Open The Door...

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Halting steps from the now closing elevator doors, Charlotte cursed as she realized the document in her hand needed to be submitted to human resources.
"Shit, shit, shit" she muttered as she checked her watch before quickly turning and heading the opposite direction towards Human Resources. She managed to slip in the office door right before they closed for the night. Shooting the receptionist a grin, she handed over the signed Relationship Disclosure paper just as her phone went off.
"NO, DAMMIT!" the brunette nearly cried as she was again called for a last minute meeting with a new client. Irritation etched her features as she stomped back upstairs typing out a quick text on her way.
This isn't over. If I hadn't just been called for a meeting, believe me that I would be right on your heels ~C
The response was almost immediate. Tomorrow, Charlotte. Tomorrow at 7pm. Don't be late. We need to finish the discipline before we move on to anything else.
A small pout graced her face before the slow grin took over. Engfa Waraha had agreed to date her. SHE WAS MISS GRAND THAILAND ENGFA WARAHA! Her eyes lit up and the smile stayed on her face the remainder of the night.
Fluffing her pillows, Engfa settled against them sighing softly as she got cozy in her queen size bed. Freshly showered, damp tendrils of curls brushed her shoulders from where they had fallen from her messy bun. She had spent a quiet evening at home, drinking wine while looking through old photos of her and Plaifa with an occasional photo of her, Plaifa and Imron mixed in. She missed Plaifa desperately and wished she could tell in person about Charlotte. The thought of them meeting made her smile. She would love the gorgeous brunette and probably would've tried to charm her herself. Sighing softly, she curled up beneath her blankets and reached for her phone just as it pinged with a new message.
Are you still awake? ~ C
Grinning as she saw it was from Charlotte, she quickly responded.
I am. How did the meetimg go? ~ E
How about I come over and tell you all about it? ~ C
Hmm...I don't know...are you going to behave? ~E
No ~ C
Engfa laughed out loud at her response that was quickly followed by a winking emoji.
We aren't supposed to do anything physical until after your session tomorrow ~ E
A thrill shot up her spine as her phone rang.
"Hello Charlotte" she grinned into the phone trying to ignore the intense fluttering deep inside of her.
"Hey there. I missed your voice. Texting wasn't enough"
Dimples flashing at the sweetness of her statement, Engfa felt her cheeks grow hot. "I'm glad you called. After the last few weeks it's weird to be home alone now"
Charlotte laughed lightly "Yes, my plan worked! Obviously the only thing that will correct this is if I move in"
Giggling, Engfa rolled her eyes. "I think there's a word for that. Shouldn't you at least take me on a date first?"
"I told you, I've been dating you. I obviously need to step up my game though if you haven't noticed." she teased
Engfa grew quiet and Charlotte worried.
"Engfa?" she asked quietly
"Do you want to date me?" her voice timid
"I signed the paper, didn't I?
"I know, but do you really want this? I'm not forcing you?"
Engfa thought about it for a moment before responding with her own question. "Tell you what, Miss. Austin, I'll answer your question if you answer mine. "
Charlotte snorted and shook her head with a grin "Way to delay your response, Ms. Waraha." she teased. "Sure, I'll answer your question. Lay it on me."
Swallowing hard while thinking of all the things she'd really like to lay on her, Engfa bit her lip before finally whispering "You said it wasn't just pain.....when I uh...spank you. Will you tell me what you mean?" she twisted a brown lock between her fingers.
Charlotte laughed nervously "Oh wow, going straight for pay dirt. Um...yes, I'll try to explain what I meant" she had actually been thinking about it a lot since the sentence had slipped past her lips. It wasn't easy to put her feelings into words and it was a long moment before she continued.
"It's kind of, well, like a dessert with different layers. First there's the salty layers which consist of the actual spanking, the sting of your hand or whatever you are using as it strikes my backside. The burn that ignites beneath the skin that brings redemption but also hell fire. Then there's the humiliation part where I have to expose myself to you before and after."
"No! Wait...just listen to all of it and then we can talk. Ok? Please?"
"Ok" she whispered, turning on her back and staring at the ceiling as Charlotte continued.
"The act of baring myself while you sit there completely dressed waiting to uh...spank me, it's um......intoxicating. Intoxicating and humiliating at the same time."
