Good Girl...

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"Miss. Austin! Good to see you, and right on time! Come in , come in"
She returned her smile even as she fought the temptation to roll her eyes at Engfa's cheerful greeting, Charlotte forgot her nerves for a moment as she stepped across the threshold. Looking around, she took in what she could see of the smaller woman's home. To the left was the living room, white walls and sofa as well as a blue love seat and armchairs. A variety of blue, white and yellow pillows in different designs were scattered on each piece making the room cheery and inviting. To the right was the dining room, done in similar colors and Charlotte had to fight a grin at how much it matched the brunette's personality.
"Did you bring a bag with you?" the brunette asked, struggling to keep the disappointment off her face at the taller brunette's empty hands.
Mumbling an expletive under her breath, Charlotte turned and dashed back to her car, oblivious to the watchful dark eyes fastened to her backside. Returning to the door, she mumbled an apology as she slid past the beautiful woman.
"Charlotte" laughing lightly, she reached out to wrap a hand around her wrist. "It's ok. Just slow down, ok? How about you make yourself comfortable while I put this in the guest room"
Nodding, she handed her the bag before nervously making her way to the sofa.
"Hey, Charlotte? With your permission, I would like to lock up your keys and cell phone for a few hours"
"My...but why?"
"Our agreement states that you will stay here after we are done for a few hours so I can monitor you and perform the needed aftercare. I would like to lock them up to ensure you keep your end of the agreement. You may not want to be around me in a little bit and removing the option of running will make it easier on both of us."
Charlotte stared at her, solemn brown eyes staring into dark brown. She thought she saw those beautiful deep eyes fill with sadness as she explained but Engfa ducked her head before she was sure. Handing over the requested items, she watched as the smaller brunette took a deep breath, smiling at her again before leaving the room. She could hear her moving around for a few minutes before returning, finding the taller model wandering aimlessly through the living room.
"Did you remember to have dinner?"
"Can I ask you something? Charlotte interrupted, her voice quiet and strained as she tucked her trembling hands into her back pockets. A question had been weighing on her mind since they had met earlier and despite trying to block it out, she just had to ask.
Looking up at her and tilting her head in curiosity, Engfa nodded. "I promised to answer any questions you have, so go ahead"
Still moving around the room aimlessly, Charlotte finally turned to her. "Why do you do this? I mean, I know it's part of your job, but....why?"
Engfa turned away from her, reaching up to braid her hair as she made her way to the kitchen "Would you like a glass of wine before we begin?" she called back. Trailing behind her, Charlotte watched as she secured the end of her braid before reaching for glasses. Her gaze skimmed over her toned arms and slender shoulders admiring them beneath her snug t shirt before sliding lower to the curve of her hip and firmness of her perfect rear end, on display in black leggings as she stretched for the glasses. There was something about Miss Thailand that called to her on a primal level. Something that drew her near even when she knew it was the last thing she should be feeling given the circumstances.
Not getting a response, she turned back to her just as Charlotte stepped forward to help. Engfa gasped at their closeness and the taller brunette swallowed hard, eyes widening as that gasp was expelled directly on to her now tingling lips.
She slammed her eyes shut for a moment before taking a giant step back. "Um...sorry, yes, please. Wine would be great"
Pulse thundering, Engfa quickly found the wine, filling both glasses and taking a large gulp. It was hard enough trying to control herself as Charlotte stood there in skin tight jeans, white button up blouse, and a fitted  jacket. Being this close to her was only making her awareness skyrocket. The two drank in silence for a few minutes before Engfa finally ushered her back to the living room, topped off glass in hand. Sitting on the couch, she gestured for her to sit on the other end.
"So you asked why. You know, I've been doing this for a few years and no one has ever asked me why"
Shrugging, she took a long sip before sitting back and licking her lips. "It just doesn't seem to go with your perky personality"
Mouth watering at the sight of her tongue streaking across full pink lips, Engfa had to tear her eyes away. "Don't let the dimples fool you. I'll have you know, Miss. Austin, that I'm pretty bad ass" she smiled while throwing her a saucy wink.
