Chapter 8 - Giyuu's vow

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Kanae's eyes widened in surprise, her cheeks flushing with color. "Yamato, I..."

Before she could respond, Yamato hurriedly continued, his words tumbling out in a rush. "I know it might seem sudden, and I understand if you don't feel the same way. But I couldn't keep this to myself any longer. I care about you deeply, Kanae, and I wanted you to know."

There was a moment of silence between them, filled with the weight of Yamato's confession hanging in the air. Kanae's expression softened, and she reached up to cup Yamato's cheek gently.

"Yamato, I..." she began, her voice barely above a whisper.

But before she could finish, the sound of approaching footsteps interrupted them. Giyuu and Shinobu emerged from the forest carrying boxes of vials of wisteria potions, their expressions curious as they took in the scene before them.

"Did we interrupt something?" Shinobu asked with a mischievous grin, while Giyuu remained silent but observant as always.

Yamato and Kanae quickly pulled apart, both feeling a mix of embarrassment and relief at the interruption.

"N-no, it's nothing," Yamato stammered, trying to regain his composure.

Kanae shot him a reassuring smile before turning to Giyuu and Shinobu. "We were just catching up. Yamato was telling me about his journey."

Giyuu nodded, seemingly accepting her explanation without question. Shinobu, however, seemed to sense that there was more to the story but wisely chose not to press further.

"Well, we should probably head inside," Shinobu suggested, breaking the awkward silence. "It's getting late, and I'm sure we're all tired from training."

Yamato and Kanae both nodded in agreement, grateful for the opportunity to escape the uncomfortable moment. As they followed Giyuu and Shinobu back into the mansion, Yamato couldn't shake the feeling that he had left something important unsaid.

But for now, he would cherish the warmth of Kanae's presence and the hope that maybe, just maybe, his confession had planted a seed of something more between them.

As the group made their way back into the mansion, the tension from Yamato's confession lingered in the air. They settled down for a quiet evening, each lost in their thoughts. Early the next morning, Giyuu and Shinobu prepared to head into town to gather more equipment for their training.

"Shinobu, are you ready?" Giyuu asked, adjusting the strap on his half-and-half haori.

Shinobu nodded, a determined look on her face. "Let's go. We need those supplies to continue our experiments."

As they set off towards the town, the day started out calm and peaceful. The town bustled with activity as people went about their daily routines. Giyuu and Shinobu split up to gather the items on their list, working efficiently to complete their task.

However, as the sun began to dip towards the horizon, an ominous feeling settled over the town. Unbeknownst to the townspeople, a group of demons had set their sights on the town, planning a surprise attack.

The first sign of trouble came with distant screams, quickly growing louder and more frantic. Giyuu's eyes widened as he recognized the sound.

"Demons," he muttered, his hand instinctively reaching for his sword.

He ran towards the source of the commotion, his mind racing. Shinobu was still somewhere in the town, and he needed to find her. As he rounded a corner, he saw Shinobu standing her ground against a demon, her eyes filled with fierce determination.

(OC x Kanae Kocho) My Precious Butterflies "Kimetsu no Yaiba"Where stories live. Discover now