Touch Me, Engfa...

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Hey, lady Bossl!" a loud voice followed her out the door at the same time her phone alerted her to an incoming text. Turning, she was surprised to find Heidi Jensen running in her direction.
"Lady Boss?" she questioned in confusion, glancing down at the text from Charlotte.
"Yeah, you are the only woman in charge here so "Lady boss"l" Jensen deadpanned as she stared at the smaller brunette
Mouth falling open, Engfa laughed at the absurd nickname "I'll have to remember to tell Charlotte that she will love it"
"Whatever. Are you leaving?"
"I am"
"Listen, I know we don't know each other that well but I wondered if you could do me a favor. I would like to be on your service Monday"
"With me? Do you even know how to make a copy? Jensen?" she questioned, surprised at the request.
"Of course I love making copies I need to clock more hours and I saw you had a few interesting things scheduled and was hoping I could assist."
Her brown head tilted slightly as she considered the brunette in front of her. Knowing Charlotte was stopping off at her apartment to shower, If she played her cards right this could definitely turn into a win/win situation.
"Tell you what, Jensen, give me the key to your apartment and I'll see what I can do"
"What? Why would know what, I don't even care. There is a key above the door. Are we good then?" Heidi demanded.
Letting her dimples flash briefly, Engfa grinned at her. "Yep. Pretty sure we'll be good. Just one more thing....point out your building and tell me which apartment."
Eyes narrowing, Heidi stared at her suspiciously. "Right across the street and it's 9A. No sex on the couch" Turning, her eyes lit up briefly at the sight of the head of plastics. "Hey, you!" she yelled, shooting off in Noah's direction.
Grinning smugly, Engfa headed towards the building across the street.

Finding the key easily enough, Engfa put it back above the door and slipped inside. Her gaze took in the living room, recognizing immediately the brunette's taste in colors and decor. It was just so...Charlotte. Dropping her things on the sofa she peeked into the kitchen before moving down the hall, listening intently for the sound of the brunette. Her eyes bulged as she passed the open door of what must be Heidi's bedroom. Calling it a bedroom was generous, since she wasn't sure there was even a bed in there beneath the piles that literally filled the space from wall to wall. Understanding exactly what Charlotte had been talking about, she quickly moved towards the last door.
The door to Charlotte's bedroom stood ajar. Engfa couldn't help grinning as she looked around the tidy space and breathed in the unique scent of the gorgeous brunette. Her breath caught in her throat as Charlotte made her way into the room from what must be an ensuite, wrapped in a fluffy white bathrobe. Perching gracefully on the seat in front of her vanity, Charlotte pulled her hair up exposing her delicious neck before securing the dark curls into a sloppy bun. Engfa swore their eyes met briefly in the mirror but the gorgeous brunette gave no indication of seeing her.
Feeling a little like a stalker even as her blood pounded furiously through her veins, Engfa cleared her throat to alert the other woman of her presence. Giving no outward reaction though, Charlotte loosened the tie on her robe allowing the material to slide down exposing the smooth expanse of her back and the beautiful roundness of her shoulders.
Engfa's abdomen immediately filled with hundreds of tiny, fluttering butterfly wings. Her gaze slid over the view in front of her, the lightness of the robe contrasting beautifully with caramel skin. Eyes darting back to the reflection in the mirror, she nearly missed the brunette's coy smile as her gaze dropped down to watch pale fingers follow the edges of the white material where it lay against her breasts, barely covering hardened nipples. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she realized the taller brunette obviously knew she was there and knew exactly what she was doing to her.
Her mouth watered and arousal soaked her clothing as she released an audible groan at the game Charlotte was playing. Another smile ghosted over full pink lips and Engfa's heart clenched as dark lashes swept over the smoothness of the taller brunette's skin before lifting and exposing those deep brown eyes that she loved. Their gazes met and held as Charlotte shifted enough to allow the material to reveal the fullness of her breasts before falling completely away from her body as a shiver of excitement made its way down the length of her spine.
Biting back a gasp at the depth of the desire on the cute model's face, Charlotte tried to calm the trembling in her hands as she saw Engfa take a step closer before pausing. Looking up at her reflection through her lashes, she could see the fire in the model's gaze that had fallen to her naked breasts visible in the mirror.
