Stay Away From Randy, Or Else.

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Yes! Another day with my two best friends, Randy and Howard. I can't wait to show them my new headphones my mom got for me. And the best part, it was 70% off. So that means I got two more! One for each of them. Yes! I'm so gonna be the best friend they ever had! Go Sam! Go Sam! Go Sam!

As I go to the locker, I put up the presents and I closed the door. Then suddenly, a piece of paper flew out and onto the floor. I picked it up and opened it. Maybe it might be my old notes from class.

But it wasn't.

My eyes were wide open as I saw the most shocking !message I've ever read. This never happened to me before. Not me. But why? I couldn't move anymore. I could even hear my heart beating fast as well was now,


Afraid that someone's coming after me.

"Hey Sam, what cha got there?"

I didn't answer as I was still scared to even tell him.

Randy's POV

I stood there next by Sam puzzled. Why is she talking to me again? Was it something I said? I came up closer to her and finally saw the piece of paper in her hands. I've never thought that I would never seen a note like this in life before, or ever. It was a ransom note. And the worst part, it had MY name on it. And even more worse, it was in SAM'S locker. Her! Why would someone come after her? What did she do to them? Was this a joke? Now I'm starting to think that maybe I should tell her to stay close to me for now on. I suddenly hear whimpering and saw Sa! Shaking like crazy. I bet this is her first time being a victim of a ransom note to get hurt sooner, or later.


Still no answer. I pit my hand on her shoulder. And she looks at me with tears getting ready to fall from her.

"W-Why would s-somene what to h-hurt me? I didn't even do anything w-wrong. What am I going to do now?"

"Come here.

I spread out my arms as Sam took in and I hold her tight into my chest. I even got the chance to combed through her hair softly with my fingers.

"Sam, all I can tell you is to stay close to me. Don't worry, I'll won't let anyone hurt you. I promise. I know that people can be mean in just a snap, but you have friends here to help you. Me and Howard CARE about you. And we'll always be by your side, no matter what the concinquences are. Doyou understand?"

She wiped her eyes and smiled at me. I really don't like to see her cry. It breaks my heart to know that she's now in some trouble with me. But it doesn't matter. I would like to see them try.

"Ok. Now I feel better."

"Not yet."


I put out my hand.

"Here, give me the note."

She gave me the note and I walk to the trashcan in the hallway. And I ripped it all up into millions of pieces. I walk back and see Sam giggling with tears of joy in her eyes. She gave me a hug. I hugged back.

"Thanks, Randy. You're the best guy friend I ever have. And Howard too."

"And you're the best female friend we ever have. Can we go to class now?"


We both walked away like the ransom note never happened.

Someone's POV

Great! And I thought she would get away from him that easy. Looks like I need some help. You'll see Randy, I'll be the only person you need to protect for. And not for her. I'll make sure that she doesn't get a glimpse from you ever again if it's the last thing I do.

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