Prologue - The beginning of suffering

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In a serene corner of the vast and mystical world of Demon Slayer, nestled amidst lush forests and tranquil streams, there lay a quaint village named Mizuho. It was a village where the dawn was greeted with the melodious songs of birds, and the dusk painted the sky with hues of orange and purple. Within this village, resided an 13-years-old boy named Yamato.

Yamato was a child of extraordinary appearance, his skin as pure as freshly fallen snow, and his hair, a shock of brilliant white, a stark contrast to the vibrant greenery that surrounded him. He possessed an innocent charm that drew the villagers toward him, his eyes reflecting the curiosity of a young mind eager to explore the world beyond the village borders.

Life in Mizuho was simple and serene. Yamato lived with his mother, Aiko, a gentle and caring woman with ebony hair that cascaded like a waterfall down her back, and his younger brother, Hiroshi, a cherubic toddler who could light up the darkest corners of their home with his infectious laughter. Aiko, a skilled herbalist, was not only the pillar of their small family but also a source of solace for the villagers. She possessed an uncanny ability to heal both physical ailments and wounded hearts with her herbal remedies and soothing words.

Nestled in the heart of the village, their home was a sanctuary filled with warmth and love. The days were spent tending to the garden Aiko had nurtured over the years, its vibrant blossoms a testament to her nurturing touch. Yamato often accompanied her, learning the secrets of the plants and herbs that held the power to mend and protect.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Yamato would sit with Hiroshi under the starry canopy, sharing tales of heroes and adventures that his mother spun like intricate tapestries. These stories fueled his imagination and dreams, casting him into a world of valor and honor.

But as all tales go, not every page is filled with joy and contentment. On one fateful night, a night when the moon was veiled in ominous clouds, a sinister presence descended upon Mizuho. A chill swept through the village, unsettling the very essence of its tranquility until... A demon appeared

The Demon's malevolence knew no bounds. It unleashed its terrible power upon Mizuho, leaving trails of frozen destruction in its wake. The peaceful village was reduced to ruins, houses reduced to rubble, and once-flourishing gardens turned into desolate wastelands. The villagers, who had once found solace in their idyllic haven, now cowered in fear.

This sinister event marked the beginning of an extraordinary journey for Yamato, one filled with peril, adventure, and the unyielding determination to avenge the destruction of his home and family. The boy with the striking white skin and hair was about to embark on a path that would test not only his physical strength but the depths of his courage and the purity of his heart.

In the aftermath of the nightmarish encounter with The demon. Yamato's heart burned with an unwavering resolve. He could no longer remain a passive observer of the world's cruelty. The blood of his village and the cries of his mother and brother echoed in his ears, compelling him to take action.

In the midst of the ruins that were once his home, Yamato knelt beside a charred tree, its branches reaching out like skeletal fingers, and made a solemn oath. His voice, though young, resonated with the determination of a warrior forged in the crucible of tragedy.

(OC x Kanae Kocho) My Precious Butterflies "Kimetsu no Yaiba"Where stories live. Discover now