Chapter 7 - Hinokami Kagura vs Light Breathing

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Yamato paced back and forth, his nerves on edge as he watched Kanae prepare for the Final Selection. The training had been rigorous, and now the moment of truth was upon them. Yamato was sparring against Kanae.

"Kanae," Yamato called out, trying to mask his anxiety as they sparred in the courtyard. "You know you don't have to be a hero in the Final Selection."

Kanae smiled, her eyes filled with determination. "Don't worry about me, Yamato."

"I know but..." Yamato's voice trailed off, his concentration slipping.

In a flash, Kanae saw her opportunity. "Water Breathing, First Form: Water Surface Slash!" she shouted, her wooden sword striking with precision.

Yamato's thoughts raced as his wooden sword shattered. She's fast!

Giyuu and Shinobu, watching from the sidelines, cheered.

"Yay, Nee-san finally got a hit!" Shinobu exclaimed, clapping her hands.

Yamato examined the broken pieces of his sword, a proud smile spreading across his face. "Well... your strike was brilliant. Giyuu, I didn't actually do much in the Final Selection. Can you tell Kanae everything about it?"

Giyuu nodded and began to explain the details, particularly about the fearsome demon lurking in the middle of the mountain.

"The point is," Yamato interjected, "you don't have to kill demons in the Final Selection. Don't be afraid to run if you need to."

Kanae nodded, absorbing their advice as she steeled herself for the challenge ahead.

The day before the Final Selection, Yamato decided to treat everyone to dango in town. The group sat in a cozy dango shop, the atmosphere filled with anticipation.

"Wait for me here," Yamato whispered to Giyuu, "I have to buy Kanae something."

Kanae looked up curiously. "Where are you going?"

Yamato flashed a mischievous grin. "Secret..."

He returned after ten minutes, holding a bag. Shinobu's eyes sparkled with curiosity.

"What's that, Yamato-san?" she asked.

Yamato handed the bag to Kanae. "My gift for you, for completing your training."

Kanae's eyes widened in surprise. "For me? Thank you."

As she opened the bag, her face lit up with joy. "It's a butterfly haori!"

Yamato smiled warmly. "I saw this earlier and thought it would suit you."

Giyuu and Shinobu, who had been quietly eating their dango, watched the exchange intently. Kanae hugged the haori, her cheeks turning bright red.

"Thank you so much, Yamato," she said, tears welling up in her eyes.

Yamato panicked slightly, kneeling in front of her. "Hey! Hey... are you alright?"

Kanae wiped her tears, smiling through her emotions. "Thank you for being so kind to me, Yamato."

Yamato sighed in relief. "Of course."

Kanae stood up and donned the butterfly haori, looking radiant.

Shinobu clapped her hands. "You look so beautiful, Nee-san."

"Thanks, Shinobu-chan," Kanae replied, her smile brightening.

The next morning, Yamato handed Kanae a Nichirin sword, the same one Jumonji had given him for his Final Selection. Kanae wore her butterfly haori over her civilian clothes, ready to face the challenge.

(OC x Kanae Kocho) My Precious Butterflies "Kimetsu no Yaiba"Where stories live. Discover now