21. together

629 18 6

Haerin POV:

"We're home" Minji yells out, Hanni runs over and kisses her cheek.

"How's Y/N?" I ask as Hyein and Minji take off their shoes.

"I'm sure Hanni already told you, why do you even care anyways" Hyein says pissed off. I get taken aback.

"H-Hyein?" I call out her name nervously.

"What. Is it not obvious on how that even happened in the first place? It's clearly your fault!"

"Hyein that's enough" Minji steps in

"That bitch ran off like a coward. If she fucking took the time to let out her frustrations then maybe we wouldn't be here-"


"I DON'T WANT TO LOSE MY BEST FRIEND MINJI." She yells back, making the room fall silent.

"NOT AGAIN... not again.." She instantly falls to the floor, letting the tears flow. I get up and hug her

"I-I'm so sorry Hyein, I should've talked to you guys" I was expecting her to push me away, but she only tightens the hug. Just then, Danielle arrives as well and instantly runs over.

"Danielle.." I mutter out as she hugs us

"It's okay Haerin. It's hard to let out your emotions just like that, especially when it's in your nature to be relatively quiet and reserved." Danielle softly says

"Haerin-ah" Hanni calls out my name sits in front of me

"We're in this together remember? Always have and always will" She gives me a gummy smile.

Hyein calms down, but I can tell she's still hurt from my actions.

"It's getting late, let's get some rest okay girls? Y/N will be just fine" Minji reassures us.

We're pretty lucky it's the weekend so it's break time. I don't think I would wanna practice in an unstable state.

I go into my room that I share with Hyein. She's hugging her pillow while softly sobbing.

"Hyein-ah" I softly call out, she slowly turns around.

For a few seconds I stay silent. What do I say? Hyein notices that and speaks up.

"Hanni called us on the phone about your reasoning. Why Haerin?" She asks. I could sense a little bit of anger and I don't blame her. He's like a brother to her.

"I-I don't know.. I just feel like I'm incapable of letting out emotions that should be let out." I reply, Hyein gets up and holds my hand.

"That's something you should be talking about then. When you feel angry, say 'I'm feeling kind of frustrated right now, maybe I should take a breather'. When you feel sad, say 'I'm feeling a bit down, what can cheer me up?'. It's nothing crazy Haerin." Hyein continues to lecture me

"We've been friends for a long time Haerin, there are many things we didn't need to worry about when we were younger, but we're getting older day by day. Because of that, we're going to go through emotions that we may have never expected to go through. Of course we aren't going to know how to deal with them straight off the bat, but at least talk to someone about it, to us." I start crying, Hyein holding back her tears.

"We love you Haerin, we never stopped loving you. It hurt to know that someone else got hurt because you were also hurting inside. I don't want you to hurt inside anymore Haerin." I just cry even more, do I even deserve these kind of friends? I must've been an angel in my past life to befriend these kinds of people in my life.

"I'm so s-sorry" I apologize once again, Hyein wipes my tears away.

"I forgive you Haerin, I'm sorry for lashing out earlier. I don't want to lose someone who's like my brother." I hold her hands tightly.

"It's okay Hyein, that was completely reasonable. He'll be fine, I know he will" I softly smile and she smiles back.

"Let's wash up first? You can go first, I need to do something" Hyein says

"Okay" As I get my clothes ready, Hyein calls out my name.

"Hey Haerin"


"I love you dummy" I walk over to her and pull her into a comfy hug

"I love you too brat" I smile


It's a couple days later in the morning. We all got a message from CEO-nim saying that our break extends until further notice regarding Y/N. 

Minji just made us breakfast and called all of us to the dining table. We all take our seats.

"You guys eat well okay? I'll be back in a bit, I'm going to run some errands." We all bid farewell to Minji, Hanni giving her a kiss.

Over the course of a couple days, I've improved little by little in telling the others on how I feel. I could also use actions to show how I feel if I'm unable to speak out my thoughts.

I'm happy the others reassured me, I feel a lot more comfortable than before. The members took notice that I've been smiling a lot more during the day, Danielle telling me to do so more often because I look 'cuter'.

Just as we finish up our breakfast, Minji comes barging in unexpectedly, I thought it'd take her a lot longer to finish up whatever she was doing. 

"EVERYONE GET READY, Y/N IS AWAKE." No one says anything, but instead rushes to get anything on. Our CEO got the message as well and offered to drive us there.

I take a seat beside Minji and Hanni while Danielle and Hyein sit in the middle and our CEO drives as fast as possible.

Just as we slowly approach the Hospital, I feel a little anxious. What if something bad happened?

"Minji unnie" I quietly call out.

"What's wrong Haerin?" She softly smiles

"I'm feeling a little nervous" She brings me under her arm.

"Haerin-ah look at me. He'll be just fine okay? He's awake now that's all that matters." She smiles. That's right, he's just fine.

"Thank you unnie" I smile back, she pats my head.

"Yah!" Hanni yells out

"Right" Minji pats her head as well, gaining happy noises from Hanni.

We arrive and run towards Y/N's room.

As we enter, I could see Y/N sitting up, confused.

"Y/N!" I instantly run over and hug him.

Just as I hug him, I could feel him slowly pushing me off.

He awkwardly chuckles.

"haha I'm sorry, but who are you?"


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