Chuckling lightly, surprising even herself, Charlotte took a sip of wine as one eyebrow arched with skepticism.
Engfa grinned back at her before lowering her gaze to the goblet in her hand. Taking another small sip, she set it on the table and turned to more fully face her. Drawing one leg beneath her, she rested her arm along the back of the couch. "When I first came to this agency , I was informed of their corporal punishment policy. I really didn't put a lot of thought into it until I had a really good friend that had to face it. It was horrible. I mean, it's meant to be a little horrible, but the way it was done was traumatic to say the least. The person in charge was cold and didn't have a lot of compassion when it came to staff." Charlotte shifted to mirror her position, their fingertips nearly touching. "He went beyond any kind of discipline, it was abusive. It was torture. She literally couldn't sit for days and days. She was covered in welts and bruises and blisters which had gotten infected....I'm not sure how she was able to stand it." The taller brunette's eyes registered her shock
"He didn't offer any aftercare at all so I treated her but by the time I realized she needed help it was days later and she had suffered a lot, which is why I require you to submit to inspections. I've never seen anything quite like what he did. I threw a fit. Went to the boss and the board and demanded that changes be made but they said they were unwilling to change the overall policy and that this doctor, Mr.Achara, was the only person willing to administer the corrective measures so there wasn't another option"
Seeing her face pale before her, Engfa reached forward and put her hand on the taller brunette's knee "I didn't want this Charlotte. I didn't want it for many reasons. If you think about the range of people that have reason to see me, you would understand. There are some staff I have to administer to that I literally have to shower right after because they are so creepy." Dark eyes lifted to hers and she paused as she watched emotions flitting through them until she finally saw a little glint of humor.
Sitting back up, she picked up her wine again and sipped before shrugging, trying to appear nonchalant. "And the others.....well, let's just say It's not the best way to make friends. I accept all of that though because I can't stand the idea of Mr.Achara ever doing to another human what he did to my friend. She still has scars." Her eyelashes fluttered as if blinking back tears before she leaned forward to squeeze her knee again.
Trying to inject a little humor into the situation, Charlotte let a small grin tug at her lips. "So I can expect to be able to still sit tomorrow?" she arched an eyebrow teasingly.
"You will be able to sit, however these 'girly' hands are a lot firmer than you think" she winked as Charlotte nearly spit out the wine in her mouth as her own words were fed back to her. Engfa laughed at her look of astonishment. "People talk...alot. It's ok though, you aren't the first to make that mistake and you won't be the last."
They shared a smile before Engfa leaned forward voice becoming more solemn. "It's going to hurt, Charlotte. It's going to hurt and you will remember it because that is what I am required to do to keep Mr.Achara from touching you. I know the human body and I know when to stop, I will know when you have had enough. There may be some bruising, even a few small blisters, but there will be no lasting damage. After we are done, it will all fade away."
Charlotte took in all the information, letting it swirl around in her head as she took another sip of wine while she processed. Dark eyes flicked up to meet dark brown again. "How does the board know you've done your job?"
Engfa smiled cutely at her. "Do you usually sign documents without fully reading them?" she teased. "The board has the right to stand in during a session although that is pretty rare. They do however occasionally observe when I do inspections "
Charlotte's face flushed a deep red as she stared at her in horror. "What?" she sputtered out.
"I know it's embarrassing but I assure you I do all I can to limit the amount of skin they actually see. They just want assurances that I am doing what I'm supposed to." she gave her knee another squeeze. "Like I said, it's only occasionally. I wouldn't worry too much about that part"
They sat in silence for a few moments before Charlotte shifted, biting her lip before asking her next question. "You said there were a positions I could choose from. What do most people choose?"
