The Contract...

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Charlotte's entire body was trembling with nerves and she couldn't stop pacing in the locker room. Her shift technically ended in 5 minutes but all of her thoughts were consumed with her upcoming meeting with Khun Waraha
"How bad could it possibly be?" she muttered to herself. "Everyone seems to really like her even if she scares them a little. I mean...she's pretty little so that's good, right?" Turning to face the mirror she stood up tall and straightened her shoulders, forcing her face into a bored look. "You are Charlotte Austin, a freaking goddess, and you are a complete bad-ass". Arching one eyebrow she nodded at her reflection before striding confidently out the door.
All thoughts of being nervous fled when the cute brunette met her at her office door, swinging it wide for her to enter as she smiled in welcome. "Charlotte! You made it! So glad to see you here on time. Have a seat and we will go over everything"
Not being able to resist a grin in return, she took a seat in one of the plush chairs she gestured to. The taller woman couldn't help checking out the other woman as she rounded the desk. The black dress pants she wore emphasized the slimness of her waist and flattered her curves and Charlotte found herself having to swallow quickly to hide how much the sight made her mouth water. Ripping her eyes away just in time, she tried to focus on the woman before her who had pulled a folder towards her and was scanning the content. As she waited, her eyes darted to take in the the emerald green blouse she wore that was unbuttoned just enough to hint at her cleavage while the rest was cut to emphasize her breasts. Breasts that appeared high and firm and that Charlotte would love to have her hands on. As her gaze traveled up she noticed how her brown curls fell in waves down to her shoulders and then those dimples, she bit her lip at the sight of them. She had a special weakness for dimples.
When her eyes lifted to meet amused dark ones she flushed red, embarrassed to be caught staring. "Everything ok, Charlotte?" Engfa teased with a gentle laugh as the taller brunette's blush deepened. Sitting back in her chair she crossed her legs, letting her folded hands rest on a lean thigh. "So, do you understand why you are here?"
Startled by the question, Charlotte nodded. "Uh, yeah..yes. I mean I know I should have been paying closer attention to my work It was irresponsible and I assure you it won't happen again."
"Oh, good! I am super glad to hear that. Super glad" she grinned, nodding. "It's always nice to hear we have dedicated workers that understand when they've done something wrong and are willing to take responsibility for it".
Charlotte nodded and offered her a tentative smile. Maybe all of that talk was a prank after all, Engfa seemed really sweet and understanding. As they chatted over the next few minutes, she began to relax as she focused on the amazing woman before her.
Laughing together over the newest hospital gossip, it was at least fifteen minutes later before Engfa leaned forward and picked up the folder again. "So let me just have you sign a few things and then we can proceed from there". The brunette frowned in confusion as the other model slid 3 documents in front of her, laying them out side by side. "As you I'm sure are aware, actions come with consequences. When we make good choices the consequences are generally good, but when we make bad choices the consequences are...well...less than good." she grinned with a cute little tilt of her head.
Charlotte bit her lip at the gesture. Damn she was gorgeous. It took her a minute to focus on the papers before her, tearing her eyes away from those deep brown eyes It should be a crime to have eyes that were so enthralling. Focusing back on the documents before her, she began to skim each one. Her breath caught in her throat as her eyes lit on words such as paddle, corner, and bruising. Stunned, she stared up at the brown. "What is this?" she demanded even as her anxiety from earlier returned.
"These are your choices, Charlotte." The smaller brunette grinned at her "While the hospital board members are sticklers for ensuring each wrong is managed and corrected, I like to give people choices. I find it gives them some of the control over the situation back and we can still work together in peace once the consequences are resolved." she reached out and patted the brunette's hand as she sat there, shock still evident on her face.
"Would it be better if I explained each option to you? I know it can feel a bit overwhelming, especially the first time". She tilted her head and gave her another sweet smile as she waited for her answer.
