You Can Reach...

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"Hey, Snack, wait up!"
Turning at the sound of her name, Snack smiled as Charlotte jogged to catch up with her.
"What's up, Charlotte?"
"I was wondering if you knew where I could find a copy of the employee handbook? I've been looking on the website and can't seem to find it."
"Hmm...I'd ask a secretary. They know where everything is."
Shooting her a grin, she turned around and hustled back the way she came "Thanks, Snack!"
"What do you want, Noah?" Charlotte asked, not in the mood for her lecherous friend
"I haven't seen you around much lately. Are you hiding out or something?"
"Hiding out? No, I've been busy Noah. By the way, hows your ass?" she smirked, not taking her eyes off the tablet in front of her.
"My ass is perfect as usual" he smirked, even while subconsciously reaching to rub the still tender skin. "How's yours? Want me to rub some soothing cream on it?"
"My ass is none of your business" she retorted, scrolling through the screen
"You asked about mine!" he peeked over her shoulder trying to see what was so fascinating but Charlotte quickly angled it away.
"Yep, but you made your ass everyone's business." growling with frustration, her eyes flicked up to his as she shut the screen off. "Seriously though, how you doing?" as annoying as Noah could be he was still her friend.
"Fine. Getting ready to head into a photoshoot. You?"
"I have another appointment at 1 with a client. You haven't seen Ms. Waraha have you?"
Noah flinched a little at the model's name before his eyes narrowed. "Why? Have you not had a session with her yet?"
"Noah, that's really none of your business. That's not even why I'm looking for her. I just need to talk to her, ok?"
His gaze turned thoughtful as he stared at her.
"What?" she demanded
"You have the hots for her! this so she will go easy on you?"
"What? No! You're insane. I told you this has nothing to do with that"
"Mmmhmmm. I've missed you in the cafeteria lately. Come to think of it, I've barely seen you since she called you into her office after the other day"
"Shut up, Noah. You don't know what you're talking about. Sure you're in any shape to start rumours about Ms.Waraha right now?" She questioned with an arched brow as she turned to walk away.

