You're not a ninja!

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It was now lunch time. Howard, Randy and I are about to enter the cafeteria.

"Guys, I think it's time to have the talk." Said Howard as he put his arms behind our backs.

"What talk?"

"You know. About the ninja."

"Howard, why do we have to all about him? He's not here."

"Exactly. Would it be cool to see him again, just for you?"


"Yeah, he would so tell you all the things he's been doing to protect you."

"You mean, us?"

"That too. He should show up at ant point now."

"Uh, Howard? Can I please talk to you for a sec?"

I guided Howard by the boys restroom. I checked in ever stall for Amy suspects. There was none of them.

"Howard, I don't know what you're trying to do, but it's not gonna happen. I'm not going ninja on Sam."

"Oh come on, Cunningham. She barely saw the ninja. Just let her get a closer look at him and that's it."

"I just said no. I can't make her that excited about him." I turned my back on him with my arms crossed.

"Hm, you just scared to show her how cool he is, isn't it?"

"What? No, it's a waste of time."

"You didn't say that when you showed up for the first time. And you did it for me! Please? Just for our Sam?"

I looked back at Howard as he was now giving me the puppy eyes. Maybe I might do it one more time.

"Fine, but you owe me a soda after school."

"Yes! I can't wait to see her face when she sees you again. Up close!"

Sam's POV

I waited for Howard and Randy to come back. Then I see Howard walking back to the table, but where's Randy?

"Uh, Howard? Where's Randy?"

"Oh, him? Nature's calling."


"He's using it."

"Oh, OK. So, about the ninja. What does he do during fighting?"

"Why you asking me? You should ask him."

"How am I supposed to talk to him. I mean, it's not like I can snap my fingers, *SNAP*, just like that and he just magically comes out."

Suddenly, I felt the wind had blown in my face as I coughed up smoke. Wait a second, it smells like-

"Hello, students! T'is I, THE NINJA!"

The whole cafeteria was filled with cheering. I had to cover my ears from all the screaming girls around me. I then realize that I snapped my fingers and HE showed up! I gazed at my hands surprised.


"See, Sam? He just showed up for you. Go ahead. Talk to him. Pronto!"

Howard pushes me close up to the table and I frozed. He looked taller then me and red wore the ninja outfit to cover up his identity. He looked down on me and kneeled down to my level, close enough.

"So, you wanted to ask me something, miss?"

I blushed.

"Um, I."

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