Engfa hesitated before answering. "Most people bend over my desk" She said, choosing not to mention she never had given anyone else the option of coming to her home or stretching over her knees. A light blush stained her neck and crept towards her face.
Dark eyes dropped to watch the progression of the creamy skin turning light pink before looking up and meeting brown. "And if they choose here?"
"I uh.." she swallowed thickly. "I've never given anyone else this option. Many take the suspension, and the others option 2 ." Not wanting the questioning to continue, she sprang from the coach and moved to the nearby closet. "Ok, so paddles. Here are your options" she said reaching inside and pulling a few items out and laying them out on the cushion between them so that the brunette could get a closer look.
One was a wooden hairbrush with a large oval head. The next looked like three strips of leather stacked one on top of the other in decreasing lengths, the longest being approximately 11 inches. The straps looked like they were held together with metal rivets that formed a handle of sorts. The third object looked like a paddle but thinner. Picking it up, Charlotte found it to be made of a flexible soft silicone.
"At the beginning of each session, you will be required to bring me the paddle of your choice from the selection I give you. Then you will undress and we will begin" she said softly as she sat on the coffee table and watched the brunette look over each item, stroking her finger over them and occasionally lifting them to feel their weight.
Sighing with resignation, Charlotte nodded. Her eyes darted up to Engfa's and away again just as quickly.
"Are you ready, Charlotte?" she asked, ignoring the sudden sexual tension that was coursing through her body.
Biting her lip, she flushed again. "Does anyone it? Like...sexually like it?"
Engfa's clit hardened instantly and she could feel the heat rushing to her core. "It happens but I normally would never acknowledge it" her voice was low, nearly a whisper.
Nodding with understanding, she looked around the room " you? I mean, do you ever like it?" Dark eyes fixed on her with curiosity and a look Engfa couldn't quite place. Something dark, intense and a little needy.
Charlotte watched as blue eyes widened and filled with trepidation. "I can assure you, Miss. Austin, that I will maintain my professionalism the entire time. I have never had any complaints to the contrary" The smaller brunette's heart raced with the implications and the question that was way too close to her physical response even being near the taller brunette .
"I'm not concerned about that, Engfa. I just wondered....have you ever enjoyed spanking someone?"
Dark eyes focused on her, all of her feelings carefully hidden away as she pursed her lips before answering "Does it matter?"
Confusion etched her features and she shrugged. "I don't know yet"
Sighing deeply, she crossed her arms over her chest "Fine. I will admit that there have been a few that I felt immense satisfaction that they were finally accepting responsibility for their vast amounts of mistakes and obnoxious attitudes."
Charlotte had slowly stood and slid her jacket off her shoulders and down her arms, not missing the way the brunette stuttered and let her eyes follow her movements. Draping it over the arm of the couch, she reached for the button of her jeans, slowly undoing them and lowering her zipper. Her heart was hammering so loudly, both with anxiety and desire, that she could no longer hear the music that had been playing softly in the background since she arrived. Bending over, she removed her shoes and put them neatly on the floor beneath her jacket.
Picking up the silicone paddle, she handed it to the speechless brunette. "I didn't ask if you felt satisfaction, I asked if you liked it...sexually speaking. Or is that not a question you are willing to answer?"
Dark brown eyes sparked with anger as Charlotte moved around to the back of the couch and began to lower her pants.
"Over here, Charlotte. No hiding behind the couch. Once you are ready, you will need to stand next to the couch and place your hands on the arm if you choose to not go over my knee" The soft tone from earlier was gone, replaced with one with a colder, harder edge and Charlotte nearly regretted her question. "First though, you will stand right here and lower your pants."
Dark brows arched high but she made no comment as she moved to stand where Engfa pointed, a spot on the floor between the model knees.
She could feel her nipples harden and wet heat soak her core as she realized she would be required to stand inches from the smaller brunette and completely expose herself to her. "Pants to your knees, please" Engfa demanded, sitting on the low table and tapping her hand with the paddle. She watched intently as the brunette slowly lowered her jeans, exposing panties that were black and modest but already slightly damp.