Engfa made a noise deep in her throat that made the brunette's voice falter and her heart skip a beat. Taking a deep breath, she continued. "It's kind of an exquisite mix of feelings that are both confusing and exciting." her voice was low and intense and Engfa closed her eyes as an intense burn made it's way through her body, pooling in her core.
"Then there are the sweet layers which include being there with you which, no matter the activity, is pretty awesome. Also, the soothing touch of your hand in between swats. I love that. I love the feel of your palm over my bare skin coming so close to a part of me that...aches...for you but never touching me there." her voice had dropped lower and Engfa strained to hear each word, to embrace it and feel it. "The ache builds so much that I'm tempted to ask you to spank me just there. To roll over and spread my legs and take those swats on my aching core."
"Charlotte" she gasped, beginning to understand the taller brunette's visible reactions during their sessions. She herself was fighting the urge to slip her hand past the band of her panties and into the increasing wetness building there. Just the mental image of the brunette spread wide open on her couch as she spanked her clit was nearly enough to send her over the edge. Her hand moved beneath her shirt without thought to cup her own breast, thumb stroking an already hardened nipple. Pinching it firmly, she moaned softly into the phone.
Falling silent as she listened intently to the noises coming through the line, Charlotte's eyes widened. "Engfa" she whispered, pulse now thundering. "What are you doing?"
Tugging on the swollen bud, she released another little moan. "Imagining you are here with me. Keep going." she gasped out, inhibitions quickly falling to the wayside.
"I love..." she stopped to clear her voice. "I love the way you trail your fingers and tickle sensitive areas before caressing my reddened skin. It gives me goosebumps every time." her voice had gone impossibly lower and a bit huskier as she imagined what the smaller woman might be doing alone in her room. "I love the way you stroke your fingertips over my skin. So close but not quite where I want them. I find myself thinking about those fingers quite often, where they would touch me if you let go."
"Mmmm...I think about that too. How you would feel, what you would do" Engfa moaned as she toyed with the waistband of her thin sleep shorts.
"Where are you hands right now? Tell me what's happening there" desperation laced her voice and the smaller woman grinned dreamily into the phone.
"I'm laying on my back in the middle of my bed. I just showered so my hair is up in a messy bun and I have on those tiny sleep shorts you love."
She bit her lip as she listened to Charlotte's breath quicken
"I do love those shorts"
"I know."
"What else are you wearing?"
"I have a tank top on but right's uh...pushed up above my breasts"
"Your breasts are.."
"Yep, completely bare. My nipples are so hard from listening to you they just ache Charlotte. I had to touch them."
"So that's where your ...uh..hands are now? Touching your breasts?"
"Well, no."
"Engfa" her voice was pleading
"Keep talking Charlotte, you weren't done telling me how it feels"
It took her a moment before she could continue. "I love that even though I am completely vulnerable that I feel safe with you. I love the way you take care of me after. I've never had someone tend to my needs like you do. I love laying pressed up against you, your scent wrapping me up and your arms holding me gently. I love the tenderness in your eyes and those sweet ass dimples"
Engfa gave a breathy laugh at the unexpected and teasing compliment.
"I see you, in the agency, the corridor, your office or looking up from the being draped over your knees and my flutters and then takes off. It's like you're an addiction that I have no desire to break. I love just being with you and the way we can talk about anything or nothing. I love just being there with you. Would I like the salty layer without all of the sweet mixed in? Maybe, maybe not. But all of the layers together...." she moaned softly as a shiver ran down her spine. "It's painfully delicious and erotic. I didn't expect to like it but I think I may actually miss it a little when we are done. Unless...."
"Unless what, Charlotte?" she asked after a long pause, her heart beating maddeningly as every nerve ending seemed to pulse with the anticipation of her answer.
"I answered your question, now you. Do you really want to date me?"
