Chapter 3 - Final Selection

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In the quiet solitude of the mountaintop dojo, the enigmatic Sakonji Urokodaki became the masterful guide to Yamato's journey into the intricate world of Water Breathing. The misty shroud that enveloped the elevated terrain seemed to resonate with the rhythmic movements of their training.

Under Sakonji's watchful eye, Yamato immersed himself in the teachings, absorbing the essence of Water Breathing with a surprising swiftness. The katana, an extension of his newfound knowledge, sliced through the air with a grace that belied his relatively brief exposure to the art.

The night unfolded like a silent dance, with Sakonji orchestrating the steps of his eager pupil. Yamato's body, once unfamiliar with the intricacies of Water Breathing, now moved with a fluidity that spoke of a natural aptitude. Each strike, each technique, was executed with a finesse that surpassed the expectations of even the seasoned master.

In the dim glow of moonlight, Sakonji observed with a measured satisfaction as Yamato seamlessly integrated the teachings into his own combat style. The mist that veiled the mountain seemed to nod in approval, as if acknowledging the birth of a new swordsman under the tutelage of the Water Hashira.

As the night waned and the first hints of dawn painted the sky, Sakonji, normally reserved and stern, found himself compelled to express his recognition. "You've learned well, Yamato," he declared, his voice carrying a note of approval that resonated in the serene atmosphere.

Yamato, standing amidst the dissipating mist, nodded in acknowledgment. Beads of sweat adorned his brow, testament to the effort and dedication poured into the night's training. The bond between master and disciple had deepened, woven through the shared exploration of the ancient art of Water Breathing.

With the rising sun casting its warm glow upon the mountaintop, Sakonji gestured for Yamato to take a moment of respite. The katana, once a mysterious weapon, now rested in Yamato's hands with an air of familiarity. The echoes of their training lingered, marking the end of a transformative night and the beginning of a new chapter in Yamato's quest to become a skilled Demon Slayer.

Yamato finished his training with the Urokodaki brothers and started to leave and he was wearing a Black pants with his mother's blue hoari/coat with a Katana lend by Jumonji

As the sun began its ascent, casting a golden hue across the mountaintop, the time for farewells had arrived. Yamato, having undergone intense training under the watchful eyes of Sakonji, Jumonji, Giyuu, Sabito, and Makomo, stood at the precipice of a new chapter in his journey.

Sakonji, his stern countenance softened momentarily, stepped forward. "Yamato, you've proven yourself a capable student. May the Water Breathing techniques serve you well in your future endeavors. Remember, the path of a Demon Slayer is fraught with challenges, but your determination will be your greatest ally."

Jumonji, the ever-jovial instructor, clapped Yamato on the back with a hearty laugh. "You've got spirit, kid! Keep that fire burning, and you'll carve your own legacy in this world ."

Sabito, his peach-colored hair catching the morning light, offered a rare smile. "You've come a long way, Yamato-San. Don't forget the lessons learned here. They will be your foundation."

Makomo, the gentle soul among them, spoke with warmth. "May your path be filled with moments of growth and companionship, Yamato-Kun. Cherish the bonds you form, for they will be your strength."

Giyuu, typically reserved, nodded in acknowledgment. "Stay safe, Nii-San. Umm....." Giyuu was fidgeting around

Yamato, "No matter where we are, We'll always be brothers I'll be waiting for you to become a strong man to protect your friends ok?" Yamato shows his warm smile and pats him in the head

(OC x Kanae Kocho) My Precious Butterflies "Kimetsu no Yaiba"Where stories live. Discover now