First Session...

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"Is that really necessary?" the words sputtering out as her heart raced. She could feel the dampness in her panties and was sure if she were to lower them, the beautiful brunette would also see how much this meeting had affected her.
"Charlotte" she tilted her head again at the same angle "Did you even read these paragraphs before you initialed and signed?"
Taking the offered paper from her, her already racing heart seemed to beat even harder against her rib cage as what felt like dozens of butterflies took flight in her abdomen as she read over exactly what she had just agreed to. Not only was there to be three separate sessions but Engfa would have the right to not only an initial inspection but also to inspect her "work" daily to ensure Charlotte was receiving any needed care and, by signing, she had also apparently given the smaller brunette permission to tend to those needs herself as she saw fit.
Swallowing thickly she felt tears prick at her eyes, blurring her vision enough that she handed the paper back. Maybe it was best that she couldn't read the rest. Her head was already swimming with all the information she had been given. Maybe she should have just taken the suspension but she really couldn't afford six days without pay. Covering her flaming face with her hands her thoughts were on how, even with the anxiety, her body was betraying her as she felt her arousal building.
Slim arms wrapped around her and pulled her close. Stiffening at first, the taller brunette relaxed almost instantly as Engfa held her, smoothing circles over her back. "It won't be so bad, Charlotte. Soon all of the hard stuff will be over and then we can forget all about it, ok?"
Turning to bury her nose in the curve of the other woman's neck, Charlotte breathed in her intoxicating scent. She found herself wanting to stay right there for as long as possible, wrapped in her arms and pressed against her. It was going to be mortifying when she lowered her panties and her arousal became evident. Shuddering at the thought, she resisted when Engfa pulled away from her. "Hey" she said, trying to find those beautiful dark eyes "Let get this part done and then we will worry about the rest. One day at a time" she nodded encouragingly as the brunette finally met her gaze.
Nodding miserably, Charlotte let her turn her to face her desk. "This first time, I'm going to let you choose if you want to lower your pants or if you would like me to do it for you. Normally it will need to be you as its part of your consequences but I know this first time can be rather difficult. We are both doctors so just think of it as an exam if you want."
"You, please" she whispered, standing tall with her shoulders back and her chin up, deciding to face this challenge head on. At least that was the plan until she felt cool fingers slide up her sides and slip beneath the waistband of her jeans. Dark eyes slammed shut as her bottom lip disappeared between her teeth. How could that little bit of contact have such an affect on her body? Fingertips rested on her bare skin for a moment before they started to inch downward, taking the fabric with them.
"Wait!" she gasped, feeling her core clench and her arousal seeping out of her. There was no way Engfa wouldn't notice if she were the one lowering her clothing. "I..I changed my mind. I want to do it." Brushing slender hands away she pulled the back of her pants down a few inches.
Engfa pulled back in surprise but then tried to bite back a grin at the way the nervous brunette shoved her pants forcefully down, stopping before they even cleared the hem of her top. "Little bit lower, Miss. Austin"
Swallowing a groan, Charlotte pushed a little more.
"Lower" she said firmly, eyes focused intently on the band of pale skin that was now visible above the light blue fabric of her jeans and the lacy black waistband of an intriguing choice in panties.
Cringing, she pushed them a few inches lower.
Engfa swallowed hard. The material was now bunched around her thighs and the sight of all of that beautiful pale skin was mesmerizing. It looked so smooth, and round, and firm. It was perfect. Her fingers itched to touch and explore. "To your.." she had to stop to clear her throat "..down to your knees, Charlotte. Every time." her voice was not much more than a whisper and Charlotte turned her head to look at her. Curious eyes the color of a rich dark chocolate met hers. The smaller woman struggled to keep her look kind and professional while hiding her own response to the taller woman's body.
Searching those brown eyes that now seemed a shade darker, Charlotte let her clothing drop down, widening her stance just enough to catch them around her knees. They both held the others gaze for a moment longer, both searching for answers to questions neither could ask. Finally, Engfa smiled and nodded at her encouragingly. "Good girl, now just keep your legs apart a little and bend over and rest your head on the desk and I will be finished in just a bit"
Following her directions even as she raised an eyebrow at the "good girl", Charlotte shivered as she came into contact with the cool surface. Her face flamed again as she felt Engfa step closer and smooth her hand over her skin.
Her skin was so soft and the brunette's breath caught as she imagined all of this happening for another reason entirely. The gorgeous woman had caught her eye the first week she began working at the hospital. She had hesitated getting too close though primarily due to her body's instant response to all of her luscious curves, wide smile, and generous laugh. She absolutely fascinated her and so she had watched from a distance, very rarely getting close enough to communicate. She wasn't sure she was willing to risk the damage she knew this woman could do to her heart if she got too close. Her heart had sunk when the report about Charlotte reached her and she found herself watching from the distance as she desperately tried to save the company. This was not how she would have chosen to get to know her better but maybe it was for the best. Surely Charlotte would have no interest in her after these sessions were over with. Until then, she had a job to do and she was determined to see it through despite the trembling of her fingers as they slid over the woman in front of her.
Concentrating on her task, she cupped one firm cheek and gave it a squeeze, smiling at the squeal from the taller brunette that was quickly cut off. "Have you ever been spanked before, Charlotte?"
Surprised at the question, the brunette shook her head. Were they really going to have a conversation while she fondled her backside? " parents, they never."
" partners?" She slid her hands up to the top of her mounds and slowly raked her nails softly all the way down to her thighs, causing the brunette to jump at her touch. Patting a cheek soothingly, she pressed down on her back until Charlotte was laying flat again.
