Dinner And Little Peace...

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Charlotte slid slowly off the couch, careful not to wake the beautiful woman. Making her way into the guest bedroom, she found her phone and keys on the dresser and was relieved the smaller brunette had thought to set them out sometime through the night. Dressing quickly although gingerly, being careful of her still tender skin, Charlotte packed up her things and crept back down the hall. Stopping in the kitchen, she was thankful for the morning sun that lit the room well enough to see. She quickly started the coffee maker and looked for something to leave a note with before going back into the living room and carefully covering Engfa with the blanket they had shared. Making one more visual sweep of the room, she quietly left making sure to lock the door behind herself.
Engfa stretched as she slowly woke, the scent of coffee too much of a temptation to stay asleep. Looking around it took her a moment to figure out why she was in the living room . "Charlotte?" her voice echoed in the empty house. Frowning slightly she stood and went in search of her but the guest room was empty and all of her things were gone. Disappointed, she turned to seek out coffee instead. Grabbing a mug from the cupboard, she paused remembering she hadn't programmed the auto coffee maker the night before. Smiling, she realized Charlotte must have done it before she left. Turning to fill her cup, she saw the note propped beside the machine.
I hope you slept okay having me on top of you all night. I mean...well you know what I mean. Anyway, I had fun last night. You know, other than the whole discipline thing. The talking and stuff was nice. Anyway...here is my number. Text me when you want me to meet you today or whatever. I'll see you at work.
Thanks for the pizza and conversation,
Engfa grinned at the awkward rambling note. Taking her coffee with her, she headed towards the shower. Today was going to be a good one..
As Charlotte went about her day, she couldn't help but look for the smaller brunette. "Hey, you ok?" Noah questioned. "Uh, yeah..I just have a meeting with Ms.Waraha later but I'm not sure when. Have you seen her today?"
Noah bit back a smirk as he nodded "Yeah, she was in a meeting about an hour ago. Is today the big day?" he asked, holding the door to the hallway open for her.
"Big day? What are you talking about?"
"Ms.. Waraha? Corporal punishment? I can see it now...THE Charlotte Austin with her hands on her head and her flaming butt on display in plain view of anyone that walks by"
Jaw tightening with anger, Charlotte turned to glare at him. "Let me tell you something, Noah. First, you know nothing about the topic of the meeting. Second, if I hear you gossiping about this around the company, there will be hell to pay." she jabbed him in the chest with her finger. "And third, if you ever look at my ass, dressed or not, I will personally see to it that there are never any Ayutthaya offspring for the world to worry about. Comprende?"
Noah's expression floundered between smug and terrified as they stared each other down.
"Hey! Everything ok here?"
Charlotte turned in surprise at the appearance of the very same cute brunette model she had been searching for. "No..uh...I was just explaining a few things to Mr.Ayutthaya here" she responded, shooting him another warning glare.
"Awesome! Miss Austin, do you have a few minutes? I was needing to discuss something before your next photoshoot" Engfa grinned at her, dimples on full display.
Distracted by her smile, Charlotte forgot all about Noah. Grinning back at Engfa, she nodded and followed her down the hall.
They fell into a comfortable silence as they walked together to Engfa's office. Opening the door, she waited for Charlotte to enter before shutting it behind them.
"Have a seat" she cheerfully gestured. Her smile dropped a little as Charlotte shuffled in front of her desk but didn't sit. "Charlotte, what's the matter?"
Shooting her a pointed look, eyebrows raised, Charlotte waited. Engfa stared at her with a puzzled expression until it dawned on her. Embarrassment and amusement warred inside of her but when she saw the glint in the taller brunette's eyes, she burst out laughing. The taller brunette couldn't help but giggle herself at the cute brunette's laughter.
"Um...would you like a pillow? Should we lay on the floor and chat? Would you like to lay across my desk?" she gently teased.
"I think the desk will be fine, thanks. You're planning on taking a look anyway, right?"
"Yes, I can do that." she quickly cleaned off the surface of her desk doing her best to ignore the fluttering in her abdomen and the dryness of her mouth at the thought of having access to her lovely backside again.
Charlotte stretched across the desk, sighing softly.
"Has it been bad?"
"I haven't been able to sit comfortably all day. I've forgotten a few times and nearly came apart when my ass touched the chair."
"I can apply some more gel if you think that would help" she offered, reaching inside of a drawer.
"Yes, please"
Walking behind the brunette, she swallowed thickly as Charlotte slowly lowered her jeans and the silky pink panties beneath. Engfa bit her lower lip at the sight of the roundness of her backside. Running her hand over the smoothness, she rubbed soothing circles into her still reddened skin. "Thank you for making coffee this morning and for the note. Did you sleep ok last night?" her voice had a teasing lilt to it and Charlotte grinned. "Yeah, sorry about the awkward wording. It was early and I don't have a filter until about 9am. I slept really great, actually. You are the perfect pillow"
Her heart gave a little thump and Charlotte grinned when her fingers stilled briefly in their inspection before moving on. "How's the rest of your day been going?"
