18 - Would Rather Wallow

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I was like a zombie walking through the harvest festival after everything got set up. I just wanted to go back home and just curl up in bed, hide under the covers and be left alone. Left here I was, trying to look presentable and making small talk with the families putting a fake smile on my face.

"Hey, you okay?" Loki asked walking up to me as a family left.

"Yeah, I just had a really bad night." I said.

"Didn't you have a date with hunky Steve?" Loki asked as we sat on some haybales.

"I did, it didn't go well. I don't want to talk about it..." I said and Loki sighed as I placed my head on his shoulder.

"You going to be, okay?" Loki asked and I slightly nodded.

"Yeah, I mean I want to go home and wallow but here I am making sure everyone else is happy and everything running smoothly." I said and Loki groaned.

"So, he isn't coming here at all today so I can murder him?" Loki asked and I chuckled.

"No, I asked him to stay away for a few days. I need time to think." I said.

"What did you find out Autumn? I mean he seemed like an amazing guy." Loki asked.

"He was! He is! God, it's too much to explain honestly. It wouldn't make sense to anyone at this moment." I said.

"Well, I know he hurt you but maybe just don't drop it because of something that can be talked through." Loki said.

"Spoken from the love doctor himself?" I asked sarcastically. "When was yours last real relationship?" I asked and Loki looked at me and smirked. He just stood up. "Loki! What aren't you saying?" I asked and he just kissed my cheek and walked away. I shook my head as he walked away. I sighed and just got up from the haybales.

I started walking through the patch and helped some families pick out some pumpkins and stopped to talk to a new family that had a new baby. I was so excited for them.

When I finished making my rounds, I started to walk down the one side trail to the woods where Karlie had been living.

"Where are you going?!" I heard someone ask gruffly. I knew the voice and turned to see John.

"I'm just going for a walk."

"To where the psycho lived?"

"John stop okay. Honestly, I just wanted to take a walk and clear my head. With the families here, the bounce house, the festivities and everything I just need a break." I said. John just smirked at me.

"If this place is getting to be too much for you, I would gladly take your half of the business." John said and I shook my head.

"Just a bad night, okay? I'll be fine." I said.

"Right bad night...boyfriend not everything you dreamed he would be." John asked and I just went to walk away as I rolled my eyes. "I'm not done talking to you!" John said gripped my arm.

"Let me go! You don't own me or manhandle me!" I yelled. John just looked at me and I saw his eye flicker dark. I just looked at him confused. He just held my arm tighter, and I winced in pain.

"You know I have more ways of getting your shares than just asking you to give them over. I need at least majority to makes the changes I want to make and one way or another I will get them." John said.

"Careful John, your asshole side is showing." I said and he growled, grimacing at me. "Mom and dad trusted me with this place more than you, which is why I have majority share and I will not approve anything I think isn't necessary. This farm is mostly mine John and I will see that it keeps the same family charm." I said.

I didn't know what was happening except I was losing feeling in the arm John had a hold of. He brought his other hand and cracked me across the face. I heard a ringing in that ear as he dropped the hold on my arm and shoved me to the ground. John then stood over me.

"Is this what Olivia saw before something happened to her?" I asked. John smacked me again across my face as tears filled my eyes.

"For the thousandth time I had nothing to do with Olivia's disappearance. I loved my wife, I can't help if she didn't love me anymore." John said and went to smack me again but I coward to him and he laughed menacingly. He walked away and I was left the gripping my cheek.

Once I knew it was safe to get up, I did and walked quickly to the kitchen hiding my cheek from a lot of the quest since I knew it was already red and probably bruising. I walked in, walking to the freezer and just going to get some ice.

"What are you doing?!" Agatha asked.

"I just need a baggie of ice." I said and she groaned.

"Why? What happened?" She asked.

"Nothing I can't handle." I said. Agatha walked up to me and gripped my chin, turning my face to her. She saw the tears streaking my cheeks, but she mostly saw the big red/purple mark on my cheek.

"What the fuck happened to you?!" Agatha asked and I filled the baggie, wrapped the baggie in a dishtowel and placed it on my cheek. "Who did this to you?!" Agatha asked and I just broke down into tears and she pulled me into a hug. She noticed some of the kitchen staff watching. "Everyone back to work!" Agatha yelled and we walked to my office.

She closed the door and I walked to my chair and sat down trying to calm down. Agatha locked the office door and sat down across from me on the other side of the desk.

"So, you going to tell me or what?" Agatha asked.

"I pushed John...I shouldn't have." I said.

"What happened?" Agatha asked wanting the whole story. I informed her of everything that happened with John. "Why do you push him?" Agatha asked and I shrugged.

"I didn't think I was..." I said.

"Everything pushes him. You just need to stay out of it sweetie. Stay safe. I would hate to see something happen to you too. Something worse than before." Agatha said and I sighed.

We were silent as I looked down at my desk.

"Do you think he is responsible for Oliva's disappearance?" I asked.

Agatha shrugged "Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't."

I half nodded. Agatha got up from the chair.

"I will bring you a sandwich and soup later." Agatha said, I smiled as she walked out. I started crying the minute the door closed. I pulled out my cellphone knowing who I wanted to call but I couldn't, I couldn't call him and give in to him this soon.

Men in my life were just set out to hurt me. 

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