The blush on her face flamed hotter and she choked out her answer. " Never then either"
"Interesting. You're very responsive to even the lightest touch, I would have guessed you had. She gently ran a finger down the line down one of her cheeks and grinned widely when the brunette jumped again. Engfa knew, deep inside, that she was going to enjoy the next few weeks more than she should.
"Now would be a good time for me to explain the parameters that I usually work in." She pushed the brunette's shirt up a few more inches and mapped an invisible line from hip to hip. "I will never apply any consequences above this line. They will always fall between this line and..." she explained, smoothing her hand over a firm curve and down to rest halfway past her thigh. "...and this line. I am open to branching out to other areas but you would have to request it and then we would talk about it. I will never do anything without your consent"
Confused by the last part, Charlotte just nodded. She couldn't imagine requesting anything extra, this was going to be humiliating enough. As Engfa's fingers trailed back up her inner thigh she gasped. She knew the skin there was probably, at best, damp with her arousal.
"As per the form you signed, anything visible between the lines I indicated can and will be utilized by me while administering your consequences. Do you understand, Charlotte?"
Distracted by the small circles being drawn on her thigh, she didn't answer but squealed when a hand landed on her ass sharp and quick. "Pay attention, Charlotte, and answer my questions" steel laced through the normally sweet voice and the brunette clenched her thighs together in response. "I'm sorry...can you repeat the question?"
Frowning, Engfa repeated it even while gently pressing her legs back to where they had been before. Charlotte blinked in confusion turning to look back at the smaller woman who was standing beside her, one hand still resting between her shoulder blades while they other slid back over her thigh giving it a tug.
"Anything visible?"
"Yes. Basically, if I can see it, I can spank it. If I can't, it's safe. I will do my best to minimize bruising the skin and will stop immediately at any sign of blisters. If I do my job correctly though, you will feel it for a few days after I am done"
Thoughts still on the whole "if I can see it, I can spank it" comment, Charlotte wondered what exactly she could see. She was a model and knew full well that some women in her current position exposed more than others but she had never considered what she looked like from that angle. Was everything exposed? Were her ass cheeks closed or wide open? Were her folds, that she knew were wet with her own arousal, on full display for the blonde standing beside her? Groaning, she pressed her forehead to the desk and squeezed her eyes closed. There was no use trying to close her legs now as she could feel Engfa's foot between hers keeping them apart.
Patting her ass gently, Engfa tried to soothe her again. "Charlotte, you are going to get through this. It will be ok. Now, to minimize bruising I always start with a hand spanking as a warm up. I am going to do one now to see how you respond. I'm just going to give you three swats on each side to see how well your skin pinks up. If you want to grab the edge of the desk you may, just don't put your hands back here or I will have to restrain them for your safety."
Eyes wide, Charlotte nodded as ice streaked through her veins. Reaching her hands out she had barely grasped the edge before the first impact came surprisingly hard but not terribly painful. What was even more disconcerting was the rush of need that chased away the cold and pounded hot and demanding through her. She could feel moisture gush from her core and knew there was nothing she could do about it.
Engfa smiled in satisfaction as she watched her hand print turn from white to pink and slowly back to the delicious pale color. It was so beautiful the way her skin flushed only to slowly fade away. She was so responsive to her touch. Landing another smack on the opposite side, she waited for the print to fade again as she rubbed her skin soothingly. The next four smacks were delivered in quick succession and she bit back a surprised moan as Charlotte arched against the table, causing her ass to lift higher and exposing her soaked sex. Shock at the sheer amount of moisture covering her thighs and outer folds stopped Engfa cold. She barely could keep her trembling fingers from reaching out and touching all of that wetness. Stumbling back a step she was overwhelmed with the desire to taste it. To run her tongue up the length of her thigh until she could bury it deep in the source and drink until her heart's content.
Shaking herself from those inappropriate thoughts. Engfa realized with a certainty that while she may enjoy these sessions with Charlotte, they also could very well end up just as torturous for her as they were bound to be on the tender skin of the Latina's backside.
"You did really well, Charlotte" she finally found her voice to speak. "We are all done for now."
Standing, the brunette quickly pulled her pants back up, only a light blush still staining her cheeks.
Moving back around her desk, Engfa sat carefully, completely aware of her own pulsating clit. "You won't require any aftercare for the few swats you were just given but I wanted to remind you that you will after each of our three sessions. I would encourage you to pack a bag and consider staying in my spare room on those nights. I would like to monitor you and you may find that you are too tired to safely drive home. The choice is yours, of course, I would just encourage you to be prepared that you may want to." she straightened the papers on her desk and moved to file them, unable to meet those enchanting eyes that watched her intently and internally wondering why on earth she had just tacked that offer on. If Charlotte spent the night, there would be little chance of her relieving her own aching need. She was pulled from her thoughts by the sound of shuffling behind her and the clearing of a throat.
"Ms. Waraha?" Engfa closed her eyes and let out a soft sigh before turning around with a cheery smile.
"Yes, Miss. Austin?"
"I..uh...I'm really sorry about what happened and I just wanted to say that if I am required to face these consequences, well...I'm glad it's you."
Engfa's forced smile immediately turned real and her dimples deepened. "Thank you for your trust, Charlotte. We will get through this together. Now go home, rest, and eat a light dinner. You are going to need your strength for tonight but I will have food for you afterwards" she winked playfully and watched as a small smile tugged at the gorgeous woman's lips before she turned and left.

Should I keep posting? Is it too cringey or not?

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