Playing Footsies?!

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Me and Randy are in the same art class right now and we have to work in partners for us to get an A to complete it. I was sitting across from Randy as I drew out a sketch of him. I've learned how to draw ever since I was a little girl. My dad taught me how to draw a lot of things so this should be a peace of cake.

Randy's POV

This is the straight up most boring task that I have ever done. And all I do is just sit here waiting for Sam to finish up her drawing of me. But someone else got my attention. Her. Oh yeah. Howard did told me to make up some questions to ask her about. I looked around and everyone is busy. Good, now's my chance.

"Hey Sam?"


"Um, do you like when others hold secrets from you, even though it's important to them?"



"Huh? Oh, sorry. I was just drawing."

Are you kidding me?!

"What? Why are staring at me like that?"

I sighed heavily. This is gonna be harder then I thought.

"Never mind. Maybe next time."

"OK then. Can you hold still just a little? I need to finish this."

I stood still again. Maybe it's a baf idea to ask her during class. She does get serious into her work pretty quickly.

Five minutes have passed now. I'm So Bored!! I never sit for that long for a picture to be done! All I can do is look at Sam, who's still drawing, and do my smile. I later sighed and let my legs drag down the floor. Then I felt my legs hit Sam's as she moved hers away. I looked at her again. Still working on the drawing as usual. Hm, maybe I might have fun while I still can. I moved my legs to hers again and starting to play with her feet. She look up at me as I was still smiling at her. She looked down and continued her drawing. I moved her feet even faster side by side. She kept moving them away from me, but I kept following them. It started to get even more fun as she starts to my own away. I kept coming back. I never had this much fun in art class before with her. This might be my new favorite subject to do with her in here. Then she stops. The teacher talks to us.

"Mr. Cunningham, Mrs. Tucker? Would you please stop moving? This is not a kicking class."

"Sorry." We both said together.

Sam starts to blush like a tomato. That'll show her not to ignore me when I'm talking.

Sam's POV

Are you kidding me?! Why I would've slamed Randy's head in the table if he does it to me ever again. Why was he playing with me during class. I've already told him that I would be busy with this kind of stuff. And all he did was messing with my feet! And that means he was playing FOOTSIE with me! Now I feel embarrassed. All of the students looked at us with smiles on their faces as some giggled. They all went back to work. I then look at Randy who's still gives me a thats-what-you-get grin. I'm finally done and the school bell rings for us to go to lunch. I get up quickly and left Randy behind not looking back. What kind of game he think this is of playing with me during my concentraition?! This means war.

Ok, forget about the war. I'll just tell him to not do it again.

Randy's POV

"Cunningham! Is everything gone good with Sam?"

Howard walks next by me.

"No, I think I went too far."

"What?! You told her?!"

"No! I'm just saying that she didn't listened to me."

"What class were you both in?"

"Uh, Art?"

"Cunningham, you know that she doesn't like to be messed with in class. What did you ask her?"

"I asked her if she would be upset about others keeping secrets from her."

"Ok, good start. And what did she say?"

"Nothing. She was so focus, she barely heard me."

"That's it? And you just went back to work?"

"Well, not exactly." I rub the back of my neck.

"Uh oh, what did you do?"

"I kinda played with her feet under the table while she was drawing."

"What?! Dude, why on earth were you playing with her?"

"I just got mad. That's all. It's not like I made her fail class or anything."

"Hey, have you heard Randy was playing footsies in class with Samantha?" I heard a girl talking one another.

"Footsies?! Cunningham, look what you've done! Now you made Sam even more angry. And if she doesn't come back, who's going to bring me her snacks?! You have to tell her you're sorry or so help me I'll-"

"Ok, ok! I'll tell her. It's not the end of the world."

I walked away to find Sam.

"You better."

Sam's POV

"Um, Sam?"

I looked back to see Randy standing behind me.

"What is it now?"

"Uh, I just want to say sorry. About, you know."

"What made you think it was fun tovmess with me?"

"I asked you a question and you didn't hear me. So, I felt like you didn't want to listen."

Oh! That's why. I didn't hear what he said when I was doing my work. Great, now he thinks that he's not important to me.

"Oh. Randy, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to not listening to you."

"I know. And I'm the onenwho should be apologizing. I don't know what's gotten into me. So, we cool?"

"Yeah, but don't mess with me in class. Just tell me at lunch or after school, ok?"


We both walk to the lunchroom like nothing happened.

Someone's POV

Who's that girl walking with Randy? And why are they both smiling? I just Hope that she doesn't get in the way with my crush. She doesn't look like he kind of person to be with at all. Don't worry Randy, someday, I'll tell you how I truelly feel. Just you wait and see.

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