13. leave

671 18 1

Haerin POV:

"DAD" H-he shot himself...

Just then, the police barge in.

"O-Oh my goodness" One of the policemen gasp.

I feel Y/N freeing me from the ties.


"Haerin I'm so sorry." I feel him hug me

"If I just came sooner, maybe just maybe.." I felt a tear drop on my head. I hug him back.

He was supposed to serve his punishment, not die...

"Hey kids, we need to take you guys outside, follow me." One of the policemen escort us outside.

As we make our way out, I see my friends waiting anxiously.

"HAERIN" They come running to me as they see me

"I'm so happy you're okay kid" Minji says as she tears up.

As I hug them, I notice one person missing, Hyein. I see her coming to us slowly.

"Hyein-ah!" I run to her, she doesn't look okay.

"Haerin unnie.." I engulf her into a tight hug, was she in this position because of me?

"Don't worry about my injury, I'm doing better now haha" She laughs it off.

"I'm so sorry Hyein, if it weren't for me you wouldn't have-"

"Aish shut up, I did this for you cause I love you! Don't give me that" She hugs me back


3 weeks have gone by. I'd be lying if I said I'm doing okay. The first two weeks I'd lock myself up in my room. My friends would grow concerned everyday. Only until recently have I opened up.

Right now, I'm at the cemetery standing by my Dad's gravestone. 

"I knew I'd find you here" It's Y/N's voice

"hi honey" I say as I bring him into a hug.

If it weren't for Y/N, I don't think I'd be sane.

"How are you feeling right now?" Y/N asks

"Okay? I'm still really sad but it's going away slowly." I sigh

"I guess we have something in common?" I chuckle as I say that, Y/N does the same.



"hm?" he wraps his arm around my shoulder

I was wondering if I should ask him a question that has been lingering in my head since the day my dad died.

"Let's go to the park" I grab his hand and lead the way.

As we arrive, we walk down a peaceful trail.

"Y/N, my dad brought up something about you, I was just wondering-"

"Yeah it happened"

"W-what?" I just look at him

"I'm not proud to admit this, but people have died to my hands. Hyein witnessed it."

"So my dad w-wasn't"

"No, he wasn't lying." He grabs my hands and looks at me.

"I'm sorry Haerin. I didn't have any sort of self control since the passing of my parents, which ultimately led me to a painful past." I stay silent

"I understand how you're feeling, this is the only reason why I chose to meet you today. I'm leaving soon."


"I need time to reflect on myself Haerin. Not for the sake of myself, but so I can ensure your safety. I don't think I can forgive myself. Not only did I traumatize Hyein, I hurt you as well."

"But Y/N w-we can-"

"No Haerin... I love you, and that's why I'm doing this."

"Y-you're... YOU'RE LEAVING ME Y/N" He stays silent

"YOU.... you promised to stay with me..." I begin to tear up

"I'm sorry Haerin. I broke our promise." I don't get it..

"I'm using the same number, so if you need me just contact me okay?"

"Everyone always leaves me Y/N. You know that I can't handle this, yet you're still choosing to do this?" I'm in disbelief, I can't lose my love.

"I don't want to do this either Haerin, you know I love you with my entire heart, but I can't continue to love someone when I can't even love myself." He replies

I let go of his hands.


I ran away.

Y/N just stands there as the distance between us continues to grow.

I enter my home and I finally let it all go.

"HAERIN!" Hanni rushes over to me. I let the others go, but Hanni insisted to stay because she was way too worried for me.


"Hey it's okay, take deep breaths." Hanni hugs me

"Did I do anything wrong.. I don't get it Hanni, everyone keeps leaving"

"Don't tell me Y/N-"

"He's gone Hanni... He left.." I cry even harder, what did I do to go through this.

Hanni POV:

My heart hurt seeing this sight of Haerin, she didn't do anything to deserve this.

I'd lie if I were to say I wasn't hurt by the news of Y/N leaving us, he was the coolest kid I knew. 

"It's okay Haerin, I'm sure he'll come back sooner or later okay? Let's just give him some time."


poor Haerin

anyways, time skip on the way!

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