Having carefully thought of little else over the last few weeks and especially over the last 24 hours, Engfa smiled softly, fingers now drifting over her own abdomen. "It's been a long time since I've been in a relationship and that didn't end well. I never really let myself think beyond just a few dates with anyone here and it's worked out ok for me, you know? I've been content. Then a few weeks ago, I met you and all of the sudden I can see possibilities that I hadn't before. I love spending time with you, I love talking with you, I love cuddling with you. I get those same flutterings like butterfly wings whenever I see you or hear your voice. I search for you everywhere at work, just hoping for a quick glimpse. I've had a bit of a crush for a while now. It was almost a relief when we were finally forced to meet. You are in my uh...head and my thoughts more often than I would care to admit. It's been a sweet torture having you half naked in front of me and only able to bring you pain. I've had to fight myself every second not to touch the rest of you, not to kiss you.....taste you. I think you are right, I think we have been dating, but I don't want to just date you, Charlotte. I want the whole relationship thing and all that entails. If you are all in, then so am I"
"Engfa" she moaned softly "I really want to see you right now" Charlotte's voice was laced with needy desperation.
Sighing at the change of subject, Engfa bit her lip again as she considered. Had Charlotte followed her home immediately after that kiss in the elevator, the smaller model was sure she would have stripped her down against the door and tasted every inch of that glorious skin before stroking her fingers deep inside of her hot center. That was hours ago though and her sense of self preservation and respect for authority figures had unfortunately resurfaced as the hours passed. However it apparently just took one call from the taller brunette for her need for her to rise to an explosive level. She took a shaky breath as she tried to tamp down her own desperate desire.
"I want to see you too but I'm not sure it's a good idea. Mr. Chakrii said to try and keep it PG until after your last session"
"Fine. How about we share a drink and just talk?"
Engfa considered her question. Before she could form an answer, Charlotte's spoke again
"Wait....he said try? Try to keep it PG?"
Engfa's eyes widened in surprise at the tone of Charlotte's voice, half angry and half determined.
"Y..yes..s" she stuttered, realizing where Charlotte's mind had instantly gone. A thrill of anticipation raced up her spine.
She heard a faint "fuck that" and the slamming of a door.
"Let me in, Engfa."
Her doorbell rang not a second later and desire, bright and hot, rushed through her body. The sheer need for the taller brunette propelled her off the bed, heart racing, as she nearly sprinted to the door. Looking through the peephole, her breath caught as she gazed at the taller brunette staring directly at her.
"Engfa? Let me in" she demanded.
Her words were just loud enough to reach the smaller brunette's ears. Engfa's heart beat rapidly inside her chest and butterflies were going crazy in her abdomen. Leaning her head against the door, she let the coolness seep into her skin as she took a deep breath.
"Engfa, baby, please" Charlotte desperately pleaded. Engfa took one more deep breath before unlocking the deadbolt with trembling fingers. Opening the door, she grasped the lapel of a jacket and very firmly drew the brunette into her house, shutting the door and immediately pressing her against it. Pale hands found her hips and pulled her harshly against her own.
Their gazes locked, each recognizing the dark desire in the depths of the others eyes. Their breaths were quick and shallow as they stared at each other, bodies pressed together tightly from breast to thigh. Tongue darting out to wet pink lips, Engfa smiled as the gorgeous brunette's eyes darted down to watch. All doubts gone, she leaned in closer until her hot breath grazed the painted full red lips of her soon to be lover. "Hello, Charlotte. Don't call me baby" she whispered against her lips before claiming them with her own.
Charlotte groaned as their lips met, parting almost instantly to let questing tongues slide together, stroking deep into each other's mouths. Moaning softly, they pressed closer, neither quite satisfied with just a taste.
Slim hands found their way beneath her shirt and pressed against the warm smooth skin. Charlotte groaned as they roamed over her abdomen, hesitating only a moment before moving up her sides and then covering both her breasts. "Oh, fuck" she gasped as Engfa squeezed them. Shrugging out of her jacket, she barely recognized the sound of it hitting the floor before she was dragging her shirt up and over her head, momentarily breaking their kiss.
Gasping at the sight of those voluptuous mounds covered in a barely there red bra, Engfa's instantly sought and found nipples already tight with arousal and, raking her nails over them, smiled as Charlotte moaned loudly. Her fingers trailed over the curved edge of the fabric, and her eyes darkened as the gorgeous brunette's hard nipples pressed into her palms.
