Are You Coming?...

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Charlotte jumped as cool hands landed on her hips, sliding back to rub over her hot skin. , "'s just me" Engfa whispered smoothing her hands over the slope of her backside and rubbing her tortured skin. Pulling her shirt up in the back, she slid her hands around to release the lowest button.
"Wh...what are you doing?" the brunette gasped as fingertips brushed over the coarse dark curls hiding her sex. Her body had slowly been calming as she stood with her hands on her head staring at the wall but one touch of the smaller brunette's fingers and her clit was instantly pulsating again, fresh fluid coating her thighs.
Releasing another button, Engfa couldn't help but move closer. Her breasts brushed over the taller model's back as she leaned in to whisper in her ear. "I'm unbuttoning your shirt, Charlotte". Her breath washed over her skin and made her whole body shudder. For a second, she thought she could feel the smaller brunette's lips smile against the skin behind her ear before she pulled back, releasing another button.
Resting her head against the wall in front of her, Charlotte bit her lip as those wandering fingers slid over her lower abdomen, circling and dipping briefly into her navel before another button was released. She moaned softly as Engfa pressed against her again, pulling the loosened fabric apart before tying the ends together.
"Can't have your shirt obscuring my view" she whispered hotly against her ear again before smoothing her hands back down her abdomen and around to her hips. Charlotte wasn't sure but she thought she felt the soft roll of her hips against her before Engfa stepped back.
Her still reddened skin was bright beneath her pale fingers as Engfa stroked over her heated skin. She palmed a lower curve, lifting it in her hand and giving it a little squeeze. Patting her ass tenderly, she checked the timer. "Fifteen more minutes, Charlotte"
Nodding the brunette shifted, adjusting her stance. She jumped when she felt a hand slip between her legs and tap on her inner thigh. "Legs apart" She blushed hard, not so much at the smaller brunette's words but at the fresh wetness she knew those fingers had just slipped through.
Engfa's heart slammed into her chest as she found her fingertips coated with the brunette's essence. Curling her fingers protectively into her palm, she pulled away. Back in the kitchen she gazed at the glistening skin debating with herself, fighting the urge to taste versus the need to maintain her tenuous grasp on her own needs
Tapping a finger against her bottom lip, she closed her eyes. Her body betrayed her as her tongue darted out seemingly of its own volition. The flavor was faint but was enough to weaken her knees and make her want more. Her own core flooded with desire for the gorgeous model in her living room. With a soft groan, she sucked her fingers into her mouth, relishing the tangy and slightly sweet taste of her. Realizing what she was doing, she moved to the sink and quickly washed the temptation away. Bracing her hands on the counter she closed her eyes and took several deep breaths. Eyes flying open and darting to the clock, she decided the time left would have to be enough for a very quick, very cold shower.
Standing in the freezing water, Engfa groaned as the spray hit her pebbled nipples. Turning her back to the water she let the coolness wash over her. Filling her hands with body wash, she rubbed it into her arms, her breasts, her abdomen, then finally dipped a finger between her folds. The cold water had done nothing to calm her need and her finger quickly found her hardened nub. Giving in with a quiet groan, she rubbed harder, slipping two fingers deep inside. Within minutes her release crashed over her, hips bucking and a groan ripped from her throat. With a soft sigh, she shut the water off and reached for a fluffy white towel.
Heaving out a breath of relief as the timer sounded, Charlotte held her position waiting for the smaller brunette to shut it off and let her know what was expected next. She didn't have to wait long as the room soon filled with the crisp and clean scent of jasmine, sandalwood and Engfa. Charlotte closed her eyes as she breathed in the intoxicating smell that was starting to have a pavlonian affect on her body.
The timer was shut off and her eyes flew open to find Engfa watching her carefully as if waiting to see what she was going to do. They stared at each other for a moment before Engfa offered her a tentative smile. "First session is all done, Charlotte. You did really great" Dark eyes darted down at the appearance of her trademark dimples and then further down to take in the tank top and sleep shorts she had changed into before focusing on where her pebbled nipples poked out against the fabric of the tank top. Her mouthwatering cleavage was on full display and Charlotte bit her lip while tiny butterflies filled her abdomen.
Tilting her head as she watched her, the smaller brunette surpressed a shiver at the evident want in those beautiful brown eyes that now appeared a shade darker. Nipples tightening even more, her breath became shallow. Shaking herself lose from whatever spell the taller brunette was weaving around her, she smiled again before taking a step closer. Reaching out to untie the bottom of her shirt, Engfa smoothed her hands over the fabric smiling at the tiny gasp that escaped the brunette. "Arms down now" she murmured. "Are you ok?"
