I Am Going To Devour You...

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Engfa hummed happily as a warm hand found it's way beneath her shirt and pressed into the small of her back. She didn't need to open her eyes to know that it was Charlotte Austin who was effectively wrapped around her. The other woman's scent was intoxicating and she breathed it in deeply. Snuggling closer, she opened her eyes just long enough to take in the perfect face inches from her own. Pulling the blanket up a little higher on both of them, she drifted back to sleep.
It was a while later that her eyes fluttered open again as she was pulled from a sexy dream into a heady reality. The gorgeous woman had shifted in her sleep, slipping a pale leg between her own and pulling her closer. Instantly wide awake, the smaller brunette gasped as the brunette pressed up against her sending shock waves of desire through her entire body. Her now stiff nipples ached as they rubbed against Charlotte's breasts. Hips rocking instinctively forward, Engfa whimpered as she tried to force them still.
Stretching, the gorgeous brunette grinned when her eyes blinked open and she woke to find herself still in Engfa's arms. "Mmm...good morning" she whispered as the hand resting against the smaller brunette's bare back wandered higher, stroking over the expanse of soft skin.
"Charlotte, please don't move" she gasped out.
Immediately freezing, Charlotte stared into darkened brown eyes wide with alarm. Taking quick stock of what could be wrong, she looked at her in confusion. Listening intently she couldn't hear any sounds of an intruder and didn't sense any motion around them. "What's wrong?" she shifted slightly causing Engfa's eyelashes to flutter and a gasp escape her pink lips. "Eng...oh" she started before realizing that her thigh was pressed tightly between the smaller brunette's thighs, hard against her very warm core. Focusing entirely on the smaller woman she saw how she was struggling to keep control as her body trembled.
Engfa bit her lip, eyes slamming shut as the gorgeous brunette tensed her thigh muscle, applying just a bit more pressure to her swollen and aching clit. "Please!" she begged, trying desperately to push away from the brunette but finding herself firmly wedged between her delicious body and the back of the couch.
"Engfa, it's ok." she whispered, lowering her hand to the curve of her hip and holding her still. She relaxed her thigh and drew back just enough to ease the pressure. She watched the smaller woman for a moment as she continued to keep her eyes shut while visibly trying to control her breathing. Finally, Charlotte slid her hand up to wrap gently around her throat. dark brown eyes flew open to meet hers as her fingertips found the smaller brunette pulse point. Dark eyes widened at the rapid beat and a slow and breathtaking grin spread across the taller brunette's face.
Rolling her eyes and blushing, Engfa dropped her gaze.
"Ms. Waraha, I think you like me" she teased.
Giving a little huff, Engfa pouted "I can't..I just don't understand how you can make me go from sleeping to losing my mind so quickly."
Her grin turned smug and proud. "I barely touched you. Can you imagine what will happen when I do?"
"Charlotte" her voice held a hint of warning even as her mind danced with the mental images. She could imagine all too well, that was the problem.
"You know that can't happen. Even if it could, I think you are more of a relationship person. I'm not that. I only date, casually date"
Her voice was low and husky when she whispered "I hate to be the one to tell you, but I think it may be too late. We're already in a relationship" she pulled her in a little tighter careful to keep her thigh from moving upwards.
Engfa's head tilted as she considered what she had said. "I think we may have become friends the last few weeks, if that's what you mean, but that's another reason we shouldn't take this any further."
"And I would argue that we have been dating. We have shared a meal together a least a handful of times, watched movies, talked about personal things, and you have even gotten into my pants" she winked as Engfa's mouth fell open. "Not only that, every time I come over I spend the night. Do you have any other friends that sleep in your arms, face to face on your couch? We are dating, Engfa, and we have become friends. Wouldn't you call that a relationship?"
"Discipline sessions and girls nights, not date nights. We are not dating. If we were dating, I would have..." she cut herself off and bit her lip, realizing she had perhaps gone done a path she didn't want to be on.
"You would have.....what?" Charlotte asked as her desire flared hot and bright while her lips skimmed lightly over the smaller woman's jaw line. Brown eyes fluttered up to dark brown before falling back to gaze longingly at pink lips. "Kissed me? Touched me? What, Engfa?" voice low and husky, she nudged her cheek with the tip of her nose, lips a breath away from Engfa's own.
"Charlotte" she whispered again, though this time it came out as more of a plea.
Looking deep into her eyes, Charlotte seemed to search for something before finally letting out a soft sigh and pulling away. "When this is all over and all of the papers are signed, I am going to take you out on a proper date" she declared, shooting the smaller woman a confident wink and a grin before easing herself off the couch.
Tears pricked the corner of her eyes as Engfa battled with the feelings warring inside of her. The last thing she wanted to do was to disappoint this amazing woman in front of her and, if she were completely honest with herself, she knew she desperately wanted to lose herself in the taller brunette's arms. She was afraid though. Afraid to let herself love someone so much that just the thought of losing them threatened to rip her apart. It had happened too many times already. Not with a lover, but she had lost her grandparents, her sister, and her friend Imron. She just wasn't sure she wanted to put herself on the line again. Charlotte was someone she instinctively knew would steal her heart if she let her and the very idea terrified her.
Standing, she folded the blanket methodically before draping it over the arm of the couch. Grabbing the pillows, she couldn't help burying her face in the one that Charlotte had used. Mmm...her scent was intoxicating and she was quickly becoming addicted. She could hear the shower running in the guest room and the urge to slip in with the brunette was so strong she found herself with her hand on the knob to the bedroom. Pressing her forehead against the painted wood, she sighed deeply. This woman had managed to get past all her defenses and insert herself into her thoughts, her life, and even her shower. Every fiber of her being ached for her, even her.....well, fuck....even her heart. Groaning at the impossibility of the situation, Engfa forced herself to her own room and her own cold shower.

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