A flicker of arousal was still simmering deep inside the brunette even while her head spun. The brief overview of what she had read was so contradictory to the vision in front of her that she knew she wasn't comprehending the entire situation. Nodding numbly, she sat back as Engfa gathered up the three sheets of paper and pulled them back.
Glancing at the first one, she handed it to the brunette, waiting until her shaking fingers reached for it.
"This is option number one. You can take a six day suspension without pay and a letter of reprimand with the incident listed in detail will be added to your employment file. You will also lose four days of vacation pay."
"Ten days of pay? Doesn't that seem a little harsh?" she gasped. Having been cut off by her father, she was still struggling to live on a restricted budget and just the six days without pay would sink her financially.
Brown eyes met and held hers for a long moment. "Had you not been able to repair what you did, we would have lost millions of dollars, which nearly happened, a lot of people was going to lose their jobs, people who have kids, people who need this job to survive do you really think it is harsh?" Her voice had risen slightly as she spoke and her eyes lit with a quiet fury.
Sinking back in her chair, Charlotte closed her eyes against the tears that threatened. Of course ten days of pay wasn't enough but she was able to get the contract back and she knew she would never make the same mistake again. Parents with kids...that was harsh and she cringed at the idea she could have caused that. Giving her head a little shake, she pulled her shoulders back and lifted her chin. "You are right. Ten days pay isn't anything compared to what could have happened".
A pleased smile lifted the corners of the smaller brunette's pink lips as she instantly relaxed again. "I'm glad you are finally understanding how serious this is. Now for option two" she handed another paper to the brunette. "If you choose option two, I will administer a round of corporal punishment that will continue until I believe you have accepted your responsibility in the matter and are sufficiently remorseful." Pausing, Engfa waited until dark eyes lifted to meet her own. Reading the uncertainty in their depths, she sat back in her chair and regarded the woman before her. "Do you understand what that means, Charlotte?"
Beautiful dark eyes just stared at her blankly. She sighed softly knowing this part was easily understood but sometimes hard for some people to wrap their heads around. "You would lower your pants and bend yourself either over my lap or over the desk and I would paddle you until I decided you had enough." Moving before she knew she was even thinking of it, she found herself sinking into the chair next to the brunette and placing her hand on her leg. "I would let you decide whether you want to go across my knees or prefer the detachment of the desk." Charlotte dropped the paper on the desk and stared at the slim hand drawing soothing circles on her leg. "Before you choose though, let me finish. With option two, the second part would be that you would stand in the corner with your pants lowered and your hands on your head for thirty minutes after the paddling was complete. This gives people the time to really think about their actions. Unfortunately I have a hospital to run though so my door would be open during the thirty minutes, leaving you visible to any peers, interns or board members that happened to stroll in or walk by in hopes of a glimpse." the smaller brunette sounded generally remorseful at this part but Charlotte bit back a scoff. Ignoring the look on the taller brunette's face, she continued "The upside is that you don't lose any days of work and nothing is put in your employment file. The document you sign today would be kept in my own personal file cabinet under lock and key and would be destroyed immediately after you leave employment here. Do you have any questions?"
She wanted to argue, she wanted to walk out and never come back, she wanted to do lots of things but instead of doing any of those she stayed seated, trying to argue with herself to stop focusing on the other woman's soft touch and the intoxicating smell of her perfume and begin focusing on saving her own ass...literally. She thought over what she had said so far and did wonder about a few things. "Umm..." she looked up at her but then focused on her lap again when she felt a dark blush creeping up her neck "you said lower my pants...?"
Nodding, Engfa squeezed her fingers immensely enjoying the other woman's deep blush despite the circumstances. "Jeans and panties, Charlotte. The paddling would be on bare skin"
She swallowed thickly as she imagined herself completely bare and bent over the smaller brunette's lap as her soft and slender hand caressed her skin. This entire situation should anger her. It should cause the biggest rant of her life. She should be storming out and demanding a meeting with the board. Instead she was fighting the shiver trying to creep down her spine as her insides fluttered and wet heat found interesting places to pool.