"Take it off" she demanded watching as Charlotte reached behind herself with trembling hands to remove the scrap of satin hiding her beautiful breasts from Engfa's brown eyed gaze. Tanned hands reverently cupped their fullness, taking on their weight even as they squeezed and massaged. She leaned up to capture red lips in another deep kiss while her thumbs continued to brush and flick her tender tips. Whimpering against pink lips, Charlotte loosened her grip on Engfa's hips and shifted them down to cover her firm backside, lifting and moving her until she straddled a muscular thigh.
"Oh fuck, Charlotte." she gasped
The sounds both of them were making were exciting and arousing. Engfa continued to play with Charlotte's breast with one hand as the other slid up to the nape of her neck. Twisting her fingers in the soft dark hair she gave a gentle tug until Charlotte pulled away from the kiss with a groan. Taking advantage of her tipped back head, Engfa kissed along her jawline, down her neck, until she found her pulse point. Giving it a sharp nip with her teeth, Engfa swirled her tongue over the soft skin before sucking lightly. Holding the gorgeous brunette in place as her knees weakened, Engfa kept a firm grip on her silky hair while her lips and teeth kept busy nipping, kissing and tasting as much as she could of that glorious pale skin. Moving down the softness of her neck she focused on her collarbone, running her tongue along the length of it and grinning as Charlotte bucked against her. Engfa could feel the tenseness of her thigh where it pressed against her aching core and she ground down against it, searching for the friction her body desperately wanted. "Mmmmmmmmm" she moaned as her kisses covered Charlotte's breasts, tongue sliding down her sternum then tracing a line to a pink nipple. Kissing the tip sweetly she paused, her warm breath bathing the gorgeous brunette's skin, until brown eyes opened enough for her to see them watching her. "I've been waiting my whole life to taste you" dark brown eyes met and held chocolate brown as Engfa slowly licked around her entire areola before enveloping it within the heat of her mouth.
"Engfa!" Charlotte gasped as her head fell back against the door. She tried to brace herself as her now weak legs began to shake. She could feel her orgasm already coiling deep inside her and she knew she wouldn't last much longer. Whimpering again as Engfa held her nipple between her teeth, flicking it relentlessly with the tip of her tongue she nearly cried out when she cupped her other breast mimicking the same with her fingers.
"Engfa, please!" she cried out, pulling her hips tightly against her own and pressing her thigh harder against the smaller brunette's hot core. She could feel the heat of her need through both layers of their clothing and it made her own clit pound even harder.
Letting a tender and swollen nipple pop free from her lips, Engfa tipped her head back, groaning deep in her throat at the sensation of riding the brunette's thigh. Struggling to keep her focus, her gaze fell on the neglected nipple. Charlotte groaned as she tugged at brown curls. "Did you want me to stop, Miss. Austin?" she asked with a breathy whisper, pink lips a breath away from red.
Staring down at her, Charlotte tried to catch her breath and clear her desire clouded thoughts. She gazed in wonder at the hot brunette's flushed neck and chest, kiss swollen lips, and her beautiful brown eyes, as another gush of need filled her panties. "Never. Please don't stop" she begged. "Could we ....I'm not sure how much longer I can stay standing" she blushed and Engfa's heart flipped in her chest.
"I think I can help with that" Engfa grinned mischievously as she reached between them and flicked open the button on the brunettes jeans. Sliding down the zipper as Charlotte watched, mesmerized, she slipped her hand between the matching red panties and her pale skin. She bit her lip as her fingertips brushed past short dark curls and then gasped as she felt the abundant wetness of her folds. "Charlotte" she moaned, eyes fluttering closed as the brunettes sex pulsated in her palm.
"You're soaked. For me?"
"All for you"
Stroking through the wetness and brushing over her clit, Engfa gave her a sexy smile as her eyes opened revealing intense midnight dark brown orbs. Gasping at the sight, Charlotte groaned when slender fingers found and circled her opening then slowly pushed two fingers deep within her. Charlotte's head fell on Engfa's shoulder and she buried her face in the crook of her neck as she groaned loudly. "Will this help hold you up? If you have something to rest on?" Engfa teased, stroking in and out slowly.
"Please Engfa" she gasped.
"Please what, Charlotte? Please stop? Please fuck you? Please make you come?
