What the Juice, Nomicon?!

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Panting. All the hard training that I've been doing was hard. Hard enough for me to handle at once. And finally, I've finished them.

"Yes! So Bruce!"

Suddenly, a felt something hit my head. I gazed at the falling object and it was only a nut.

"A nut?!"

I picked it up with my thumb and index finger. This is not the prize I was hoping for.

"I do believe I deserve some sort of prize-"

As I was about to finish my sentence, the nut cracks open. As the smoke goes out the nut, it shows letters of my new riddle.It says,

"A Ninja must befriended with an Ali of it's own."

Okay, that doesn't make any sense. What Ali? The only person that I befriended was Howard and Sam. And Howard already knows about me being a ninja, Only Howard. Howard's the only friend that knows my secret, all except....


Oh, how much I wanna tell her. I sometimes think of her beautiful smile as I show her the mask and my moves to impress her. That would've made her day more better to know that she's best friends with a cool ninja, that's me. But she doesn't know that. I bet she never seen a real ninja before. I wish she could understand, but I just don't want her to be in danger. Not her. She's very important to me and I can't let not anyone touch her except for me. In a sweet and lovable way. She would be all mine and everyone would know how much I adore her. But that has to wait. I later on have to figure out who the Ali is. I just hope I don't mess up anything.

Suddenly, the floors start to shake and I fall right back out of the nomicon. I gasps for some air. Howard was sitting across from me as he cranked his soda.

"So, what did the nomicon say?"

"It said something about an Ali? But I already have one. And that's you."

"What about Sam?"

"No, I don't think so."

"What you don't trust her or something?"

"No, I do, but-"

"But, what?"

I sighed.

"It's just that I don't want her to be in a lot of trouble. All because of. Me."

"Cunningham, you might not know what's gonna happen. When you told me, I didn't get caught."

"Yes you did. Remember when you said to the whole school you knew who the ninja is?!"

"Oh, right. But that's not the point. Just give her some questions that regards to telling her the truth about being the ninka. Then when she passes, just tell her."

"And if she don't?"

There was a pause for a moment. I'm not sure what this is going.

"I don't know. I've never kept a secret from a girl besides my sister and the others at school."

"Exactly, she's our friend and I don't want to hurt her feelings. When she came to this school, she looked scared to even talk to anyone."

"I know. I saw the same look on her face when she walked in. That's why I told her to come hang with us on her first day."

"Wait, that's why?"

Howard nodded and drinks out of his soda can.

"Anyways, let's just wait a bit longer. We have to wait if she's ready for this. Now can we get back to doing our homework. Sam dared us to do this to get a B or better in this quiz. And I don't want to hear her babbling. She sounds like your mom when I come over."

I chuckled. He's right. She does sound like my mom. And has the same personality as her. I just hope that she's the one-I mean... Uh! Never mind. I'll wait and see.

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