Charlotte had considered and cast aside a dozen or so ideas of how to greet the smaller brunette after receiving a text from Heidi letting her know Engfa was headed her way. Even now she debated her options as she considered touching herself until Engfa had no other option but to join in. Cupping her breasts in her hands, she massaged them slightly. Satisfied by the smaller brunette's immediate reaction, her eyes drifted closed as she pictured the warm bubble bath she had prepared in anticipation of Engfa's arrival. Lit candles lined the counter and her ipod was ready to go. Releasing a soft sigh, she let her hands drift downward over her body as she prepared to gracefully stand and saunter, completely nude, to the attached bathroom.
She didn't hear the smaller brunette's purposeful steps and was not expecting the soft cloth that suddenly covered her eyes as it was tied securely behind her head. Gasping, her hands flew up to grasp the material, but she found them quickly wrapped in slender fingers and gently pulled behind the back of the chair she sat on.
Reaching for the tie from the discarded robe, Engfa secured her hands behind her back looping the tie through the back of the seat to hold the taller brunette in place. She loved games but Charlotte didn't realize how competitive she was. If she wanted to play, Engfa was all for it but they would be playing by her rules.
Lips trailing over the expanse of her exposed neck, she grinned against tanned skin when Charlotte whimpered. Rotating the chair around so the brunette faced her, she let her eyes travel down the length of her body. Her breasts were high and proud, made more so with her arms bound behind her. Her pink nipples had tightened into hard nubs that begged to be sucked while the muscles in her abdomen moved as she tested her restraints. Engfa could barely see the small triangle of black curls between her legs as Charlotte kept her thighs closed tightly, legs crossed at the ankles. Gaze moving slowly back up to pouty pink lips, Engfa couldn't help but smile as she leaned in to kiss her. Their lips pressed together briefly before the smaller brunette trapped a full bottom lip between her teeth, sucking on it lightly before giving the upper lip the same treatment. Finally her tongue stroked deep inside, tangling with the brunettes until they both fought for air. Pulling away, she inspected the swollen lips before nodding in satisfaction.
Kissing her way down her neck, she let her tongue trail over the warmth of her skin stopping to give extra attention to any spot that caused the brunette to moan softly. Tanned hands landed on firm thighs, kneading the muscles there as thumbs stroked the soft skin at the crease between her legs and her pelvis. Slipping her fingers between her legs, she gently parted them as far as she could, kneeling between them. Sitting back on her heels, she took a minute to just look because a naked Charlotte Austin was a true work of art that should be fully appreciated.
Charlotte gasped as the cool air hit her inflamed skin. Her thighs were pushed wide apart leaving her completely open and vulnerable to whatever the smaller brunette wanted to do to her. Her breath caught in her throat as she waited for more but the only thing she could hear was her own heart beat and the only thing she could feel was the pounding of her own pulse in every single inch of her body. She tensed in anticipation of what would happen next, of where her mouth or fingers might land. Her nipples were painfully tight and her core throbbed with need. Growing inpatient, she tested her restraints but found that they firmly held her arms in place. "Engfa" she whispered, straining to get closer. A soft but thorough kiss landed on her lips and she barely heard the "shh, no talking" whispered against them.
Turning to survey the vanity, Engfa selected a long and slender contour brush. She delicately swiped it down Charlotte's jaw and over her bottom lip, the delicate touch making the brunette shiver. She took her time brushing barely there touches along her collarbone, between her breasts, abdomen, her inner thighs and circling each areola. The older model looked on with fascination as every touch increased the flush spreading over the gorgeous brunette's bare skin and drew a gasp or a small moan as Charlotte did her best to shift towards the touch, wanting more. Teasing her, Engfa kept it up for a while until her hips were bucking in the chair. Escalating the game, she flicked the brush over her left nipple, smirking at the low keening sound that came from the brunette's throat as she repeated the action, switching from nipple to nipple and changing the frequency and intensity of the brush's touch.
"Please!" Charlotte begged, arching her back in a desire to feel more. Immediately putting the brush back, Engfa stood and moved to the closet. Feeling the emptiness in the air around her, the brunette chewed on her bottom lip for a moment before cautiously calling out for her.
"I said no talking" Charlotte jumped at her closeness, her lips brushing over the skin behind her ear . Claiming her mouth one more time, Engfa pulled back and slipped a silk scarf between the brunette's lips tying it securely behind her head. "Are you ok?" Charlotte's heart was beating so fast in her chest that she felt it was going to break loose but none of that had anything to do with fear. She shook her head quickly, eager to find out what the smaller model had in store for her.
