, I notice Y/N coming down the stairs looking sleepy as ever.

"Y/N, why are you awake so early?"

"I usually go for a run at this time, why?"

a run? damn I could never, I rather put that time towards sleeping.

"ah okay, have fun." 

just as Y/N is about to leave, he asks

"oh by the way what's your number? just so I can contact you if ever"

"oh here" I hand my phone to him

"cool, if for some odd reason something comes up, call me. I'll be on my way now."

"bye bye Y/N"

"mhm" he leaves

not even a goodbye?

I finish my toast and pack my bag, getting ready to leave, just then a friend calls me.


"Haerin! We're waiting outside your house!"

"okay, give me a second."


"shut the fuck up"

I hang up and head out

"Haerin!!" someone shouts out my name

"hey guys"

It's Minji, Hanni, Danielle and Hyein waiting outside. We tend to walk to school together and since I'm the closest, they wait outside for me.

"Yo, I saw a boy run out earlier, was that by chance the cute bodyguard?" Hanni asks

"I don't see what's cute about him but yeah that's him"

"you have a bodyguard?" Hyein asks

"oh right, I only told Hanni. I have a bodyguard now because my parents will be out of the country for 4 months, hence why the need someone to not only care for me but for the house as well"

"oh that's true, you'd probably burn the house down" Minji exclaims


We make our way to school, but just as we get closer, we get approached by a couple of people. Who are they you may ask? The school bullies that tend to pick on us, I guess you could consider us the nerds of the school?

"Hey everyone! do you guys have any change on you?" one of the bullies ask

"Get lost! Let us through." Danielle yells out

"Oh, someone's a little brave to yell at me like that" one of the bullies grab onto Danielle while the others surround them.

shit. 4 boys and 2 girls? no way I can get out of here without giving something up.


I RAN WAY TOO MUCH I THINK I COULD DIE OF EXHAUSTION. Just as I make my way back home, I notice a group of people circling around some girls- wait is that Haerin?

I run over to see what's going on, as I get closer I realize they're bullies. Man, who bullies in 2023.

"Hey, what's going on?" I ask

"Hey kid, mind your business yeah?" One of the boys try to intimidate me as they walk close to me.

"Nope! I have to protect one of the girls there, mind if you guys go away please? They're trying to get to school" I argue back

"pftt, BAHAHA" one of the male bullies laugh

"we have a comedian here! you're REAL funny" just then they throw a punch, landing on my cheek


just when they thought they did something, I simply respond

"okay you threw a punch, can you let them go now?"

the bullies begin to make fun of me and laugh, damn how does one gain pleasure from this.

"I'm real tired of you already kid, fuck off" they attempt to throw another punch, but I catch it.

"w-what?" the bully exclaims

"why does this have to happen after an exhausting run.." 

it's almost like this is happening so there can be some story progression between Y/N and Haeri-

I quickly throw away his hand and land a side kick on his face.

"it's been a while since I've done that."

all the bullies just look in shock, some of them running away, leaving 2 of the males behind

"D-Don't think we're scared!" Both of the male bullies run at me

Instead of saying anything, I just land a simple roundhouse kick on them, nothing special yet they get knocked out.

"weak much?" I was expecting a lot more, I won't lie, that was extremely underwhelming. 

I walk towards Haerin and her friends

"You guys okay? no one got hurt?"

Haerin POV:

w-wow. that was impressive. I guess that's why my parents hired him, but then again why him? Couldn't it be someone a bit more mature and older? Kinda like an uncle.

"Y-Yeah we're fine, thank you Y/N"

"mhm, I'll be on my way now." just as Y/N is about to leave, I grab him by the arm and engulf him into a hug.


"just consider this a token of appreciation yeah?" I let go and usher my friends to sleepwalk as I make my way to school

that was embarrassing.

"So..  What was that about?" Danielle asks in a teasing manner.


"mhmmm, that's what they all say" Minji adds onto the teasing

"I'm not inviting you guys to sleepovers anymore" I argue back

"NO!" the 4 collectively yell out, I just chuckle

"Kidding. You guys are welcome whenever."

We continue to crack jokes and make our way to our classes. I'm happy I landed these friends

Minji being our so called leader, I don't think our friend group would've survived without her.

Hanni being a jokester but is one of the kindest people I've ever met, no let me rephrase that. She IS the kindest person I've ever met.

Danielle being our happy pill, you look at her and your entire day is okay. The main thing I love about her.

Lastly Hyein, I consider her my younger sister. She's so playful that it's exhausting! 

Just as we wait for the teacher to arrive, I get a message from Y/N.

"Haerin, sorry about what happened earlier, do you want me to pick you up after school?"

I think about it, but not only will I feel safer but I can introduce him to my friends, why not?

"Yeah sure, I'll send you the address."

"Okay, see you later"

I put the phone down and get ready for our lecture.

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