chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Night had fallen, yet I was still busy in my office, buried in paperwork. It was dark outside, and I could see through the office window that employees were slowly leaving for the day. But I remained busy, engrossed in my work.

"You're not going home yet, Clea?" Karen peered through the office door.

Her eyes held curiosity and understanding.

I averted my gaze and shook my head slowly. "No, I still have papers to read and sign," I replied. "You go ahead..." I added.

She entered my office with her confident demeanor, fixing her gaze on me and giving me a look full of sinister intent.

"No! Stop working, and we'll go clubbing!" She forcefully slammed the table, startling me.

To hell with this woman!

I looked at her with a mix of awe and bewilderment, while she continued to glare at me with intense hostility. She quickly grabbed the computer mouse from me, turned it off, and started tidying up my disheveled things on the desk, placing them all in my bag.

She huffed and wiped the sweat forming on her forehead. Irritated, I massaged my nose and watched her eagerly organize my belongings. I knew she was dead serious.

"Get up from there, Clea, or I'll drag you out myself," she sneered.

I slowly stood, taken aback by her aggressive behavior. I stood on the desk, still watching her as she meticulously arranged the scattered papers. She shouted excitedly, "There, I'm done! Fix yourself while I organize my things on my table." She gave me another disdainful look and hastily left my office.

My gaze followed her until she disappeared from sight as the door slammed shut. I was sick and worried about how strange my friend had become.

"Clea! Come out or I'll drag you out!" she yelled.

She peered through the door again, her eyes rolling as usual. Seeing that I still hadn't moved, she forcefully dragged me out.

"My bag, Karen!" I protested, yelling at her.

There was nothing I could do but let my friend lead me. She took me to a popular bar in Dumaguete.

 The scene pulsed with vibrant energy, a kaleidoscope of neon lights illuminating a throng of dancers moving to a relentless beat. Thunderous cheers reverberated throughout, intertwining with the intoxicating aroma of excitement. Amidst the electrifying ambiance, amorous couples found refuge in dimly lit corners, lost in passionate embraces.

"What's the matter? Are you going to stare all night?" Karen loudly asked me, but her words were drowned out by the heavy music.

Unable to hear my response, she pulled me towards an empty table. I looked around the place once again, realizing that I had missed this chaotic atmosphere. The loud roar of the music helped momentarily distract my troubled heart.

Sometimes, when your mind is in turmoil, you need to go far away to find tranquility and rest for your weary self. But what I needed was a loud crowd that would make me forget the monster I had to deal with when I got home.

Karen looked at me again, raising her eyebrows as if asking me what she should order for me since she had the menu in her hands.

"A bottle of tequila will do," I sluggishly said.

She quickly ordered it for me: "We should eat dinner before drinking. Would you like steak?"

Despite not wanting to eat that night, I nodded in response to her question, knowing that she wouldn't leave me in peace with just the tequila.

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