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The sky above Feldcroft was covered in an array of oranges and pinks when we arrived. The Hamlet was still, everyone retreating to their homes after a long day's work. Each window glowed from its interior light. In the distance there was faint, happy laughter from children.

The Floo Powder system put us close to the middle of the Hamlet, the Sallow home not far from us. I felt a bit sick to my stomach being back here. I started at the well in the center of the town, feeling like my past cries were still trapped at the bottom.

Sebastian removed the cloak, inviting us back to the world. He led the way to the small, familiar cottage. He unlocked the door and gestured for Ominis and I to enter, "Welcome back mates, make yourself at home."

I looked over to the side of the cottage. Solomon's grave was unintended, and its flowers were wilted. It was almost as if the grave was placed strategically there. It was Anne's reminder to Sebastian, so he wouldn't forget what he did and how he couldn't undo it.

Ominis squeezed my arm before he took out his wand out to guide himself in. I stood outside for just a moment, acknowledging all that had occurred in the Sallow home. I have never once visited and left with a good memory.

The first time I visited was when Sebastian took me to meet Anne and Solomon. Sebastian never got to properly introduce me before his uncle started to argue with him. Every other time we visited during our fifth year was horrendous. Ultimately, my unexpected visit last December destroyed me.

I took a deep breath and finally crossed the cottage's threshold. The house looked unused, its air being stale. I closed the door behind me and explored the small room, going towards the back to Sebastian's bookcase. I ran my finger along the shelf, finding it to be covered in dust. I turned around, one bed was perfectly made while the other looked used. Its sheets were thrown chaotically across the mattress.

No, it can't be. Maybe Sebastian slept here recently and didn't bother to clean?

I walked into the living room area, while the boys started to remove their belongings from my bag. Looking over to the table near the fireplace, a book was placed neatly on top. I glanced down, curious to see what recent book Sebastian was reading.

I found it to be completely covered in dust, unable to read the title. With a quick motion from my hand, I swept off the dust, revealing its cover.

A Christmas Carol.

It finally hit me. The Sallow home has remained untouched since I fled from it that cold December night. The only thing that changed in the Sallow home was us. We all left it at some point and returned as different people. The house aged just as we had.

But still, every object was left in its place. Waiting to be discovered again, waiting to be good as new. Just like our trio's friendship. When we found each other again, we had to wipe off the dust to reveal what we originally were. What was hidden underneath.

I left the table and went to the kitchen, opening its cabinets to be filled with cobwebs and no food to be found. As I searched, I heard Sebastian walk by the table I was once at. His movements were somewhat fast. When I turned back around, the book that was once there, disappeared.

I found Ominis running his hand along the dusty furniture, "Sebastian it is absolutely filthy in here."

"Watch this mate, tergeo." Sebastian waved his wand around the room, causing all the dust to disappear and the air to smell alive again. The whole house was clean, "Filthy? Think again mate." Ominis sighed and went to sit on the couch, using his wand to quickly light the fireplace.

Luckily, I thought ahead and brought food items to make us all soup. I gathered all the needed ingredients and got to work. While I waited for the water in the large pot to heat up, I took out my key ingredients onto a cutting board and started to dice them into smaller pieces.

Right Where You Left Me | Sebastian Sallow |Where stories live. Discover now