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As Randy opens the door, Howard and I walked in and Howard showed me the way to Randy's room. He and Randy has been in his home ever since they were in preschool. As me and Howard walked in, my mouth was now shape like an o. His room was so cool with some ninja posters and other stuff I used to want rpto have in my room. Howard and I both sat down and waited on Randy to come. He finally came and gives us the controllers. And now we were playing the game that they always talked about at school. "Grave Puncher."

"So, do you think you can beat the masters of grave punching?" Said Randy with a grin.

"I wouldn't say that. Besides, I never played it before."

"Oh." Randy's face was becoming red with embarrassment.

"Don't worry Sam, we'll teach ya."

"Yeah, sure."

A few minutes later, I finally got all the info about the game and we started to play against each other. As the game starts, the boys starts to move their fingers repeatedly on their controllers as I swiftly move mine into different buttons. About thirty minutes later, we're at the last level and me and Randy are so close to beat a new high score. We all shouted as I was about to hit the last grave and finally,



I can't believe it! I won! For the first time on a game I didn't know about, I won!

"Wow! Looks like she's the queen of grave punching now." Said Howard.

"We should have a rematch next time." Said Randy.

"Good idea."

It was now 7:00pm and was time for me to go home. I waved Howard goodbye until Randy came up to me.

"Are you sure you want to walk alone?"

"Ha ha, I only live five houses down."

"I know, but I was just checking."

"OK then. You can take me home then."

Randy nodded and walked me home. We both said our goodbyes and I went inside. I can't wait to play the game again. I never had this much fun since I was five. No wonder mom wanted to come leave here. It's the place she always want to be herself. And so am I. Thanks mom and dad. You both made my life so easier.

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