chapter 7

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Fucking him isn't my planned. He ruined my life, my fiancee broke up with me after the voters incident. We may be engaged for the business and money'ssake but we started falling in lover for each other and bam! She caught me with the fucking gay. I don't know what's his motive, he refused to talk even though I beat him day after day.

Then I met this new woman but fuck again! My ex-fiancee told him what she saw and just like the first, she refused  to listen to me and I couldn't help but blame it to that fucking idiot who started it all.

I snapped last night in my over drunken state and beat him and threatened him. I don't know what come over me to fuck him. But damn it! I hate to admit it but it felt good! I shook my head. I shouldn't be thinking about it

I swear I'll get him back. And once I caught him, I will never let him out of that fuck dark room. I chain him and locked him there so he will never have chance to leave again.

Fuck, this must be because I've careless that my brother know about this.

I clenched my teeth, " enjoy yourself out while it last little bunny."

(Kimhan's p.o.v.)

Six months later...

I smirked, is that all, "I asked the detective standing on the other side of my office table.

" yes sir, "I he answered.

" very well, " I said as I handed him an envelope with the payment inside he nods before leaving my office quitely.

I learned back on my chair as I grinned evilly finally, I found  you little bunny!

It's been six damn months since porschay escaped because of my brother's doings. I don't want to argue with my brother at that time because I know i am at fault for doing this in the first place, but fuck I will never let him go this time. I call him by his name now don't get me wrong but I still hate him.

Chasing him had been my obsession these past few months. Only to find him living in the country side,

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