Field Trip!

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Today is the day that our class go on a field trip. This is my first time going on one with Randy and Howard and I'm so excited. That also means that I get some time off and walk around more. I was so tired of staying in the school. So this is a good luck charm for me. We are now on the bus and I couldn't find Howard and Randy nowhere, but I then saw them at the end of the bus waving at me to come sit with them. I obeyed and  sit in the middle. Howard is on my left and Randy on my right.

"So, how do you think of this school so far? Any problems with other students, or anything?" Asks Randy.


"Cunningham, just let the girl have some fun. It's not like someone's gonna hurt her."

The way Howard said that made me a little scared.


"What? Did I say something wrong?"

"No, no. I was just excited. That's all."

"Good. Hey do you want to be my partner for he rest of the trip? Don't worry. I won't bite."

"Hey! I was going to ask her."

"No you wasn't."

"Was too!"

"Guys, why can't we be partners all together? I'm not just a cookie on the plate."

"Sorry." Thy both said and looked away.

Suddenly, I felt the bus jump and I bumped into Howard. I then see my bag at the other side of the bus. I got up and picked up my stuff. Man, I need a new bag.

"So, what are you guys gonna do when we get to the museum?"

"Uh, just look at some interesting art work from the famous artist we know? That's what we supposed to do."

"Nah, I don't think so."

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, to me, it's kinda boring."

"I understand that Howard, but can you just-"

"Oh come on Sam. I was thinking if we can ditch it."

"Sorry, but you're talking to the wrong girl."

"Him, why do you have to be a goody two shoes?"


"Nothing! He didn't say anything." Randy covered Howard's mouth.

"No, I heard him. You think I'm some goody two shoes?"

"You always is."

I made a me an look on my face. Looks like I need to brake some rules around here.

Randy's POV

We finally got off the bus and Sam walked in front of us. I guess she's now mad at Howard for calling her a nice girl, but does she have to ignore us? I didn't even do nothing.

"Here we are. This is the Norrisville Museum. Where all the cultures are turned to life that is still here today. Now, as you can see-"

Sam looks around, but keeps walking. I'm not sure if she's gonna do anything bad. She's OUR Sam, what can go wrong? We now made it to the Japanese culture room, where Sam loves to learn the most. Suddenly, when I looked back, I didn't see Sam anymore. She was gone. I gasped.

"Howard, Sam's missing." I whispered.

"Don't worry. I bet she's in the little girls restroom."

"Are you sure?"

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