"And the corner, that would be...?" her voice was low and husky and she kept her eyes down to prevent the peds surgeon from seeing the desire she was sure was burning within them.
"The corner opposite the door" as she turned to gesture over her shoulder, dark eyes darted to her cleavage and back again. "And yes, you would still be bare"
Clearing her throat she nervously bit her lip. "Can I..uh...see the paddle?"
Engfa smiled, not completely unaware of the brunette's arousal. This wasn't the first time the idea of a spanking caused mixed feelings. She had run into similar situations with both men and women who had been sent to her for various infractions. The difference this time is that she herself was fighting a rapidly beating heart and mental images of the brunette draped over her.
"Sorry, no. I will choose those later today specifically with you in mind. It could range from my hand to a cane of some kind. If this is the consequence you choose, I will have a few choices for you to view before we begin."
Nodding, she twisted her fingers as she considered everything. "There was another option?"
Nodding cheerfully, Engfa stood and bent over her desk to grab the third paper. Charlotte didn't know the groan was coming until it slipped between her lips at the sight of that firm, round ass bent over her desk. Completely mortified, she tried to cough to cover it up but she was sure her flaming face gave her away.
Pretending unawareness, Engfa sat back down and patted her knee again. "Ok. You're third option is basically the same thing with the difference being that you come to my house and we do our sessions there. You will still be bare, choose between bending over my sofa or my lap, and would still be required to stand in the corner when you are finished. The difference would be there would be no one there but us so no other prying eyes, however you would be required to submit to three separate sessions."
"Three?! Why?" she gasped
"Charlotte, let me be clear. These are your three options. They aren't up for debate or discussion. I am happy to answer your questions but these are your three choices, unless you prefer to find employment somewhere else. We would hate to lose a talented model like yourself but we are willing to if you are unable to take responsibility for your actions." Engfa had never offered this particular third option before but it had been one she had toyed with in the past and, while preparing for this meeting, decided to offer. There weren't too many people she invited into her home ever but something about the brunette drew her in and created a desire to open herself up a little bit. After a lot of thought, she had decided she would very much like to see Charlotte draped over her couch. She anticipated the memory could keep her warm on lonely nights when she couldn't sleep.
The brunette sat back in her chair, mind racing while she eyed the three sheets of paper.
Financially and professionally, she couldn't really afford option one which left her either bare assed as people walked by or at three separate humiliating sessions with the smaller brunette doctor. She groaned as she thought of interns seeing her like that, or Noah! She would never live that down! And how could any intern have respect for her after a show like that? Shuffling the papers in her hands, she read over option three again trying to convince herself that the rapid beat of her heart was due to anxiety and not the promise of three evenings spent in the smaller brunette's company. As she read, a paragraph at the bottom of the document caught her eye. If was under the heading of AFTERCARE and she swallowed as she read how after each session she was to remain in the peds surgeon care for at least 2 hours while she provided the appropriate care needed, including but not limited to application of soothing gel, food, water, and comfort care. The shiver that she had been suppressing finally broke free, running down her spine as she bit her lip, visions of slender fingers rubbing gel into the tender skin of her backside.
"I chose option 3" she said, her voice surprisingly strong and calm.
"Option 3? Perfect!" Engfa grinned, getting up to find a pen. "I just need you to initial next to each paragraph and then sign and date right below. I will have you sign again after each session certifying that I administered the session fully and provided the appropriate care after"
Taking the pen, Charlotte quickly did as she was asked. Standing when she was finished, she tried to recover her inner bad-ass as she turned to face the smaller woman. "So when do we start?"
Smiling up at her, Engfa's dimples flashed. "Tonight. I will expect you at my house no later than 7. Here is my card with my address and phone number." Nodding, Charlotte took the card from her and turned towards the door. "Now before you go, there's just one more thing Miss Austin. I need to see what I'm working with so if you could please lower your pants and bend over my desk I will make this super quick."
Her face paled even as her core clenched at the request.

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