Chapter 6

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Miguel raised a brow at me when he saw that I had stopped walking and was waiting for him. I was looking at the girls, who were now pinching each other out of excitement. I noticed one of them quickly approaching my husband. Miguel immediately stopped walking because one of the girls blocked his path. I raised my left brow when she abruptly touched Miguel's left shoulder.

"Excuse me, aren't you the owner of MAV? Can we take a picture with you?" I saw the girl smiling widely at my husband.

Miguel glanced at me before returning his gaze to the girl. The girl pointed in her friends' direction, and Miguel's gaze followed her gesture. The girls quickly ran over when their friend excitedly called them. I didn't hear whether my husband agreed to their request, but judging by how excited the girls were, I'm sure he did. Annoyed and bored, I stamped my foot in frustration.

The girls approached my husband, and I stood there languidly, feeling both bored and annoyed. I stared at them lazily as they squealed in excitement and joy. Their eyes fixed on mine, as if they wanted to capture the moment.

"Excuse me, miss. Could you take a picture with us?" She smiled, but I mustered my great courage and didn't return the smile, causing her cheeks to redden in shame. "U-um... if it's okay."

All eyes, including Miguel's, were on me, waiting to hear my response.

With a lack of enthusiasm, she took out her cellphone and quickly returned to where her friends were standing. There were four of them who were friends, and Miguel stood in the middle. My husband was smiling awkwardly, seemingly enjoying the attention from these girls. I glared at him, but he just shrugged it off. The girls noticed my eye roll, but I didn't care. Wasn't this over yet? Why were they asking my husband for pictures? He's not even a celebrity!

"You need to go, girls. I think my wife isn't interested in taking more pictures," he said.

The girls looked at me in shock and embarrassment, and the brute just laughed at their reaction.

"Oh, sorry!" The first girl who approached Miguel apologized sheepishly. She quickly took her phone from my grasp and smiled at me with hesitation.

They all bid farewell, but I sense their embarrassment at appointing me as their photographer. Miguel even scowled and strode ahead of him, pretending to walk alone.

Inwardly, I muttered to myself, "What a jealous bitch! You're Cleopatra! A flirtatious jellyfish!

"Cleopatra! Wait!" 

His voice rang out, causing heads to turn along the sidewalk. Women and girls gazed at him with intense desire, captivated by my husband's presence.

I shot him a withering look, dismayed by his current idiocy. I forcefully tapped my foot, coming to a halt and waiting for the fool to catch up. Why on earth was there no parking space earlier at the mall, leading us to walk now and attract the attention of these women?

"Hurry up, Miguel!" I growled.

He strutted like a runway model, wearing nothing but his rugged jeans.

"Move faster!" 

He clung to me, and due to my seething irritation, I gritted my teeth and pinched his abdomen, eliciting a slight flinch. He shot me a glare of death, but fueled by my escalating frustration, I held my ground.

In the absence of envy, I'm certain I'd just be Clea, reserved and speaking only when prompted. But alas, jealousy ignites my inner vixen and irritation.

 "She was moaning my name earlier, and now her behavior has turned so unpleasant," he muttered, provoking a growl from me. I shot him a disapproving look and was just about to confront him when he swiftly entered the mall entrance, wearing a mischievous grin that only managed to amplify my annoyance.

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