"I'll be right back. Don't move" she whispered, giggling at her own joke.
Charlotte strained to hear each sound as Engfa moved through the apartment. She thought she could hear kitchen cupboards being opened and the refrigerator but couldn't be sure. What seemed like forever but was actually just a minute or two, she could hear her back in the bedroom. The door shut, lock clicking before something was put on the table next to her. Charlotte tilted her head as she sensed the peds surgeon moving away again, this time towards the bathroom. The sweet fragrance of one of her candles drew closer and she heard the glass jar touch the vanity top. Finally Engfa's hands were back on her thighs, Charlotte spreading them even wider for her hoping to draw her attention to her soaked center.
"So beautiful" Engfa whispered as she stroked her palm from her collarbone, between her breasts and down her abdomen before pulling away. Charlotte gasped as hands cupped her breasts, lifting and massaging them. Soft fingers lightly grazed the tender tips, barely touching her but sending sensation after sensation right down her center and adding to the wetness already accumulating there. She nearly cried out when warm breath caressed her skin before finally, finally Engfa's tongue flicked over her teasingly.
Sucking a pink nipple deep into the heat of her mouth, Engfa nearly groaned herself at the flavor of the other woman's skin as she suckled at her breast. She had a little addiction of her own and would eagerly spend every moment for the rest of her life tasting the woman before her. Swirling her tongue over the swelling skin, she gently bit down on the tip grinning when Charlotte's head fell back and a moan came from deep in her throat. Eventually, her fingers replaced her mouth on the engorged peak, stroking lightly over it and rolling it between her thumb and index finger as her mouth found her other breast.
When she finally lifted her lips from the brunette's skin, she sat back on her heels admiring her handiwork and the burnette's shiny wet nipples that sat proudly like two luscious ripe red raspberries on the gorgeous brunette's heaving chest. Instantly missing Engfa's warmth, Charlotte wrapped her legs tightly around her as she knelt between them. Engfa released a husky laugh as she freed herself. Grasping beneath one of the brunette's knees, she pulled it up until it was draped over the arm of the chair. Doing the same with her other leg, she looked down to where Charlotte was now completely open for her. A soft hum of approval escaped her lips even as her thumbs slid down to spread her folds a little bit further. The gorgeous brunette's arousal coated her labia, making the flushed and swollen folds glisten with her arousal. Whimpering, Charlotte tried to buck her hips but the position she was in made it nearly impossible.
Reaching for the cup she had brought in from the kitchen, Engfa pulled out an ice cube already partially melting. Gasping as the cold cube touched the notch in her collarbone, Charlotte shivered as Engfa dragged it down her body, warm tongue tracing the same path lapping up the cool water left behind in its wake.
The words that began pouring from the taller woman were lost behind her makeshift gag as Engfa trailed the frozen cube over her overly sensitive nipples, lingering on each before replacing the cold with the heat of her mouth. She repeated the same path several times until Charlotte was writhing in the chair, back arching and head rolling back on her shoulders. By this time, the cube had melted down to barely a sliver. Slipping the bit of ice under the scarf between the taller woman's lips, she reached for another one. Returning her attention to her breasts, she continued until the cube was halfway melted and Charlotte was delirious with need. Dragging it further down her body, she smiled at the sharp intake of breath as she moved it past her navel and pressed it against a now hardened clit, moving it in tight little circles. It took less than a minute before the brunette cried out again, her body stiffening as an orgasm washed over her. Engfa didn't wait for it to fully subside before she slipped the cube deep into her vagina with her finger as her lips wrapped around a softening clit.
Charlotte shivered and moaned as she fought against the restraints. Wrapping her legs tightly around Engfa she was determined to keep her right there, her face trapped between her thighs, hair tickling her skin, for as long as possible. She cried out as her tongue lashed at her clit and the smaller brunette buried what must be three fingers deep inside of her. A litany of Thai and English words flowed from her, garbled by the silky scarf in her mouth as she was repeatedly stretched and filled. Her body was covered in a thin layer of perspiration although Engfa didn't seem to mind a bit as she sucked at her, fingers pressing in and out with a ferocity that had her on the brink of another orgasm already.