"I've had better ones but it has little to do with my aching butt. Too much of Noah gives me a headache and he seems to be finding ways to be around me a lot today. I just need some peace and quiet and working with Noah when he's like this then going home to an apartment I share with Heidi isn't really conducive to any moments of peace"
"Hmmm...I can imagine" Engfa agreed as she added some gel to her fingertips before applying it to her tender backside. She was very familiar with Heidi and couldn't imagine sharing a living space with her. She was very pretty, but loud.
Charlotte moaned softly as slender hands worked their magic. She fell silent as her core fluttered and clenched every time Engfa got close to her now dampened folds as her hands caressed every inch of her inflamed cheeks and thighs.
Engfa was lost in her thoughts for a little bit until she sensed the change in the woman beneath her. Instantly, desire flooded her body and she could feel her nipples tense in response. "Charlotte, breathe" her voice was low and husky as she paused in her ministrations.
Dark eyes popped open as the taller brunette realized she had been arching up into her touch and waiting for more. Rolling her eyes at herself she released a self deprecating chuckle. "You are so good at that I forgot where I was for a second"
Patting one round cheek before stepping away, Engfa grinned. "I seem to have that effect on people." she teased.
Blushing lightly even as she grinned, Charlotte stood and pulled her pants back up. "So, Ms.. Waraha, what's the verdict?"
Moving behind her desk, she smiled back at her. "I don't believe you are ready for more today. You are more tender than I expected and still pretty red." She opened a drawer and pulled out another tube of gel and a sheet of paper. " I can send some gel home with you if you would like so that you can get some rest tonight?"
Charlotte watched her as she wrote on the form in her hand, considering. Finishing, Engfa looked up with an expectant smile. "I need you to read over and sign and date this form, once for yesterday and again for today. It basically says that I administered your first session and inspection and maintained professionalism and did not make you uncomfortable in any way outside of the parameters of the discipline as outlined."
"Sounds very legal." she mused as she took the pen and signed the form.
"Yep. It basically protects the company and I against any allegations and you against any sexual advances" she winked.
Her pulse soared at the quiet "damn" that slipped from between Charlotte's full lips as dark eyes lifted to meet hers.
Quickly looking away to hide her reaction, she picked up the paper and stood to file it, her back to the taller brunette. "Alright." she said overly cheerfully as she turned back "What did you decide about the gel?"
Charlotte bit her lip before responding "I actually was wondering..." she paused
"Go ahead...what's your question?" Engfa encouraged
"If I promised to make you a fabulous dinner would you consider letting me come over and hang out with you tonight? And you could apply the gel?"
Shocked, the smaller brunette sat down slowly and leaned back, confusion etched into her features.
"Nevermind. It's fine, that was probably weird. I'll take the gel" she reached for it but a slender tanned hand darted out to cover hers.
"No! That actually sounds amazing. I get fed and you get a little peace" Engfa swallowed down all of her reservations "I just....nevermind. You are more than welcome to spend the night again. I promise to be much quieter than Heidi and not nearly as annoying as Noah" her dimples deepening as she grinned up at her.
Smiling with relief, Charlotte's body relaxed. "Great! 7 ok?"
Engfa nodded in agreement just as the taller brunette's phone rang. Gesturing that she should stay and finish the call, Charlotte just nodded.
Opening her door, Engfa slipped out into the hallway, nearly colliding with Noah Ayutthaya. Having a confident idea of why he might be hanging out near her office after overhearing the end of his and Charlotte's earlier conversation, she frowned as her eyes narrowed. "Mr.. Ayutthaya, can I help you?"
His normally tan face paled slightly as he stammered over a response. "Uh...I was just..I um...have you seen Miss Austin? I need her for a photoshoot" Grinning at his supposed recovery, his smile slowly fell at the icy look in her eyes. He had been to see Engfa several times over the last few years and he knew that look pretty well.
"I believe the proper procedure for a consult is to have Miss Austin called by phone." She folded her arms over her chest as she stared coldly at him. "You know, Mr. Ayutthaya, it's been a while since you and I have met together. I have an opening today at 4. I will see you in the conference room on the 3rd floor. Don't be late."
His skin took on an ashen look even as he tried to give her a confident looking smile. "Today at 4? Uh..I think I'm scheduled to..."
Turning, Engfa walked the other direction, calling over her shoulder "Your schedule just changed. Conference room at 4. Don't make me look for you"
"Well, fuck" he muttered under his breath, hands on his hips as he watched her walk away.
Smirking to herself, Engfa headed to meet the boss with a proposition in mind regarding the man she just talked to.

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