Engfa slipped into the house, closing the door behind her while simultaneously pulling the band out of her hair. Dark brown tresses fell onto her shoulders and chest clinging there, reminding her how sweaty her clothing was. Guzzling cold water, she shook her hair out ignoring the growling of her stomach. The crisp autumn air should have kept her cool but she had really stretched herself, running harder and longer than normal. She knew she would pay for it later but it had been too tempting to let the pounding of her feet beat back the memories that had consumed her most of the day. Stretching her aching arms while moving towards the bedroom, she peeled the sweat soaked tank top and sports bra up her body and over her head. The cool air felt good against her bare chest as she felt her nipples harden.
"Oh fuck" a gasp came from her right. Jumping in fright she clasped the garments in her hands against her chest as she spun to find her favorite taller brunette standing by the sliding back door that led to her back patio.
"Charlotte! What are you doing here? You scared me to death!" she scolded even as relief washed over her.
The taller brunette stood mesmerized holding tongs in her hands.
" we talked last night about me coming over to make you that steak dinner you were wanting? I looked for you at the agency to remind you. Did you not get my text? I'm uh...I should say I'm sorry, but honestly sorry is not what I'm feeling right now. Um..sorry for scaring you but uh...not sorry to see all of that" she gestured in the other woman'ss direction, eyes wide. She licked her lips at the sight of a set of very perky breasts topped with light pink upturned nipples.
Engfa gasped, realizing that in her relief that the intruder was Charlotte, she had forgotten she was half nude and had at some point relaxed her arms enough that both breasts were nearly completely exposed. Quickly covering herself again, she backed up towards her room. "I'm sorry, I completely forgot. I didn't see your car. Steak sounds great, thank you. I'm just going to go shower and get dressed. Let me know if you need anything"
"Anything?" Charlotte asked, teasing glint in her darkened eyes as a small smile ghosted over deep red lips. "I can think of a few things"
Engfa's eyes widened at the predatory look on the brunette's face. Stumbling, she bumped into the wall causing the other woman to chuckle lightly "Food. know, from the kitchen. Ok, I'll be back" she quickly disappeared, locking the bedroom door behind her and falling against it with a groan. "Smooth, Waraha. Very Smooth"
Completely covered in a t-shirt and leggings she drew in a deep breath and grinned. "Mmmmm.....Charlotte. That smells absolutely divine"
Smiling, Charlotte raked her eyes over the peds surgeon. "Have to admit I liked the other outfit better" she winked and then laughed when the other woman blushed.
"I'm really sorry about that. Hey, where's your car though? I didn't see it" she asked slipping on to one of the stools on the opposite side of the island where the brunette was working.
"I wasn't sure if you were home or which side of the garage you normally park in and I didn't want to block you so I parked across the street and down a bit."
Charlotte focused on cutting up vegetables and Engfa took the opportunity to admire the view. She loved it when the brunette wore button up v neck shirts that displayed a hint of what was beneath them. This one was a beige one that looked beautiful against her pale skin.
"So, you had the day off today?" the brunette asked, looking up at her expectantly
"I did" Engfa confirmed as she watched her. "Hey, do you need any help? What can I do?"
"You can sit there and look gorgeous and relax. I've got this. Besides it's my way of saying thank you"
Taking a sip of water, she grinned as a thought came to her and without hesitation she reached for her phone to turn some music on. "Right...peace and quiet for you and dinner and a show for me"
Looking up in surprise Charlotte could only laugh when Engfa gave her an exaggerated wink.
Blushing just a bit, the brunette fell silent for a second even as she unconsciously began swaying her hips to the beat. "Well, yes, but that wasn't what I was thanking you for. I was more thinking of the pre-game show I received" she teased.
Narrowing her eyes, Engfa pursed her lips before responding "I have no idea what you are talking about" she tossed her still damp curls over her shoulder haughtily.
"That's ok" Charlotte said, one perfect brow arching high, "I don't mind remembering for the both of us" she went completely still as she stared off into the distance, eyes darkening and taking on a glassy quality.
Looking in the direction Charlotte was staring, Engfa turned back to her confused until it finally hit her "Hey! No picturing me naked!" she laughed, swatting at the brunette's shoulder as Charlotte grinned widely and ducked away.
"Mmmm...that memory is definitely a keeper"
"Miss Austin" she scolded, voice laced with amusement as she tried to sound stern.
Charlotte just smiled, turning to the stove to pull the potatoes from the oven. Engfa's eyes immediately dropped to admire the rounded curve of her backside and all of the sudden her mouth was so dry she couldn't swallow. Placing the baking sheet on the stove to cool, Charlotte's hips once again picked up the beat of the music and Engfa's pulse skyrocketed as her incredible body moved to the music. It was mesmerizing, seductive and beyond hot how she could move. Biting her lip, the smaller brunette tried to control her thoughts but they were like a brush fire that rushed in and consumed her. Fantasy mixed with reality as she imagined all kinds of ways to rid the brunette of her clothing and have her moving those hips beneath her, on top of her, while she was inside of her. Her entire body felt like it was on fire.
"Alright, steaks are done, twice baked potatoes just need to cool, I've got a fruit salad and vegetable sal.....Engfa?" Her voice had gone from confident to tentative when she turned to see the look on the other woman's face.
Getting no response she called her name again but Engfa appeared to be lost in thought. Reaching out, the brunette hesitatingly used her finger to tilt the smaller brunette's chin up so she could meet her gaze.
Her breath caught in her throat at the desire burning in the depths of those deep brown eyes. Instantly her barely contained need roared to life and she could feel her entire body pulse with desire.
"Engfa" she breathed out, voice trembling.
Staring intently, the other model watched as an answering flame of desire darkened the taller brunette's eyes. Her fingers itched with the need to reach out, to draw her closer and wrap her arms around her. Knowing she needed to get control of the situation, she struggled to focus and tamp down her roaring need. She nearly groaned as she shifted on the stool and felt the pressure on her hard and aching clit.
"Wine" she stuttered, nearly gasping the word out as she quickly stood and moved away. "Let's have some wine". Reaching for the cupboard where she kept the glasses she froze when the taller brunette reached out and gently wrapped her fingers around her wrist.
"Engfa" her voice was low and husky and the smaller brunette closed her eyes as she leaned her head against the wooden door.
"Please, Charlotte. I can't. We can't. Please" she begged
Charlotte pressed closer, wrapping her arms around her waist and pulling her tightly against her just long enough to nudge her cheek with the tip of her nose then drop a kiss on the curve of her neck. Engfa's eyes fluttered shut at the warmth of her body against her own and she could feel her resolve weakening just as the brunette released her and stepped back. "You get the glasses and I'll get the wine"
Nodding with relief, Engfa had to steady herself before reaching for the glasses again.

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