Feeling the quivering of the brunette's legs and the fluttering of her inner walls, Engfa reached for more of the ice, pressing two more cubes deep inside of the brunette effectively dragging her back from the edge of release. Charlotte gasped from the cold and then the contrasting heat of Engfa's mouth as she latched on to her, tongue pressing in, lapping at the melting cubes and stroking the inside of her walls. The taller woman was so hot at that point that the ice cubes melted almost instantly and she could feel her orgasm coiling tightly again, begging to be released. Engfa sucked on her clit, fingers again filling and stretching her. Charlotte had lost her mind nearly twenty minutes earlier and she was desperate with need. She whimpered loudly as two more cubes were inserted inside of her where her walls quickly clamped down on them dragging them in deeper and taking her again from the brink.
The older model continued to play her body, building her towards a massive orgasm as she expertly wielded the frozen cubes. Slender fingers found her breasts again, pinching and rolling her nipples, tugging them back into harder peaks as her tongue continued circling her clit, flicking it lightly and then feverishly at the smaller model's whim. Pulling away just enough to look up at her, Engfa grinned at the intense look on the brunette's face. Even her sex face was gorgeous as hell. Abandoning her breasts long enough to find and apply more ice, she slid three fingers deep inside of her, strokes slow and measured and then increasing in intensity until she was fucking her hard and fast. She waited until the trembling of her thighs were visible, walls tightening around her fingers while ice cold water dripped down her breasts in rivulets before she reached for the burning candle. Hot wax dripped onto a tender frozen nipple at the exact time Engfa slammed deep inside of her and her thumb pressed hard circles on her clit. The mix of sensations proved too much for the brunette and her entire body shuddered as the hot wax coated her second nipple and an orgasm more intense than she had ever felt crashed over her. Grasping her thighs, Engfa held her firmly open as she lapped up as much of her release as she could, drawing light circles on her sweet little clit as Charlotte's body bucked and writhed with her release. Moaning at the taste of her, Engfa couldn't help sinking her tongue deep inside even as the fluid continued to come in spurts. Finally she gave up, latching her mouth around her as she continued to swallow her release, not able to get enough of her.
Charlotte whimpered as her body collapsed boneless into the chair, her legs released their tight hold on the smaller woman and her head dropped to her shoulder. Kissing her folds softly, Engfa trailed her tongue over her knowing how sensitive Charlotte must be as she wiggled beneath her but not able to pry herself away yet. She kissed the soft skin of her inner thighs, running her tongue along the upper crease then leaned up to kiss her softened clit. She smiled as it twitched against her lips and she couldn't help but suck on it lightly which was apparently all it took for another small orgasm to wash over the brunette. Dropping one more kiss on her fluttering center, she lowered her legs from the arms and then crawled into her lap. Removing the scarf from between her lips, she kissed her deeply, heart fluttering at the moan Charlotte unwittingly released at the taste of herself. "Please let me taste you." Charlotte pleaded.
Engfa's heart was beating wildly in her chest, her panties were ruined, and her body ached for the brunette's touch. There was nothing more she wanted in that moment than to strip off her clothes and spend the rest of the day in bed with her ortho goddess. Unfortunately she knew if she did that there was no way she would be able to finish the discipline session that had to happen that night. Moving to straddle her spent body, Engfa kissed her deeply, slowly pulling away but not without dropping a few more kisses on swollen lips. "Keep those beautiful brown eyes covered until you hear the front door close" she husked into her ear. "I'll see you tonight. Come when you're ready, just be there before seven" Leaving her with one more lingering kiss, she undid the tie around her wrists and then quickly grabbed her things, closing the apartment door behind her.
She had not even made it to the first floor of Charlotte's apartment building when her cell phone beeped with several messages.
"That was amazing, you can break into my apartment anytime" ~C
"I'm not sure I can actually walk right now. One day I'm going to take you just like your office at work. I want them all to hear you crying out my name as I make you mine" ~C
"Would it freak you out if I told you I fell a little harder over the last hour?" ~C
Grinning down at her phone, she had to physically make herself continue moving forward away from the woman waiting in 9A.
"Not any of what you just said freaks me out" ~E
It did not take long for Charlotte's response
"You read the second text, right? Don't tease me, Waraha! I'm holding you to it! Seriously, you would be ok with that?" ~E
Body flushing at just the thought of Charlotte taking her on her desk, Engfa decided not answering was the best answer.
"See you tonight by 7, Miss. Austin. Don't keep me waiting" ~E

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