1 - Olivia Walker

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I was sitting between my brother John Walker and his son Garrett Walker as we heard a pastor talk about the life Olivia Walker had.

Her body was never found but she had been missing for almost a year. She had been out on a girl's night, a girl's night I went out with her to. We had some dinner and just gossiped with a couple other friends. By the time we left she had a migraine and I begged her to let me take her home that night, but she said she would be fine. She was never seen again.

"Now, her husband John Walker would like to come up and say a few words."

I looked over at my brother who was sitting stone faced. I always thought his emotions about Olivia being missing and gone were odd, but I figured he had Garrett and couldn't be too emotional. John didn't move, I nudged him.

"John..." I whispered and he just slight shook his head and then looked down to the speech in his lap.

"You do it." He said handing it to me. I pushed it back at him.

"She was your wife." I grumbled. He just shoved the speech at me, and I sigh standing up. Garrett moved over to sit next to John, and he put his arm around him. I walked up to the stage and gave a small smile to the officiant. I set the speech on the podium.

I looked out to the crowd. I saw some family, friends, co-workers from our family own pumpkin farm. Then 2 faces in the back, standing by the doors.

Detective Nick Fury and Detective Tony Stark.

They were in charge of Olivia's missing person's case. They always suspected John and sought out to make his life a living hell. Not to mention affecting our livelihood hood of the pumpkin farm.

I sighed and then just started speaking, not reading the speech.

"I'm here today on behalf of my brother and nephew John and Garrett Walker. They have lost a wife and mother. I lost a sister-in-law. Olivia Walker was an amazing woman, wouldn't harm a living soul so knowing something happened to her and no one knows or can figure it out is what hurts the most. I loved Olivia and I will miss her greatly. She was a bright ray of sunshine in our lives and now everything seems dim. John and I will seek to keep her memory alive, especially for Garrett. Thank you all for coming to her memorial and celebrating her life with us." I said and I got off the podium. Garrett moved back to where he had been sitting. I sat between John and him again.

"Fury and Stark are here." I whispered to John, and he looked at me with a sneer and I sighed.

Soon the memorial service was over, and we were all going to leave. John, Garrett and I being the last to file out since everyone was paying respects and giving condolences. I sighed as I walked behind John and Garrett.

"Mister Walker." We heard him the name said like we had for a year and half.

"Can't you just leave him alone?" I asked annoyed.

"We are just trying to figure out what happened to Miss Walker." Fury said.

"By badgering us?! By badgering my brother?! He had nothing to do with it! Why don't you go find the person responsible." I growled. Garrett looked at me and sighed.

"Aunt Autumn." He pleaded wanting me to calm down. I sighed and looked down at him.

"Please just leave us all alone." I said and went to walk away.

"Miss Walker, we would like to talk with you again about that night." Stark said and I groaned.

"Fine, whatever, just not now." I said and they gave a slight nod as we continued to walk away.

"Why are you even giving them the fucking time of day?" John sneered as we got to his truck and my car, parked beside each other.

"Because John, I want to know what happened to Olivia. I would think you would too." I said after he loaded Garrett into the truck. He closed his car door.

"Of course, I do but she is gone! Now whether she died or ran off or whatever, she is gone. She isn't coming back. I think they should just close the investigation and let it go." John said and I groaned.

I looked to the doorway of the building and saw Stark and Fury standing there watching us.

"John stop it okay." I said and he growled slightly getting in my face.

"Don't tell me what to do baby sister." John said and I groaned.

"Don't tell me what to do John..." I repeated his words to him, and he looked at Fury and Stark.

"Don't push me, Autumn." John said and I just looked at him and got close to his face.

"What could you possibly do? Make me disappear too?" I asked in a hushed tone. John quickly grabbed me by my throat and threw me against my car.

"HEY! WALKER!" Fury yelled and they started to rush over.

"That's right John, give them more reason to suspect you." I choked out and he quickly released me once they arrived.

"You okay?" Fury asked me as I rubbed my throat.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just a tense day for all of us. Go home John. Take Garrett and go home." I said and he threw open Garretts car door.

"Go with your aunt." He said and I groaned. I just sighed and nodded as Garrett got in the car. I looked at John and the detectives.

"Have a good day." I said and got in my car and drove home.

The car ride was silent until we pulled in my driveway.

"Do you think dad had something to do with my mom going missing?" Garrett asked and I shook my head.

"No buddy, I don't. Your dad is just upset that no one else can find info." I said and he just half nodded. As we got out of the car, I saw my neighbors out with her twin sons.

"Hey Wanda! Hey Vis!" I said and they smiled. Garrett ran over to Billy and Tommy and started playing but he was in his suit from the service.

"Garrett, please go change first." I said and he groaned but I tossed him the house keys and he ran inside.

"How was it today?" Vis asked and I sighed.

"I mean the detectives were there and want to talk to me again..." I said and Wanda sighed. She then saw my neck, the red fingers marks.

"What happened?" She asked.

"I pushed John..." I said and she sighed.

"Sweetie, you need to be careful." Wanda said and I nodded.

"I know he has a temper, he has since we were kids. I'll be fine. Just find out who did this to Olivia and all will be right in the world." I said as Garrett came running out of the house changed. I sighed watching his play.

"Why don't we keep Garrett tonight? Take a night..." Vis said, and I smiled at him.

"You sure you guys are okay with that?" I asked and they both nodded.

"Yeah, we will do pizza and movies. Just take some time for yourself." Wanda said and I hugged her.

"Thank you." I said.

I walked into my house and sighed. I closed the front door and took a big intake of breath and just broke down sliding down the door. I pulled my knees to my chest and started breaking down. Olivia gone, no suspects, John reverting to his old ways, Garrett caught in the crossfire. Not to mention it was becoming fall and the pumpkin patch would be opening soon.

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