Engfa's gaze flew up to find hers but Charlotte was studiously avoiding her eyes. She was somewhat relieved to know that the brunette was struggling just as much as she was and that pain would possibly not be the only thing she experienced during the next hour or so.
"Panties too, Charlotte" Engfa's voice was a little softer and the brunette let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding. She quickly brought her panties down and stood back up, hands folded in front of her. The smaller woman let out a soft sigh as she gently pulled those pale wrists apart and let them fall at the woman's sides. Swallowing hard at the sight of all of that delicious pale skin and the small, neatly trimmed,triangle of tight black curls that seemed to be glistening where it peaked out beneath the white hem of her shirt.. Hands trembling, she took several deep breaths before letting her gaze drift back up the brunette's perfect body.
"Thank you, Charlotte. You can take your place by the couch now." Brown eyes met dark brown for just a moment before she moved to obey, heart sinking at the knowledge that in this much lower position she would be more exposed than she had planned. She had admittedly bent over in front of the mirror in her apartment to try and gauge how exposed she would be before she picked the couch. Now she was wondering if the model knees would have been the better option.
Placing a thick towel over the arm of the sofa and the first cushion, Engfa guided her into place.
Smoothing her hand over the "playing field", Engfa's irritation from earlier completely dissipated as she stroked the warm skin. "A few rules. Your feet have to remain on the floor, or we start over. Your hands have to remain on the couch, or we start over. You can cry as much as you want but no kicking, or we start over. Understand?" When Charlotte only nodded, she tapped her ass sharply with the paddle.
"Yes! Yes, I understand"
"Before we begin, can you tell me why you are getting a spanking today?"
"I didn't do my job and almost lost millions and was going to make families lose their jobs"
"Good girl, Charlotte." she said and the brunette bit her lip as heat rushed to her center at those 3 words.
Patting her ass almost fondly, Engfa continued. "We will start with the warm up now"
The first impact left Charlotte breathless. She bit back a moan as Engfa's slender hand methodically moved from cheek to cheek, setting a pattern of three stinging swats on each side before she rubbed the reddening skin soothingly. She thought she could handle it at first, but as the swats continued to rain down on her increasingly tender backside, Charlotte squirmed beneath her hand and felt tears begin to slide down her cheeks. Her ass had to be glowing with redness and she had lost count of how many times Engfa's hand had come in contact with her skin. It seemed like she had been bent over for the better part of an hour as the brunette covered every inch of skin.
Engfa kept going until both sides of her backside were cherry red before she began to move from the top of her ass to her sit spots, at the top of her thighs. She nearly groaned at the beautiful shade of red and the way her flesh moved beneath her hand each time. Finally satisfied with her work, she stopped and rubbed the tender skin for a few minutes.
Charlotte bit her fist trying to hold back her moans but to no avail. She had to question what kind of person she was that this spanking was causing her body to teeter between needing the relentless pain to stop and arching up into it until she found her release. She could feel her need beginning to run down her thighs and was immensely glad Engfa had laid down a towel. Hopefully it wouldn't reach the wooden floor below her.
"Good girl. You did so great, Charlotte. Now that the warm up is done, we will move on to the paddle"
Gasping, Charlotte nearly lost it when she heard what the brunette said. She had forgotten this was just the warm up and sobbed at the thought of the paddle slamming into her sore backside. Legs trembling, she finally sank down to rest her head on the cushion in front of her as Engfa rubbed the cool surface of the paddle over her heated skin.
Engfa braced a hand on her back as she followed her down, only faltering for half a second as the move exposed her swollen and obviously soaking wet folds. Mmm...she longed to turn the brunette over and deliver several swats directly to her needy little clit. Charlotte was so responsive to every touch that she wondered if the brunette could be brought to orgasm with a spanking. Maybe a spanking and a little nipple play...she mused as visions of a very naked Charlotte draped over her lap drifted through her mind. She could feel the wetness of her own panties as she pulled herself from her daydream and brought the paddle down firmly on her beautiful behind.
