8. feelings

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Haerin POV:


you know what. it's okay, i'll just sleep and forget about it




aish that was so embarrassing...

why am I even acting this way, it's not like I like him or anything...


little did I know, I stayed up the entire night just thinking about that moment, man I need to talk to someone.. I pick up my phone and dial someone


"Haerin? why would you call me this early in the morning?" 

I decide on Minji, she's usually mature about these situations

"Because I know you'll help me no matter the time of day" I cutely say

"You make a fair point, anyways wassup? You don't usually call first. Must be important."

I sigh before saying anything

"Minji, how can you tell if you like someone or not? How do you feel?"

"So our baby Haerin is interested in someone eh?" she teasingly laughs

"No! It's not like that... Just a little curious"

"Well I'll just say some stuff from experience I had with Hanni. It starts off as a 'we're just friends, no need to make such a big deal' type thing, but you slowly begin to notice that you're constantly thinking of them 24/7. Thinking about their presence , touch, stare, everything. It's only a matter of time until you realize you truly do like them."

"How long did it take you to realize your feelings for Hanni?" I'm slowly beginning to understand her words

"Hmm? Maybe a month or two? It probably depends on the person."

"And how'd that go?"

"I confessed the second I realized them"

"that fast?!"

"I mean Hanni is cute as hell, you think I want anyone else taking her?"

"taking who now?" I hear Hanni in the distance

"You. No one is taking my baby." EWW.

"I'm still on call you know!"

"haha sorry Haerin, let me know how it goes okay? I'm always here" she reassures me

"Thank you Minji, bye bye! bye Hanni!"

"Bye Haerin!!" Minji and Hanni yell out before hanging up.

Huh. Do I really like Y/N?

Aish this is all stressing me out! 

I go downstairs to make a cup of hot chocolate, I decide to play some music while I'm at it.

I go with Tems - Found and begin to sing along.


Friends? I've only ever had like a couple friends, one of them being Hyein. Maybe that's why I'm thinking about last night so much. I think I'm just happy to actually have made a friend after a couple years. 

I go downstairs to make myself some coffee to start the day off. As I go down, I hear singing in the kitchen, is that Haerin?

I peak around the corner to see Haerin making hot chocolate while singing, her voice is really calming.

As the song ends, I make my way to the kitchen.

"You have a pretty voice" this startles Haerin, causing her to spill a little bit of hot chocolate

"Yah! You scared me!" I quickly clean up the little bits of hot chocolate on the ground

"Haha, sorry." I grab my mug and begin making my coffee

"Did you mean that?" Haerin asking out of the blue


"My voice, was it pretty?" she asks shyly 

author note: I guess you could say she's super sh-

"Yeah I mean it, it was soothing. I could listen to it all day." I just realized what I said. Listen to it all day? I think that was a bit much

Just as I was overthinking it, I feel a soft hug behind me

"Thank you Y/N" she muffles while hugging my back, this feeling was incredibly cozy. I wanted to stay in this position foreve- wait what?

"You should sing more often Haerin"

"You think so?"

"You can 100% get away with being an extremely successful soloist, like IU!"

"Now that's a bit much!" she laughs

"Nope! I'm being dead serious" I chuckle

"mhmmm" she says as she slowly lets go and sits by the countertop 

"It's the weekend, anything you wanna do?" I ask as I finish making my coffee

"sleep." she lazily responds

"you make a fair point. Want me to invite the girls? Let's watch another movie" I suggest

"Yeah!" I call Hyein to see if they're interested


"what do you want stupid" what a way to start the call Hyein

"shut up, anyways wanna come over? let's watch a movie with Haerin, ask the others"

"Sure! We'll be there in 15"

"seconds, minutes, years, decades?"

"im hanging up." she instantly hangs up afterwards, I chuckle

I'm glad I managed to meet Hyein again, she's like a little sister I didn't ask for.

I decide to wash up before they come.

Just as I exit out the shower, I hear the doorbell go off, talk about timing.

I go and open the door for them. 

"Hey guys! I think Haerin died in her room again, can you guys wake her up? I'll get the living room setup."

"Sir yes sir" Hyein replies as she instantly dashes to Haerin's room



We hear distant yelling and begin to laugh as we see Hyein dragging out Haerin.

I'm honestly glad I took this job in the end. Surrounded by great people, becoming a better person in the process, overall I'm happy. I think I can finally leave my past behind.


hehe notice how you guys said 'think'

it's almost like im foreshadowing the next chapter

anyways thank you guys for the support! I didn't expect even expect this book to get any traction, so seeing this book get a lot of reads just motivates me even more. Again if there's anything you want to suggest then feel free to do so, thank you <3

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