Howard's big sis

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As Sam walks with Howard to a room. He opens it and Sam sees the back of the chair.

"Hey sis, there's someone I want you to meet."

"Uh! Howard, I told you not to come in without knocking!"

As the red chair turns around, there's a girl with lone, orange hair with a red hair clip on the right side. She has a baige short with a red collar, red at the bottom of her short sleeve and a red bracelet on her left arm.

Howard's older sister, and the host of "Norrisville High's #1 Me-Cast: Heidi@School!" She's beautiful, popular and on the cutting edge of pretty much everything.

"Who's this?"

"Heidi, this is Sam, Sam, this is my sis, Heidi."

"Well, it's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. Hey, where's Brandy?"

"Huh? You mean Randy, right?" Said Sam.

"Yeah, him."

" Sorry about that, she always get his name mixed up." Whispers Howard.

"So, what's she here for?"

"She's just want to know how you do your magic with the news."

"Oh! Well, you came to the right girl."

Heidi later on told Sam all about her job. She gets extra credit instantly for doing an announcement everyday.

A few minutes later, they both say their goodbyes and go to the lockers where Randy is getting his things for science class. He sees Sam laughing with Howard.

"Hey Randy! I just met Heidi a few minutes ago."

"Did you have fun?"

"Yep! But she keeps getting your name wrong. I'm surprised." She crosses her arms and grins.

"Yeah, it always happens to me when she's around."

"I just gotta say this: I never knew that you guys both like gossip. She was so excited about that." Said Howard surprised as himself as well.

"I don't REALLY like gossip, I just like to hear what others are doing that's fun. Nothing else that's personal."

Randy smiled. He never knew that Sam could be a no noisy person.

"Oh! That's cool too. Anyway, you guys up for a carnival coming soon?" Said Howard.

"A carnival? When?" Both Randy and Sam said it at the same time.

" I'll tell you some other time, it's a little of days to come up pretty soon. I mean, a lot of weeks to get it started."

"Well, what shall we do know?" Asks Randy.

"Well, can I come to your house and play Grave Puncher with you two?"

Howard and Randy's mouth dropped.

"Are you serious?!"

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?" Sam was getting a little bit nervous.

"Oh, nothing. It's just...." Randy rubs the back of his neck nervously.

"We never had a girl come over to play games with us before."

"We'll, now you do!" Sam giggles.

"Gee, her laughs so adorable. I wish she can laugh all day." Thought Randy.

The school bell runs and it's time to go home.

"Well, whatta you waiting for? Let's go to Cunningham's!"

"Hey Randy, last one's a rotten egg!"

"Oh, it's on!"

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