If You Spanked It, You Can Soothe It...

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She tried to get into the movie Charlotte had turned on but found her gaze drawn to the woman in her lap as she continued to play in her hair, occasionally massaging her scalp. She was disappointed when the pizza arrived solely because its arrival meant she had to slip out from beneath the gorgeous brunette, effectively bursting the bubble surrounding them.
Sitting up to reach for a slice of the steaming pizza, Charlotte winced as her backside connected with the couch. Carefully lowering herself to the floor, she knelt in front of the coffee table and leaned over the firm surface. Engfa kept her face carefully blank even as her eyes danced with amusement when dark eyes darted towards her.
"You might have been right" Charlotte said before taking a bite of her pizza, her position allowing her sleep-shirt to droop low enough to give the smaller brunette a very tantalizing view of her cleavage.
Engfa struggled to keep her eyes up as she tilted her head and grinned at her "Of course I'm right, but about what specifically?"
Snorting, Charlotte swallowed her pizza and took a sip of her water. "Humble too" she teased, eyebrows arching up.
"Well, I'm awesome so..." she shrugged, dimples flashing and eyes dropping to the irresistible view.
Charlotte just stared at her for a minute before her lips slowly parted into a wide breathtaking grin. Engfa nearly choked on the water in her mouth at the site of it. "Maybe you are" she said thoughtfully before turning back to her pizza. "Definitely won't be making the mistake of calling your hands girly again" she said as her eyes met dark brown again just long enough to throw her a saucy wink.
"Good call, Miss. Austin, especially since that ass of yours is mine at least a few more days"
"Hmmm....at least." this time she bit back the grin before it could break out fully and didn't meet the smaller brunette's astonished gaze.
They fell into a comfortable silence as they ate. Engfa was a good way through her second slice before she spoke again. "So Miss. Austin, what do you like to do for fun outside of the company?"
"Besides finding reasons for gorgeous women to strip me bare and beat my ass?" she asked, brow raised pointedly in her directions.
Engfa's gaze flicked up to hers before falling away again, wiping her fingers on a napkin she laughed even as her heart fluttered at the compliment. "Not completely bare, but we can rectify that next time if you prefer" This time when she looked up she met and held the brown eyes staring back at her.
The taller brunette nearly groaned out loud when that vision filled her head. What would it feel like to stand between the smaller brunette's knees and slowly strip all of her own clothes off? To then stretch her naked body across her lap, making herself completely vulnerable? Her nipples tightened at the thought and she felt a tightening in her lower abdomen. Swallowing hard, she tried to remember the course of the conversation.
"I love movies, I love to dance and I love to cook"
"Hmm...I bet your boyfriend loves that, especially the last two." Engfa internally cringed at her lack of smoothness in digging for info about her personal life.
"Well, I never had a boyfriend that really cared that I could dance, but they usually love that I can cook". She took a sip of her wine and eyed the smaller brunette as she visibly struggled to keep the disappointment off of her face. "My last girlfriend was the same".
dark brown eyes flew up to meet her own. "Girlfriend?"
"Yes. I'm bisexual. Is that a problem?"
"Not at all!" Engfa shot her a wink before she stood to start clearing the coffee table. Following suit, Charlotte grabbed their wine glasses and followed her.
"What about you? What do you do outside of work?"
"Well, I can't cook at all so don't expect any home cooked meals here. I like you too much to do that to you" she laughed and Charlotte grinned. "I also love to dance and run and I love to work in my flower garden. I have a little vegetable garden too but it's just me so it isn't very big."
"And your boyfriend? Does he cook?" Engfa looked up and blushed a little at the mocking tone in Charlotte's voice. Obviously she had known the smaller brunette had been fishing for info about her relationship status. Crinkling her nose, she shook her head. "No boyfriend here....ewww. I've never gotten past the whole boys are gross stage."
"Mmm" Charlotte dipped her head in acknowledgement "Girlfriend?"
"Nope, not for a while. So what do you like to cook?"
