Chapter - 16 : First Step !

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Yamini's pov :

Last night I didn't sleep for a minute, after I had a call with my cousin Drithi. She's a doctor. Whenever she gets time, she and her group of friends visits the remote area to help the elders and kids. She's been doing this for a quiet amount of time. I like to join her to do this social activity but whenever she plans her trip I am trapped with exams.

When she called me yesterday, I was very excited to talk to her but it turned out to be different. She started lashing me for not telling the marriage which happened with Mama. She knows he's going to get married but before his marriage she went to the remote place to do social service. Yesterday, when she reached to the network area she got to know all the mishaps and straight away she called me.

She wanted to thrash mama for what he's doing and going to tell my love for him. But I pleaded her to not tell anyone. After a lot of pleading and warning, she gave a task to me. If I resolve my issues with mama on my own within 24hrs, she will spare me else she threatened to take the actions on her own.

As much as she is a soft girl, she's equally a terrifying one. If she feels anyone is wrong, even if it's her parents, she stand on her foot until they get their right sense. She had a boyfriend, only I know among our cousins. It's like sharing our secret with each other.

Coming to present, I decided to put the first positive step towards my relationship i.e. I am going to talk to him. I know it's a bold step but I want to know what he's thinking, what he wants to do next.

This is not because of Drithi alone but because of pa as well. Yesterday mom tore the divorce papers and pa raised his hands on ma, everything because of me. Certainly dad will prepare the papers again. Before he could ask me to sign that, I wanted to know what mama is thinking about us.

It's 7AM, certainly mama would have woken up. Just message him Yamini, I told to myself. What if he didn't see the message and ignored me.

"Akka, what gotten in you?" Rithika asked turning from her study table. She woke up at 5AM daily to prepare for her final exams. She's such a studious girl.

"Nothing.. focus on your books not on me." I said and looked at the phone again. She huffed and murmured something which is not audible to me obviously.


"I am going to take a break." She said and left the room probably to the kitchen to get her coffee.

'What to do? What to do? What to do?'

Suddenly my brain popped an idea in front of me and without any other delay, I executed that dumb idea.

I dialled mama's number. He didn't pick the call, I was disappointed and when it was about to cut he picked the call. Again my hopes got increased. So, without giving him time to speak I blabbered.

"Mama, I am sorry to call you at this time. I want to tell you something.. no.. talk with you.. mama, that can we meet today? I know you're very busy but please this is important I won't take much time only 30 mins. I will be waiting for you in the mall side park at 11AM. Please come mama, this is about our future. Please... I will wait for you there." I blabbered and disconnected the call.

"What did you do?" I asked looking at my phone.

"I don't know.. I came just now." Rithika said looking at me innocently.

"What happened akka?"

"Nothing.." I said and rushed to the washroom.

'Yamini, cool down. Done and dusted, you did a good job.. " I was chanting to myself.

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