15. I am weak

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"Mom" A stern voice came across the hall, Ahan's mom too snapped her head towards the voice. Ahan walked in, I guess he was listening to us all this while, maybe.

"Good you are here, Ahan, I get you did not want this wedding from the start but Vandini was a great girl, who was doing great in life and we thought she would add value to your life but you did not listen to us proceeded in your own way making her run off and now, as a result, you are stuck with her"Ahan's mother said pointing towards me, why do both of them talk like I do not exist here right in front of them.

"So what was I supposed to do, I did not want that, I convinced both you and Paa to let me be alone" He countered, he did sound angry.

"We were doing that for your good, you are our one and only son, you have three friends in total, pictures of random girls with you become headlines every other day and you are not getting any younger"His mom snapped back at him, maybe I should leave them alone.

"Where are you going, stay"Ahan stated holding me back from moving away, now will they both drag me into this?

"Listen, Ahan, I get it, whatever you have done but you don't deserve this at least," she said and looked at me as if I was some kind of trash.

"Well you have gotten me here, I don't need your interference anymore, You wanted me married, and here I am, enough now what more do you want? A grandkid?" He said, with every second the tension kept increasing.

"Are you mad? A grandkid with her? Never. I want the best for you, you are my only child, Ahan, I promise I will get you out of this in a few months, Let me talk to your dad and let this topic cool down for now" She replied, with a calm tone, I look at her in disbelief, does she even realise that she's playing with my life also, not that I want this marriage but she does not even consider me as a person here.

"Yes Mom why not, you brought her into my life as you seem fit and now you ask me to leave her when you seem fit, guess what that's not happening anymore, she's staying here as long as I want her to be here, I will not sign the divorce papers," He said countering back, his hand was still holding mine.

"Ahan you are again repeating the same mistake, being stubborn, Last time when you did this you had to get married to her, do you even learn anything from your mistakes?" She said with pure anger this time.

"You are the one that got me into the situation at the first place" he stated with rather calm unlike his mom, he left my hand as he walked towards his mom.

"I respect you mom, I would do anything to see you happy but this is over, I have suffered enough, leave this topic" he stated.

"Leave this topic? Is this a joke to you? She's hopeless Ahan, You learnt your lesson, she's not someone you can even stay in a room with and you are talking about leaving the topic?" She said in disbelief, wait how does she know that we live in separate rooms?

"Martha gives you reports doesn't she?" Ahan said.

"I asked her, and she answered, it was her duty to give answers, but the point is this girl will never match you, It has been three days since the wedding and everywhere she has just caused embarrassment, even her mom left before meeting her in the reception, I had called her mom the other day for the pagfera rasam and you know what she said, that this girl is no more related to them, even her family does not want her anymore." she spat, her words broke my heart, am I that pathetic, my family does not want me, my mother in law thinks I am not good enough for her son and Ahan already dispices me. I am the root cause of all this, I am the root cause for which they both are fighting, I am the root cause of my mom's sadness, and I am the root cause of everyone's embarrassment.

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