It's Ninja O'Clock!

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Sam is right. What if somebody wants to hurt her? I know we're friends, but why is somebody trying to break us apart? She didn't do anything to anyone. Not me, or Howard. So Why are they trying to make her feel scared of them? I just hope they don't get their dirty has on her. If so, it won't be pretty.

"So, you mean to tell me hat someone is coming after, if she's close with you?" Ask Howard.

"Yes, Howard. I just don't know what to do. The inside of me says "You need to fight back," and the other says "Just tell her to live at my house for now on."

Howard's eyes widened and then made a mischievous grin.


"Oh nothing."

"Howard, you're starting to freak me out. What's the cheese?"

"Wellll. When you said about keeping Sam safe, I was wondering if you ARE trying to get her to life in your house-"

"What?! No, I didn't mean like-"

"Oh, believe me. I know what you mean. By the way, you're face looks like a tomato."

I sighed. And I sat back down covering my face.

"Well, all I'm saying is that I need to protect her."

"You mean WE need to protect her."

"That too."

Suddenly, I hear screaming and see all the students run for their life's. And I couldn't believe my eyes. It was a stink monster of Bucky. He was smashing through tables and eating up all the cafeteria food. To be honest, I've been waiting for some action for a long time.

"Howard, guess what time it is-"

"I get it! Just go ninja already!"

I pulled out my mask and ran into the boy's restroom. I went back out and was now in my suit, ready to kick some butt. What a second, I can't let Sam get in trouble!

"Howard, I need you to take Sam away from here as possible!"

"You got it, ninja!"

I ran up to the Bucky.

"Alright, what's got into you this time?"

"Flute girl keeps on saying that I'm too impulsive to be in the band. And she broke my traingle!"

"On purpose?! Wow, women these days are so cruel. Can't you just buy another one?"

"No! I rather make her suffer!"

Suddenly, his fists came to me and I was pound into the ground. Man, I did notmsee that coming. I got back up using my ninja stealth moves to get him him down, but he keeps on beating me. Then suddenly, he throws me to the wall.

Sam's POV

All I see is teens running away from the cafeteria. What just happened? Are we having that grossed sloppy Joe again? That thing looked like barf!


I turn around to see Howard running to me.

"Howard, what's going on? Where's Randy?"

"Don't worry, he's outside."

That's strange. I didn't even seen him past by me. Howard grabs my hand.

"Come on, before things get much worse."

"Why would say of like tha-"

Suddenly, me and Howard hear is a loud bang as I saw someone get thrown threw the concrete wall and landed into the lockers. I couldn't believe my eyes. I gasped. Is, Is that a ninja?!

Randy's POV

I groaned at the pain in my body as the stank monster ran up to me, but I quickly recovered and I moved out the way. Then I see Sam, gazing at me with surprise. What! What is she doing here?! She needs to get out, like, NOW! I suddenly felt another hit again. I got up and still see Sam worried what will happened to me. Then, she ran away as Howard followed her. I gazed back at the stink monster and grabbed my sword. Time to take out the trash.

Sam's POV

I ran away as soon as possible to be alone. I looked threw my bag to finally get what I was looking for. I frozed. I remembered leaving it in my room and in my nightstand. Deng it! And I was so hoping for a little action with the RED ninja! I can't believe that there's a red ninja in HIGHSCHOOL! Maybe this is what the book Kent. To find an Ali of my own. But oh my gosh! That's so Bruce! I finally get to do my job again! Oh, I miss my job!

"Sam! We need to go!"


I ran back out with Howard and see the ninja finally took down the stank monster. The crowd cheered and the ninja bowed down from his performance. That's weird. Does he think it's a joke? I'm not sure if ninjas are supposed to be proud. Maybe, but... I've never had the time to hear the crowds cheer. I just go away. Maybe someday I might talk to him personally myself.

"Alright, alright. Thanks for all the cheering. Remember to do your school work! Smoke bomb!"

Suddenly, the red ninja disappears in the red smoke and was now gone. I have a weir d feeling in my stomach about that guy. He doesn't seemed serious about his job. Or maybe I might be thinking weird things. I just saw him for the first time. Then, I see Randy. He ran up to us.

"Guys, are you OK?"

"Uh, yeah! We didn't run away for nothing." Said Howard.

"D-Did you see him?"

"See who?"

"The ninja. He fought a monster. I didn't even know there was a ninja protecting the school."

"Oh yah, him."

"Where were you?"

"I was in the crowd."

"OK then. Well, stay next to us next time. I amt to get a better look at him sooner or later."

"Uh, I don't think you should do that."


"We don't want you to get hurt."

"Randy, it's not like I'm gonna fight him, or anything."

I walk away and the boys stood by me. There's got to be another way to talk to him personally. And for now on, I'll keep my things with. Finally, a new adventure to my life story.

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