Jelly Part 1

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Randy's POV

Another day at school. I was going to hang out or get to know her even better. As I walk in the class, I frozed. Yes Sam is there, but she's giggling with some


I suddenly felt a knot in my stomach of how I see them both close to each other like that. Why is she sitting by this boy? What are they talking about? All these questions just makes me even more sicker. Sam finally notices me and moves her hands to tell me to come here. And I obeyed. We both sat our assigned seats and wait until the teacher gives us instructions of what we are gonna do today.

An hour later, we go to the halls and get our stuff for our next class. Sam's next by me.

"Hey, Randy?"


"Um, I need to ask you something."

"Sure. What is it?"

There was a long pause. Oh no. I' not sure if it's going to be good.

"Can I come see you guys on tomorrow?"

"Sure! You can- wait, What?! Why?!"

"Well, um. It's because-"

"Hey, I'll see you tonight, OK?" Said the guy she was talking to earlier.

He walks away.

"Really? That's why you're canceling?"

"I'm not canceling it. I'm just saying to change the schedule. Don't worry, it won't take long for tomorrow. Well, see you later."

"Yeah.... See ya."

Great, now what are Howard and I going do now? We need Sam to hang with us or else Howard would start babbling. She always helps us get out of problems. But I still feel sick of her and that guy. I just hope things don't get worst.

"What?! What do you mean she's not coming?!" Shouted Howard.

I was now at Howard's home as I told him the bad news.

"She just told us to do it tomorrow."

"You've got to be kidding me! And all the movies I had! I wanted to see if she liked them!"

"I know. And she said she's sorry for that. She had other things to do."

"Like what?"

"Uh. Go with some guy she just met-"

"What?! You're telling me that she's on a date?!"

I flinched at the "Date." I just wish he didn't had to say it like that.

"Well, we just have to wait tomorrow. I just hope that she's having a GREAT time without us." Howard said sarcastically.

Then I suddenly had an idea.


"Or what?"

"Maybe we should she what she IS having fun-"

"No! No,no,no,no,no! I can't believe you would think like that!"

"Oh come on! It's just-"

"Don't even say another word to me, Cunningham. What if this mess up our friendship?"

He's right. I don't want to be blamed for sneaking up on our only female friend. It's uncalled for. Well, I guess we just have to deal with it. I think?

"You know what Howard? Let's just go to a resturaunt and eat."

"Now you're talking."

A few minutes later, we finally reached out destination to the restaurant. With the money I saved for chores. We both sat at our table and started to eat, but I didn't feel like it.

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