"Please don't stop. Please make me come" she whimpered, kissing the soft skin below the smaller model's ear causing her to shiver.
Engfa pressed deep into her, loving how her tight walls hugged her fingers and how the gorgeous brunette's intimate heat warmed her hand. "You feel so good" she whispered, setting a pace of stroking her fingers in and out several times, careful to press against the sensitive spot on her inner wall each time. After each set of strokes, she would pull out slowly while deliberately adding pressure against her pelvic bone and then pressing firm circles directly on her clit. "So hot and wet, I can't wait to taste you. Can't wait to fuck you with my tongue." She moaned as she bucked against the brunette's thigh.
Charlotte plunged her hands inside the back of Engfa's pajama pants, cupping and squeezing the firm flesh. Gasping, Engfa rocked down against her again while picking up the pace of her own fingers. One hand wrapped in Charlotte's hair and the other coated in the silkiness of her arousal as her fingers scissored deep inside of the gorgeous brunette. Dropping her mouth to her neglected breast, she sucked on a pink nipple, flicking it feverishly with the tip of her tongue every time her fingers found the brunette's hardened clit.
The sounds coming from the taller brunette caused a shiver to run down her spine."come for me, Charlotte. Let go and come for me" she whispered as she sucked the other still hardened nipple deep in her mouth then tugged on it with her teeth. Adding a third finger, she stroked deep inside of her again harder and faster as she felt Charlotte's legs shake.
"Engfa!" she gasped out "OH..YES! PLEASE...RIGHT THERE! I CAN'T..OH..I"M GOING....YES! Engfa!"
Holding on tight as the brunette shattered in her arms, she focused on the sounds Charlotte made as her orgasm washed over her in wave after wave. The taller brunette's inner walls tightened and pulled on her fingers, greedily trying to force them in deeper and keep them there. Pressing her firmly against her front door, she stroked silky dark hair as Charlotte panted into the curve of her neck and tried to recover.
Waiting until the brunette had stopped trembling, Engfa slowly removed her fingers. Whispering soothing words as Charlotte whimpered, she brought her fingers up to her lips. Realizing what was happening, Charlotte pulled back and watched as the smaller woman put her index finger deep inside her mouth and licked off every drop of the brunette's release closing her eyes and moaning at the taste.
"That is fucking hot" Charlotte whispered, staring openly. Grinning and shooting her a wink, Engfa ran her tongue over her middle finger giving it the same treatment. She was just about to finish off the third finger, when Charlotte leaned forward and wrapped her own red lips around it encircling it in the heat of her mouth and dragging her tongue over every bit of hit. Engfa's eyes smoldered and her breath quickened as Charlotte enjoyed the taste of her own release. "Now, THAT is fucking hot" she whispered with wide eyes.
Licking her lips, Charlotte grinned at her before giving her another brief kiss. Pulling away with a pout, she narrowed her eyes at the smaller woman "How did you manage to keep your clothes on?"
"My house, my rules" Engfa teased "I never take my clothes off at the door"
"Your rules, huh?"
Nodding happily, Engfa's dimples popped. "Oh yeah. I'm the boss at my house"
"Hmm...we'll see about that" she whispered hotly, kissing her passionately before walking her purposefully, still in her arms, towards the living room.
"Wait, Charlotte" Engfa protested as she was maneuvered toward the living room. "Charlotte, wait!"
Stopping, the taller brunette looked up from where she had been lavishing her neck with kisses, with concern and a tinge of doubt.
Smiling softly, Engfa pulled the taller brunette's hands from where they still cupped her beneath her thin sleep shorts and laced their fingers together. Stepping closer she kissed her softly, letting her tongue run over her full bottom lip. "Let's go to the bedroom"
Charlotte's heart fluttered madly inside of her chest as she remembered Engfa telling her that she never took dates to her bedroom. "Are you sure?"
Engfa nodded as she leaned up to kiss just beneath her ear after whispering hotly into her ear "Positive. I've dreamed of you naked, in the middle of my bed, writhing as you come in my mouth while screaming my name. You're about to make all my dreams come true"
Charlotte stared at her, dark eyes wide and unfocused before she snapped out of her trance and immediately turned and tugged her towards the bedroom. Grinning, dimples popping, Engfa followed.


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