Frowning as the brunette nodded, Engfa grew concerned with her silence.
Shaking her arms out, Charlotte bent to retrieve her pants but yelped when the rough fabric of her jeans scraped over her tender thighs.
"I don't think you will be able to wear those for a few days." Engfa fought to keep any echo of apology out of her voice "Charlotte, I know your first instinct will most likely be to put some distance between us but I really need you to stay in this room with me for just a little while. We can watch TV or I have some movies if you would like. I also have some apples and cheese or we can order pizza, whatever you want." Engfa knew she was rambling so she stopped and instead nodded encouragingly at the brunette, a tentative smile on her lips. She really wanted her to stay. After years of only casual hook ups and no serious relationships, other than her friend Nudee, she suddenly found herself craving the beautiful models company.
"Um...ok." the brunette cleared her voice before continuing "A pizza and movie sounds good. Would it be ok if I put on some pajamas first?" She was relieved that the smaller woman wasn't planning on sending her straight to bed. She wasn't sure how she should be feeling right now but she knew she wasn't ready to be alone. What she really wanted was for the smaller brunette to hold her and soothe her aching backside but given this was a punishment and they barely knew each other, she didn't believe it to be an option.
"Oh! Yeah - absolutely! can just change in the guest room. I can give you a few minutes of privacy while I order pizza"
Alone in the brightly colored bedroom, Charlotte hissed as her panties brushed over her tender skin. As soft as the silky material was, her skin burned where it rested against her. Quickly shedding them, she slid on sleep shorts hoping the cotton would feel better against her skin. Tears pricked at her eyes as she discarded those as well. Turning to see her backside in the large mirror over the dresser, she gently fingered the skin that was still a deep red color. Damn, Engfa wasn't kidding when she had denied her "girly hands" comment. She hated to be impressed by the strength of the smaller brunette but she couldn't help it. Donning her long sleep shirt, she winced in anticipation but found the less constricting material didn't hurt nearly as much. Turning to face the mirror, she gave herself a once over before shrugging. The shirt covered her privates if just barely. Her reddened ass was proof enough that there was no real reason to worry about her modesty anymore when it came to Engfa. If she was fine with having her display it during a punishment, she would have to be fine with it being on display as she recovered.
Making her way back in to the living room, she stood uncertainly for a moment until Engfa caught sight of her and grinned, eyes darting to her naked thighs for a brief second before dancing away again.
"So, the pizza is ordered and should be here in about 20 minutes. This time is yours to some extent so I am counting on you to tell me what you need and what you would like to do. I only ask that you eat something, drink some water and stay in this room. Also, I will need you to occasionally let me have a look so I can assess any care you may need. I do have some gel to help with any possible bruising but we will worry about that after we eat. I put some pillows and a blanket and sheet over there so help yourself."
A smile tugged at full red lips as the petite doctor began rambling again. Feeling more like herself, she finally cut in. "Where do you usually sit?" she asked as she wandered a bit looking over the selection of snacks, bottled water and bedding.
"Um...I uh usually sit in that corner of the couch but you go wherever you think you'll be most comfortable"
Picking up a pillow and the folded sheet, Charlotte headed straight for the spot Engfa had mentioned. Placing her pillow about a foot from the corner, she shook out the sheet then turned to look at her. "Are you coming?"
Confused but willing to let the brunette lead, Engfa stepped past her and sat in her usual spot. Dark eyes widened as she watched Charlotte prop the pillow up on her thigh, wrap the sheet around her waist then lay face down with her head in Engfa's lap. Dark eyes looked up at her before turning back towards the TV. "This ok?"
Stunned, it took a moment before her trembling fingers brushed the hair from the brunette's face as Charlotte hummed with contentment. "Yes, whatever you need" she murmured. Handing the taller brunette the remote control, Engfa blinked back the tears that pricked at her eyes as she slowly stroked her fingers through dark silky hair. Normally after a discipline session, her colleagues would avoid eye contact and as much interaction with her as possible for days, weeks, even months. This, this was more than she had hoped for. She wasn't sure what it was about the gorgeous model but she had known that her avoidance would hurt more. Her distance would have hurt the most. To have her here essentially in her lap though, wanting her touch, that was everything.

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