Following the smaller brunette back into the living room, she couldn't keep her eyes off the sway of her hips and the roundness of the cheeks barely covered by her tiny shorts. "I like to experiment with different recipes. I can make about anything but my favorites are Mexican or Italian. I love both."
"That sounds amazing. You seem quite talented, in and out of the company." Engfa smiled at her as she straightened the pillows on the couch then took a seat.
"You have no idea" Charlotte whispered under her breath
"Before you get comfortable again I probably need to do a check. Would you like something to help with the bruising?"
Taking the tube of gel from her hand, Charlotte read the directions. Engfa could barely breath as she suddenly had the brunette stretched over her again, her abdomen pressing against the smaller brunette's lap and the underside of her breasts snug against her bare outer thigh. Flipping up her night shirt, Charlotte exposed her very red backside and handed the tube to her. "Do you mind? I'm not sure where I need it most"
Stunned, the smaller woman stared down at all of that pale skin and dark, glossy hair. Her eyes nearly rolled back in her head as she was overwhelmed with so many thoughts and sensations at the same time. She found herself fighting the strong urge to wrap her hand in all of that hair and give it a sharp tug as her other hand delved between her thighs to search out all of the other woman's secrets. She desperately wanted to bare those full breasts that felt so firm against her leg and roll her nipples between her fingers to see what kind of sounds Charlotte would make.
"Engfa? You ok back there?" the taller brunette questioned with a smirk
Shaking herself from her daydream, Engfa quickly nodded. "Yeah, yes, I'm fine. Want to finish your movie while I do this?" she handed her the remote again and opened the tube of gel with shaking fingers. Squeezing out a generous amount she began smoothing it gently over the reddened skin near her hip-line, moving from the top down.
Charlotte hissed at the coolness of the gel but it quickly heated on her skin as Engfa carefully worked it in. She tried to concentrate on the movie but it was no use with the smaller brunettes hands on her. Burying her face in the pillow she tried to distract herself from the desire coiling in her abdomen.
"So what happens tomorrow?" she asked, turning her head towards the couch to get a look at the peds surgeon.
"We go to work" Engfa teased, adding more gel to her fingertips. She carefully rubbed it in to the curve of her bottom, fingers barely brushing her thighs.
Charlotte moaned softly before shooting her a dirty look. "I meant, with my punishment. What happens tomorrow?"
"We decide on a time for you to come to my office so I can do a check then we go from there"
They both fell silent as Engfa continued her administrations, fingers dancing across the crease where the taller brunette's thigh met her firm ass. She stopped when she felt the taller model cringe.
"Charlotte, if this is hurting you more or if you are uncomfortable with me applying the gel in different areas, please tell me and I will stop."
She remained silent even as she turned to look at her, dark eyes peeking over her shoulder. "I guess if you spanked it, you can soothe it" she murmured, voice low and husky as she shifted in her lap.
Engfa's heart fluttered then began beating rapidly in her chest. Trying to maintain her composure, she gave her a quick nod and squeezed the skin beneath her hand gently smiling a little as the other woman gasped softly. Moving down to apply the soothing gel to her sit spots she finally declared her done and tossed the tube onto the nearby table.
"How will I know when I should come back here?" Charlotte asked, not making any move to get up from her comfortable position.
"We will discuss it tomorrow when I see how red you are. Are you comfortable here? Or would you like to go to bed?"
Charlotte snuggled in a little deeper. "I like it here if it's ok with you. Are you comfortable?"
Pulling the sheet back up to cover her, she tucked it in around her be carefully of her sore rear-end. "I'm good" she whispered, not resisting the urge to stroke her fingers through her silky tresses. Reaching down she pushed the button that would raise the footrest built in to the front of the sofa and reclined her seat a bit pulling the taller brunette in a little closer.
"Engfa?" she asked after some time.
"Mmm? Lost in her own head, she had continued to play with the brunette's hair as she watched tv.
"I..uh...wouldn't mind if you wanted to keep rubbing the pain away"
Laughing softly, she slid her other palm beneath the sheet to rest on her heated bare skin.

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