The slap of that flexible silicone snapping across her tender skin had Charlotte calling out, no longer attempting to mask her sobs. "I'm so sorry, Engfa! I'm so sorry!" she cried even as she lifted her ass higher and another gush of fluid left her clenching core.
It went on like that for a while as Engfa repeated her rhythm from earlier, cheek to cheek and then top to bottom. She only slowed occasionally to closely scrutinize the condition of her skin before continuing. By the end, Charlotte was begging and sobbing and shaking with need. "PLEASE Engfa, PLEASE!" She wasn't entirely sure herself whether she was begging for relief or release.
"Ok, sweet girl. It's ok." She soothed, dropping the paddle on the table and smoothing Charlotte's hair away from her face. "The hard part is over for now. After that the corner will be easy.." The brunette whimpered as Engfa's slender hands caressed her skin, her nipples hard and aching. She desperately wanted her to touch her even though she had experienced several small orgasms while bent over. It wasn't enough. She wasn't sure it ever would be. Her clit was throbbing mercilessly and she moaned as Engfa continued to caress her burning backside while she pressed herself against the arm of the sofa. Engfa's mouth went dry as she watched, knowing full well what the brunette was doing.
Cool fingers slid over heated skin, stoking incredibly close to where she needed them but never close enough. Charlotte used the towel beneath her head to wipe her tears away and cover her face as she continued to whimper and beg, switching to thai to hide her need from the woman behind her even as her hips continued to grind down until her whole body shuddered. Gasping, she collapsed against the cushion, her eyes closed tightly in embarrassment.
Tucking an errant strand of dark silky hair behind her ear, Engfa bent to whisper in her ear as she continued to caress her tender skin. "You are such a good girl, Charlotte. Let's get this last part over with" she said. Whimpering, the taller brunette refused to move for another moment as goosebumps appeared all over her body as she relished the smaller woman's continuing touch. Finally she opened her eyes to find the blonde watching her from inches away. "Hey there, pretty." she whispered, stroking her hair and smiling softly at her. She held her hand out and waited for the model to take it before helping her to stand on shaking legs. "When you are ready, that's your corner over there. I will set the timer for 30 minutes. Remember, hands on your head, feet apart, and no rubbing."
Charlotte flushed as she realized there wasn't much chance of not exposing her bare mound again as she turned and shuffled to the corner, pants still around her knees. The humiliation of the situation caused another hot wave of arousal to sweep over her and her brow furrowed in confusion as she avoided Engfa's gaze on her trek across the room. Why was she so turned on right now? What was wrong with her that she had came while Engfa was raining fire down on her skin? That even after all of that all she wanted to do was to curl up in the brunette's arms and let her comfort her?
Setting the timer for 30 minutes, Engfa stepped back to survey her work. There was not much she wanted to do right now other then to lock herself in her room and take care of the aching need inside of her. She tried to tamp down her desire knowing that she needed to finish this night with at least a little of her professional reputation intact. She nearly groaned out loud though at the sight of Charlotte standing in the naughty corner, hands on her head, with her perfect ass completely bare and glowing red from her own doing. She desperately wanted to remove her own clothes and grind up against her as she freed those luscious breasts and fondled them with her hands. She wanted to run her mouth over every inch of her, kissing and tasting until she was kneeling behind her and dipping her tongue in all of that delicious wetness between her thighs. Unfortunately that wasn't an option for her. She needed to maintain her professionalism and do her job. A soft sigh tinged with regret escaped from between pink lips.
To distract herself from the sight of the brunette, Engfa moved into the kitchen to prepare a snack for them and gather together a few other items Charlotte might need.

Im sorry if this is too cringe😪
Pls comment 🫰🏽

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