You Are Pretty Amazing...

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Charlotte had spent the morning uneasy with her own feelings and annoyed with Noah but after spending just a little bit of time with Engfa, she found she was having a hard time keeping a smile off her face. There was just something about the other model that made her happy and grounded despite the fact she was currently her disciplinarian. She had honestly enjoyed their conversation both the night before and today and couldn't wait to spend more time with her tonight. She had felt a connection with other men and women before but never this quickly or intense.
Changing her clothes after her photoshoot, she mentally started making a list of items she would need to pick up for dinner. It was shortly after 4 so she had plenty of time to prepare and shop. Pushing her way back into the hallway, she was slightly surprised not to find Noah there waiting on her. "This day is getting even better" she smiled. Walking past the 3rd floor conference room, she looked in confusion at the line of woman out the door and down the hall, each tugging off their ID's and slipping them in their pockets. Curious, she glanced in the room then did a double take before freezing in her tracks.
(Slightly earlier)
"Mr. Ayutthaya" Engfa said calmly as she held the door open for him, pointedly looking at her watch. "You are six minutes late."
Giving her an arrogant smile, he moved past her into the conference room turning to look down at her. "I am a busy man, Ms.. Waraha. I don't have time for frivolous conversations or silly little discipline sessions" he pronounced will false bravado. He smirked down at her even while going a little pale at the look on her face which was cold and unflinching. He didn't really like the glint of smugness in those dark brown depths either. His buttocks clenched, his body already anticipating the pain he knew was coming his way.
"Have a seat, Mr. Ayutthaya, while you still can" she shot out. His face went even paler as he turned to find 3 male members of the board sitting at the conference table.
"What is this?" he demanded.
Mr. Chakrii stood "Mr. Ayutthaya, it has come to our attention that several complaints have been made over the last few years regarding your behavior towards the women that work and visit this company. While none of them on their own have been substantial enough to warrant action, when we look at them as a whole a very disturbing pattern becomes obvious. We are aware that Ms. Waraha likes to offer our employees choices regarding repercussions for bad or irresponsible behavior so, with respect to that" he nodded in Engfa's direction "we will do the same. But first a demonstration"
Noah watched on in confusion as Engfa opened the door to admit three female workers,  collecting their ID's at the door and placing them in her pocket. Recognizing the nurses, Noah grinned lecherously, confident that they would be in his court. After all, how could they resist? These were woman he teased and flirted with often.
"Mr. Ayutthaya do you know these woman?"
"I do!" he said enthusiastically, shooting them a wink
"You have worked with all of them often?"
"Yes, we work great together" hands on his hips, he grinned at them thinking he was going to score later with at least one of them.
Picking up the phone, Mr. Chakrii spoke into it "Carrie, please page Mr. Nawat and Mr. Amari to the 3rd floor conference room". Hanging up the phone, he turned back to Mr. Ayutthaya. "Ok. While we wait for the others, I would like you to tell me the names of the three woman in front of you."
Noah froze as he stared at Mr. Chakrii. Moving closer, Engfa leaned against the wall and smiled at the girls before looking to Ayutthaya for his answer. His gaze shifted to her and his face held a bit of a pleading look. Nodding slightly towards the man, she indicated he should answer him.
"Mr. Ayutthaya? Do you know the names of these workers?"
"Uh...Carrie? And uh...Tracy? Beth?"
The girls all folded their arms across their chests and glared at him.
"Ladies...are any of you Carrie, Tracy or Beth?" When they all three shook their heads, he continued. "Let's make this a little easier, shall we? Mr. Ayutthaya please tell me one personal thing about these women. One fact that is not visible."
Noah began to look a little panicked as his eyes swept over the women before him. Raking his eyes over them, he frantically searched his memory for anything about these nurses. Finally he blurted out "She has a kid!"
Mr. Chakrii cocked his head with interest "Really? Which one?"
Pointing out the one with the widest hips, Noah grinned "Her. At least one, maybe two kids"
"And you know this because?"
"We work together and I've heard her talk about them obviously"
Staring at him in disbelief, Mr. Chakrii finally turned to the woman in question
"Do you have any children? Nieces, nephews, any children you would talk about?" Anna shook her head, anger evident in her eyes "No, Mr. Chakrii, I don't."
"Mr. Chakrii, I am a man focused on my work. I can't be expected to remember everything the girls prattle on about during the day"
A knock at the door interrupted the questions and Ayutthaya turned with relief until he saw Boss Nawat enter.
"Mr Chakrii! Good to see you again. I didn't realize you stayed after our meeting earlier." he nodded at the other members and smiled at Ms. Waraha and the three nurses. Finally turning to Mr. Ayutthaya, his face turned stern as his gaze swept over the room. "What's going on? Do we have a problem here?"
"Thanks for coming Boss. We are working something out right now and I thought you might be able to help me with a demonstration. "
"Sure. What can I do to help?'
"Do you know these nurses, Mr. Nawat?"
"Of course. I work with Anna, Irene, and Holly quite frequently. They are wonderful workers, conscientious, hard working, compassionate. Is there some kind of problem?"
"Not with these women, no. Could you please indulge me sir and tell me one personal thing about each of these women that you have garnered from working with them?"
"Well, let's see. Anna is married to Rick who is an anesthesiologist, they recently moved out of their apartment and into a house nearby." Anna smiled and nodded at him. " Irene here is our cooker, she is the one always putting cakes in the 2nd floor break room. She says baking relaxes her and we all benefit from that" Richard grinned as Irene beamed.
"Blueberry cake today sir"
Arching a brow in acknowledgment, he moved on. "Holly hasn't worked here as long, maybe a few years but she got into modeling because she spent her teenage years helping her sister who is also a model and discovered she enjoyed modeling . She loves to bicycle in her free time too"
The three women lit up as he mentioned each one of them and gave accurate descriptions.
"Thank you, Mr. Nawat, you are free to go or may stay if you wish"
"I think I'm going to stay and see how this turns out" he declared, going to stand by Engfa as Mr. Amarin entered casting a confused look behind him.
As a similar demonstration was held with him listing several details about each nurse, Mr. Chakrii finally turned back to Noah. "Would you agree that Mr.Amari and Mr. Nawat are busy men who focus fully on their patients?"
Looking miserable, Noah nodded.
"Ok, Mr. Ayutthaya, this is how this is going to go..."

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