20. regret

691 16 1

Haerin POV:



All I hear are distant yells.

All I see is Y/N's body laying there.

"Y/N!" Minji yells and runs to him with Hyein while Hanni and Danielle run over to me.

"Haerin-ah are you okay?! What happened!??" Danielle yells out, Hanni visibly panicking due to Y/N's enormous amount of blood loss.

"Y-Y/N..." his name is all I could mutter out.

Everything is happening so fast, what's going on.


"Y-Y/N! Y/N" Just then everything hit me, Y/N got hurt because of me. I cry out his name while people take him into the ambulance. 

"Haerin-ah he's going to be okay, don't worry" Hanni hugs me afterwards, but I could hear her crying as well.

Everyone keeps leaving.. I can't let Y/N leave me as well. The ambulance is still here preparing to leave. Out of desperation, I attempt to get up and run over to them. 

"N-No... Y/N!" I fall over, I think I sprained something in the process.

"Haerin take it easy, he'll be just fine. Minji is going to accompany him with Hyein." Danielle helps me up.

"Let's go home for now okay? Let's talk" Danielle gets on her knee and offers her back. I wrap my arms around her and get on her back.

"I'm so sorry Y/N" I quietly mutter while Hanni and Danielle bring me home, I can't help but feel incredibly guilty. 

"Haerin get some rest when we get home okay? We'll talk when you're ready" Hanni reassures me and wipes my tears.

I faint.

The overwhelming amount of emotions that I was going through in that one moment was way to much.

Anger. Guilt. Shock. Misery. 

If I knew how to let it out, maybe, just maybe all of this wouldn't have happened.

I always thought everyone leaves me by will, but what if I was the problem all along.

"You know I was ready to sacrifice anything for you" My dad ended up dead in the end.

"I'll continue to protect you no matter what; I promise"  Y/N already left once, I can't lose him again.

Am I really the problem?

"Good afternoon sleepyhead" I slowly open my eyes. I notice I'm laying my head on Hanni's lap. I slowly sit up.


"Haerin you just woke up, relax. I'll break the news once you've calmed down." She hands me a glass of water.

A couple minutes go by in silence, I just finished my water.

"Haerin-ah" I look at Hanni

"Y/N's in stable condition." I sigh in relief

"But he's in a coma. We're not sure for how long but it's indefinite due to such a large vehicle hitting him." 


"Haerin" She grabs my hands, it reminds me of him.

"He'll be just fine. Y/N is a strong boy and I'm sure you know that the most out of everyone here." 

"Hanni I-I..." I finally let all my tears fall.

"Haerin what happened" She wipes my tears

"I-I ran off after getting mad at Y/N"

"and why?"

"He kept asking me if I was okay. I kept saying I was but he wouldn't stop asking.."

"and you know why he did so right?  We had a suspicion that you were bottling up something, but we wanted you to approach us first."


"You know you can talk to us right?" I stay silent while Hanni also tears up

"We aren't just a group of friends anymore, we're family, and family is honest with each other." I instantly engulf her into a hug. After all, this is really the only physical affection I'm decent at.

"Haerin promise me you'll be more open next time, more transparent. If you're bottling stuff up, in need of comfort, or just need someone to talk to, say something. Okay?" I nod

"Minji and Hyein will be coming soon from the hospital. Danielle went to get you something from the store. It'd be best if you talk to them when you get the chance."

"I'm sorry Hanni.."

"It's okay Haerin, we all love you" She hugs me tighter.


Hyein POV:

"Hyein, we can't wait here all day"

"Who's we?"

"Hyein-ah" I sigh as Minji continues to convince me to leave

I've been sitting in front of Y/N's room for a couple hours now.

"The dumbass will wake up any second now, for sure"

"Hyein they'll give us a call when he's ready okay? Most we can do is hope that he wakes up okay with no problems."

"I can't leave Y/N's side Minji"

"You aren't Hyein, and Y/N would know that."

"But.. But-"

"Hyein let's go, he'll be just fine" Minji reassures me, but I slowly feel tears forming in my eyes


"Hyein let it out, it's okay" I breakdown and hug Minji

"I can't l-lose him Minji, not again..."

"We won't lose him Hyein, he's not the type to give up like that" Minji says. I tighten my hug with her

"Come on let's go home, we should check up on Haerin as well." I nod.

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