River Flows In You

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It was now Saturday and I am about to go to Sam's house. She wanted to show me something that she been working on for some weeks now and I'm curious about it. It is now 10:00 in the morning and I knocked at the door. It opens slowly showing the girl I was going to see, Sam. She had a big smile on her face as she sees my appearance.

"Oh, good. You're just in time. Come on!"

He grabs me by the arm and drags me in. As I went in, I see a huge piano in the living room. We both sat in the seat.

"So this is what you've been working on?"

"Yep. Since you play the piano guitar, I want to see if I can play it in the original style. Is that okay?"

"Sure. It won't hurt."

She nods and get in her position. She puts her delicate hands on the keyboards. And the most shocking thing happened that made me stay by her side even more longer.

She plays the keys so perfectly. I've never thought that she would work on this beautiful music before. It makes me wonder if she cares about me. And I do care about her. So much. Her new talent has got into a day dream. I would run up to her and pick her up and spin her around for fun as she laugh at my excitement for seeing her. I would put her down gently and hug her tightly and never let go. I would softly smooth her long black hair and feel her breathing down on my chest. I would smell her scent on me as well. And never thought I say this, but I think that she's the most special girl I've ever met in my life. The way she talks, smile, and acts in a different way then other girls would do just makes want to make her my special person. I would gaze into her navy blue eyes and she would stare into mine. I couldn't believe that she new my eyes color so easily. Sure, people say it's just blue, but it was more different. As I was saying, we would both stare into each others eyes and I would make the first move. I would do anything in my life to make her know who she supposed to be with. And as I do, I would give her the most passion able kiss that I've always wanted to do to make her mine and no one else. Forever. I just hope it doesn't last long. I can't hold it any longer, but what if she just wants us to be friends? Will it effect our relationship? And Howard's? It also makes me upset to wait a while to tell her my secret. I would love to see her cute smile as she knows who's she best friends with, or might fell in love with as well. If only time can go faster.

'Randy? Randy, are you ok?'

Gosh, her voice sounds so perfect. The way it sounds so perfect when she says my name.

"Randy? Come on? What did you think?"

I finally came back into reality. She still has that smile on her face.

"H-How did you know how to play so good? That was the straight up cheese!"

She blushes. Oh. My. Gosh! I can't take it no more with the blushes! I need to have her!

"Well, I took classes on Thursdays, so I got myself signed up in piano lessons. You know, since you play a different type off piano like instrument."

"You mean, you did this all because of me?"

She nodded.

That was the most sweetest thing that ever happens to me. Just me, Randy Cunningham and not the ninja.

"Well, I'm starving. Do you want to get some snacks and watch play some games?"


I got up and we both walked into the kitchen. And this would be my favorite moment of being with her. And I hope we can stay together and never let anyone break us apart. Just me, her, and Howard. That's all I wanted it to be.

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