The name's Sam

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In a high school called Norrisville high. Two boys, one with dark purple hair, and one with orange hair walks down the hallway to their first class.

"Howard, I told you, for the last time, I don't drool all over the place when I go nomicon."

"Yes you do! How do you explain my shirt getting wet yesterday?!"

"I thought you spilled something."

Howard sighed heavily.

"Look, Randy, I think it's time that you should know that all the students here ARE watching you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"The important thing is that the GIRLS won't go out with you with that drooling."

"Oh, so you're trying to say that I can't get girls?"

"I didn't say that. It's just you need to stop drooling."

Finally, the school bell rings. And they went to class. They went to their seats And they got started.


Finally. After the moving I've done to get here, I'm finally here. I don't know if I can handle a new school in a place I don't know so much. You see, I'm not from around here. And I don't eat, sleep, or do anything that others do. I'm just a kid from Japan. Yep, and now, I'm a Japanese-American now. Maybe I might make new friends. I can show them the cool stuff my mom and dad always collect and....

Wait, no. No, that's not gonna work. Not at all. Just look at me. I can't make friends that easy. And I can't let them know about my secret. That'll leave all of us in a lot of trouble, especially them. Looks like I have to hide myself for now on. And live the life the others do everyday. Besides, what can go wrong? It's not like I'm gonna find anyone to talk to. Well, here it goes. My first day as a freshman in Norrisville High.

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