12. I am adjusting

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I scrunch my eyes as the harsh sun enters the room because of these big glass windows, I slowly sit on the bed and manage to bless my eyes with the beautiful city view only to realise that this is my first official day in this house and its 10 am already, GOD.

I brush my teeth, take a bath and come down wearing my pjs as I had no plans to go anywhere, like every other day.

As I walk down the stairs I am greeted by Martha's smiling face in the kitchen, I smile back and whisper a good morning.

"What should I make for you" she asks waiting for my response.

"Umm it's just 10:30, I eat lunch a little late" I state.

"No no Mrs Sehgal, I meant breakfast," she says as a chuckle escapes her mouth.

"Ah I don't have the habit of eating breakfast, is there bournvita here?" I ask as I take a seat on the kitchen island.

"There are no kids here," she says with an apologetic tone.

God what house is this, I need to change things around here.

"Why is everything so white in this house, no pictures, flowers, ugh no personality in this house, everything here needs to change," I say assessing the hall.

"Because sir likes it like this and I would advise you to not mend with anything, he is very particular with his taste," Martha says bringing me milk.

"Hmm, why is everyone so afraid of him" I mumble taking the glass in my hands.

"Because he is our boss," she says laughing at my stupid question.

Hmm makes sense.

"But he is not my boss, I don't have to be afraid of him" I state taking a sip. Martha looks up assessing me for a minute and smiles in amusement.

"Mrs Sehgal, you can try," she says continuing back to her work.

"Yup but today I have to go home to take my clothes and books, I have to start studying" I state realising that I need to get back to reality.

"But sir took the car to office" Martha replies.

"I don't even need a car, I can take a bus or rickshaw," I say finishing up my milk.

"No no Mrs. Sehgal, you are just married, What if Paps comes out of nowhere or someone spots you, Sir will get mad" Martha counters leaving the kitchen and walking towards me, stress evident on her face, Why is everyone making everything about Ahan, I am sick of it.

"Why will Paps even care about me, I am nothing, just his wife," I say as my face turns into a pout out of annoyance.

"People are interested to know Mr Sehgal's personal life, There isn't much out there, so they pounce at every chance they get" Martha replies.

Defeated I walk back to my room, maybe I should wait for today and ask Ahan once he returns to take me home.

The day passed just like that, Martha left in the afternoon and I was alone the rest of the time with nothing to do except gawk at this pretty view from my bedroom, It was 9 pm already, and I was hungry, I didn't know how to cook nor could I ordered as I did not know what address I live at, Ahan still had not come home, finally I decide to explore the fridge, might find some left over.

Nope, nothing. Defeated by the fridge I sit on the sofa and turn the TV on waiting for Ahan, in a while I hear the door clicking, finally.

"Hi," I say even before Ahan has fully entered, he got taken aback for a second clearly he was not expecting me here or had forgotten about my existence in the house. He closes the door and just nods acknowledging me and directly goes into the kitchen and pours himself water. This is my chance.

"Umm, I need to go home to get my things" I blutter from the sofa.

"Should I send a helicopter for you?" he replies taking another sip. God why does he have to be mean all the damn time.

"Umm, Martha told me that I should not go just like this because-"

"Ask your mom to send it over, I don't have spare time or resources" he replies keeping the water bottle in the fridge.

This made me realise, Mom, why did she not meet me yesterday, Had she just come for an appearance and left before I could meet her, Is she still mad at me, She is not responding to my calls.

"Hello, "I hear Ahan's voice cutting my thoughts off.

"What" I reply annoyingly, he did hit a nerve.

"Watch your tone and listen to me carefully saying for the first and last time, this marriage means nothing to me, you mean nothing to me but I respect the institution of marriage and I am trying damn hard to not lose the last shred of respect I have for you, try to keep up with it, do whatever you want, go wherever but not at the cost which brings my reputation is question or bothers me in any way. Unless nothing comes out in public, I don't care what you do," he says climbing the stairs and going away in his room.

It's okay Iysa, it's not like you need anyone, you have lived by yourself without any emotional support all your past life, you can live like this in future also, it's okay, don't cry.

I keep telling this to myself in my head as I walk up the stairs and lock myself in my room. Last night I started thinking that maybe he cares about me, he does not like me but at least he does not hate me, I was a fool to think so, how can someone like me, I have done nothing great so far in life, I live under his roof, everything around me is his, I have no identity of my own.

But I never wanted this, this house, this bed, this husband, this life, I always wanted a simple life with someone who loves me, all my life I kept dreaming with the hopes of one day meeting someone who would make up for the lost love of all these years. Everything is crushed now, I can never be anything to anyone, I could never be of my own family how can I even expect something from him, he is just a stranger who was forced with me. Tears roll down my face as sleep overtakes me.



Also which country & state y'all are from?

I am from Gujrat, India

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