9. i'm sorry

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The girls didn't want to start the movie without any snacks and we just ran out.

"Anyone wanna go to the convenience store with me?" I ask

"not it!" the 3 yell out while Haerin stays quiet as usual

"I'll go with you Y/N" Haerin says as she slowly gets up from the couch

"ok! let's go" As I walk to the door with Haerin, I glance over to see the girls smirking at us.

I turn around to see them quickly go back to whatever they were doing, weirdos...

We arrive at the store and begin to look around.

"Anything you want Haerin? or an idea on what the girls like?" I see her pause and begin to think, just the way she thinks is cute.

"Hmm. Wanna get them breads?" She suggests, not a bad suggestion. I mean, who hates bread?

"Sure, let's look around" As I finish my sentence, she instantly runs to something that catches her attention.

"Avocado ice cream!!? That's exists??" She yells out as she grabs it, the sight of her joy over avocado ice cream puts a smile on my face

"You really love avocados huh" I say

"They're yummy" she puts on a wide smile as she holds her ice cream

We continue to look around and decide on the breads that we'll get for the others.

"Y/N, you getting yourself anything?" Haerin asks as we approach the cashier

I quickly glance over and see a Chupa Chup! I love Chupa Chups. I quickly grab one and add it to our cart

"Now I am" 

"A lollipop? Are you 5?" She teasingly says

"Hey! Chupa Chups are fire! You're just not smart enough to realize that." I fight back

"mhmm" she chuckles

We checkout our items and leave the store. We walk down the street, but I notice Haerin becoming a little anxious.

"Y-Y/N.. maybe we can take another route?" I get confused, still maintaining the same walking speed

"How come?" As she was about to say the reason, I notice a group of people come out of their hiding spot, they look awfully familiar.

"Hey kid, are you the one who beat up my boys? You're gonna regret that decision real fast" It seems as if their leader is approaching me? I didn't have a clue who these people were until I saw a familiar face behind him.

"Ohh you guys are the bullies!" I can feel Haerin shaking as she grips onto my arm tighter.

The bully stares me down and takes my lollipop and crushes it.

"It's about time you apologized boy." The bully yells out

my chupa chup.

Just as I look back at him after staring at my broken Chupa Chup, I feel a heavy blow against my stomach.

"Apologize. To me and the others." He yells out

Fuck that hurt, bad. I slowly begin to get back up. I can see Haerin shaking.

"I said APOLOGIZE!" He runs and attempts to kick me 

I quickly catch his leg and throw him back and grab Haerin

"Hey Haerin, look at me" I hold her hands and look at her eyes

"Close your eyes, cover your ears, and count to 20, okay?" I reassure her with a smile

"O-okay Y/N" I give her a quick hug and turn back to the bullies

"You're scaring her" I say

"I couldn't give a single shit" The bully replies as he attempts to run at me again.

1... 2... 3... 4... 5...

I slowly take a deep breath in and begin to turn my body

"You type of people piss me off." I breathe out and land a reverse side kick on his chin.

Their leader was knocked out just from one kick.

"Leader!" The rest of the bullies rush to him

"Hey" I yell out to the remainder of the bullies

6... 7... 8... 9... 10...

"You guys owe me a Chupa Chup" I begin kicking every single one of them down.

11... 12... 13... 14... 15...

I finally deliver the last blow to the last guy, giving him an axe kick.

16... 17... 18... 19... 20...

Haerin POV:

I open my eyes and gasp as I notice him deliver his final blow. What did Y/N do to them...

"Y-Y/N?..." I'm at a loss for words. 

"Haerin.... I'm so sorry." Y/N walks to me, but I slowly back away

"Who a-are you.." I'm 75% sure one of them is dead.

"That was a side I thought I left in the past, I'm sorry Haerin." I can see the regret and disappointment in Y/N's eyes

"Y/N how am I supposed to know if you won't do that to the people I love..." I'm way too confused right now. He grabs my hands and rubs them with his thumb

"I made a promise to protect you Haerin, not only from danger but to protect anything from hurting you emotionally. I would never do that to you." He reassures me and smiles

I reply with a tight hug

"I'm trusting you Y/N.." 

As attempt to walk away, I hear a bully shouting out

"Don't trust anyone Haerin... Even your closest ones" he begins to laugh

I try to ignore it and walk away.

but what does he mean by that?

After what felt like centuries since the moment the bully said that, we finally arrived home.

"About damn time? We may as well have watched the movie without you two!" Hyein yells but quickly yelps in pain as Y/N flicks her forehead

"Maybe you should've gone instead" Y/N replies while giggling

We all get setup and begin to watch the movie.


I can't focus on the movie. I just can't stop thinking about it.

"Don't trust anyone Haerin... Even your closest ones"

I don't get it...

I take a quick glance at Y/N, he notices and smiles back.

I blush for a second and quickly turn my focus back to the movie

I'm just overthinking it.

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